[Nut-upsdev] [nut-commits] svn commit r2610 - branches/silent_build

Arnaud Quette aquette.dev at gmail.com
Tue Oct 26 13:22:24 UTC 2010

2010/10/25 Arjen de Korte

> Citeren Charles Lepple
>  We might want to keep the silent option off for Buildbot compilation
>> because it hides a lot of the flags - that might make it harder to figure
>> out things like the "overlinking" problem.
> I certainly wouldn't want to run the Buildbot compilation with silent build
> enabled.
> I'm also uncertain which audience we try to reach with this. Do packagers
> really complain about the build process being too verbose? In case of
> problems, more output is usually better than virtually no output. And if you
> really feel lucky, there is always the option of sending all warning
> messages and/or debug output to /dev/null. What is the whole point of this?

to answer your questions:
- we are targeting and trying to solve the same things as the linux kernel
(and the like) does: not that much!
general compilation is more readable (if it can), warning are seen more
easily, ...
- full verbose output are still available, but apart from advanced users and
the team, who need that?
- the buildbot would obviously still be in verbose mode by default, so
adding "--disable-silent-rules" to DISTCHECK_FLAGS and DISTCHECK_LIGHT_FLAGS
- support instructions for compilation will also require either configure
with "--disable-silent-rules" or "make V=1"

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