[Tux4kids-tuxtype-dev] Gsoc tuxmath/tuxtype accessibility for blind people

Pere Pujal i Carabantes perepujal at gmail.com
Wed May 29 19:19:04 UTC 2013

Hi all!

Nalin Sathyan has been selected to develop accessibility extensions for
tuxmath and tuxtype, being me his mentor.

Since I don't know what polices you have about giving write access to
the alioth repositories, (I am more involved in Tux Paint and even
myself haven't access to alioth) i am asking what is your prefered way
to deal with this, Should Nalin be granted on a new branch on alioth? 
or instead he has to clone the repos on say github and develop his work

Another question is that Nalin has to develop too a braille tutor, and I
wonder if the input method that we use in Tux Paint for corean,
japanese... could be adapted to braille. So How is the current state of
Input Method in Tuxtype and Tuxmath? I see, Input Method is sequential
and Braille is a matter of typing up to 6 keys at once so...

The last question for now, what is the right place to provide cflags for
espeak? I've just directed him to configure.ac, hope I haven't mislead


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