A (git) workflow for Debian packaging

Manoj Srivastava srivasta at debian.org
Fri Oct 5 19:48:28 UTC 2007

On Fri Oct  5 15:08:48 2007, martin f krafft <madduck> said: 

> Dear list, after messing up the pkg-mdadm Git repository, I finally
> decided that it was time for me to figure out how to *properly*
> package with Git. And with the help of the #git/freenode channel, I
> think I managed to understand Git enough to the point where I could
> come up with an acceptable workflow. I am soliciting your feedback.

> I know about git-buildpackage and gitpkg, but I prefer to do it by
> hand, at least for now. I also decided to *not* mention
> guilt/quilt/stgit in this post, it's already too long.

> Before I publish my findings, I would like to make sure it's clear and
> correct, or I'd cause more confusion. Thus I am very glad that a
> couple of Git experts have recently joined this list.

        Thanks for the writeup. I have been considering migrating off
 arch for a while now, but it takes me about 6 months or so to get my
 work-flow going optimally again, and I was waiting for something like
 this. I note you still have feature branches,I find those invaluable. I
 have a few questions about your setup: 

  a) You have a branch for your ./debian directory, right? In an earlier
     incantation on this list, you had a debian-dir ancestr that you
     could inherit from, and thus rapidly deploy changes to ./debian. Is
     this still the case?

        My current set up has package foo, which has an upstream branch,
        and feature branches (children of the upstream branch), and an
        integration branch.

        I also have ./debian, which is a child of a parent debian-dir
        project, which allows me to have a common build setup, and
        rapidly make changes across all my packages are required (new
        policy, etc).

        I also have ./debian/common, a separate project, which is the
        single location to make changes to the common package building

 Can git actually handle such a setup? (my understanding was that it can
 not, but I'll be happy to be proved wrong).

        I don't know git well enough yet to have interesting commentary
 on the rest of the post; but if git has indeed gained the capability to
 handle nested projects (my ./debian dirs for separate packages havce
 little to do with the upstream software in thge packages,mbut have a
 lot in common with each other), then it might be worth spending time to
 learn git and move on from arch.


Delightful for them are the forests where men find no delight. The
desire-free find delight there, for they seek no sensual joys. 99
Manoj Srivastava <srivasta at acm.org> <http://www.golden-gryphon.com/>
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