[ubuntu-dev] Bug#915298: gdebi FTBFS with pyflakes 2.0.0-1

Andrey Rahmatullin wrar at debian.org
Sun Feb 17 09:46:11 GMT 2019

Here is the actual pyflakes3 output:

./gdebi-kde:92: local variable 'e' is assigned to but never used
./gdebi-gtk:80: local variable 'e' is assigned to but never used
./GDebi/KDEAptDialogs.py:147: local variable 'e' is assigned to but never used
./GDebi/GDebiKDE.py:363: local variable 'msg' is assigned to but never used
./GDebi/GDebiGtk.py:69: local variable 'e' is assigned to but never used
gdebi-gtk:80: local variable 'e' is assigned to but never used
gdebi-kde:92: local variable 'e' is assigned to but never used

I don't think aborting on non-empty pyflakes output, just like compiling
with -Werror, should be a part of a Debian package build.

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