interesting discussion on git mailing list

martin f krafft madduck at
Tue Jul 10 09:55:23 UTC 2007

also sprach Damyan Ivanov <dam at> [2007.07.10.1142 +0200]:
> a) patches are easily sent upstream

git allows you to easily send patch emails of diffs between
branches. See man git-format-patch

> b) patches are easily disabled/enabled

the way to do this in git would be to have an integration branch and
only merge those branches you want enabled. You cannot unmerge
a branch, I think, though it should be trivial too. Then you could
disable patches/branches.

> c) patches are ordered (this is obvious, but still)

Is it really what you want? Take for instance the case I just had
yesterday with hibernate: using dpatch, I have an ordered set of
patches A through F. Now I had a feature in F which really did not
belong there but into C. It was quite a painful job to move just
those two lines from F to C, because I had to remake D and E and F.

git gives you advanced and awesome merging.

> d) patches can be managed somehow

I guess this is something git does not have built in: branch
dependencies. Yet.

> e) patches are reviewable on source-package level

This is an important point, I agree. It would make sense actually to
export source packages by converting branches to dpatches, like
Canonical's HCT tried. Unfortunately, I am not sure where it stands
or whether it's usable, but it should actually not be that hard to
implement in a script.

Keep us updated.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
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"arrogance on the part of the meritorious is even more
 offensive to us than the arrogance of those without merit:
 for merit itself is offensive."
                                              -- friedrich nietzsche
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