My use case of git-buildpackage

Daniel Dehennin daniel.dehennin at
Thu Nov 24 17:21:07 UTC 2011

Yaroslav Halchenko <debian at> writes:

> On Thu, 03 Nov 2011, Daniel Dehennin wrote:
>> First, I'm not a Debian maintainer, I mostly do some package for my
>> personal use, to follow SVN trunk or git HEAD of some softwares.
> that is the idea behind Debian -- personal use could benefit others
> alike -- why not to share those packages with the rest of debian
> community through finalizing packaging so it is compliant with debian
> standards, and then seeking sponsored upload?

There is already a debian package for the 2 or 3 packages I build, my
work is no more than something like:

git clone git:// && cd project
git remote add debian git://
git fetch debian
git checkout -b snapshot
git merge debian master
git buildpackage

Another point is that I'm working in a french educational ubuntu
derivative and try to do things not to badly ;-)

>> There are some items about which I would like to discuss, like:
>> - automatic handling of debia/changelog
> git-dch?

Yes, I'm looking at a good workflow to use it without storing it in my
branches, this will permit to avoid conflicts during merge/rebase.

When I'll merge a temporary branch of my doc, I'll explain a workflow
with tags, git rev-log, git describe.

>> - multi-distributions/version packaging (and avoiding conflicts)
> for neurodebian we use our backport-dsc
> NB yet to create a blog post on our set of little helpers, altogether
> usually we just call nd_build4all X.dsc to get it built across releases
> of debian and ubuntu... interested to learn more?

Yes, of course, I'm looking at validation of packages, with piupart, CD
building and automatic installation tests.

>> - management of orig.tar.gz
> do you mean "filtering"?  git-import-orig does that if you specify
> 'filter' option in your debian/gbp.conf for the package

Every example I saw use git-import-orig, what about using upstream VCS
directly and not the tar.gz?

>> I already read some maling-list archives, mostly the "Patch mgmt
>> workflow proposal" plus the links givent in the thread, but the
>> conversations are way to high for me.
> thanks for the links -- I am yet to read them ;) decided to reply
> first


Daniel Dehennin
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