TopGit: Is there still a need for a long-lived build branch?

martin f krafft madduck at
Wed May 6 19:39:31 UTC 2009

also sprach Frédéric Brière <fbriere at> [2009.05.06.2049 +0200]:
> Given what I previously said about all debian/* topic branches
> falling behind as soon as I commit something to master, I'm
> considering basing them off the upstream branch.  After all,
> there's no technical reason for basing them off master;
> I certainly won't be patching anything in debian/.

I thought it was a nice logical separation between features that are
intended for upstream, and features which we know are
Debian-specific. If you make the distinction, then you can tell
upstream to just track all branches off upstream (assuming TopGit
could identify them easily). OTOH, this is what namespaces
upstream/* and debian/* are for.

> > I still think the proper solution is the one discussed in
> > #500656, specifically to implement refs/top-tags, which holds
> > */base and */tip tags for each tg-tag. I don't actually think
> > this is very hard to implement, but I've not been able to make
> > time for it. If you
> Hmm, I initially dismissed this as something I didn't need, but on
> second thought (yeah, thanks Gmane) there is some appeal to the
> idea of being able to run tg-cleanexport for previous versions.
> Maybe this could also be useful for backports and security
> updates?
> (OTOH, I'm not particularly looking forward to having even more
> top-* refs that I'll forget to push...)

You know you can set it up to auto-push, right? ;)

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck at d.o>      Related projects:
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