elegant(?) debian topgit workflow?

David Greaves david at dgreaves.com
Thu Dec 24 16:34:10 UTC 2009

Felipe Contreras wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 12:13 PM, Thomas Koch <thomas at koch.ro> wrote:
>> branches
>> --------
>> upstream
> I would call it 'master'. That's how upstream would call it.
>> debian/*, fixes/*, features/* - topgit branches based on upstream
>> patches - the hero
>> master - contains the debian/ dir and is the branch we build from
> Think about other systems, like Ubuntu and Maemo, it would be nice to
> have branches both for Maemo and Debian on the same repo:
> debian - what you call 'master'
> debian-patches - what you call 'patches'
> maemo5 - contains the debian/ dir, but for Maemo 5
> maemo5-patches - patches for Maemo 5, might be based on top of debian-patches

I've been touting for feedback on this for a while :)



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