[Nut-upsuser] [EXTERNAL] My new Tripplite UPS isn't supported

David Zomaya David_Zomaya at tripplite.com
Sun Jan 3 19:46:11 GMT 2021

> Brilliant, thank you David! In Truenas Core I was able to add productid = 3026 to the Auxillary Parameters (ups.conf) field for my UPS.

Great, thanks for the update Tim.

For any future readers there are a number of new models where are USB protocols are 302x but they used to be <insert some other protocol number>, that "productid = 302x" (where x= last digit of your protocol/productid) in the ups.conf fix is usually the right step to resolve until we get something done about:


Thank you,
David Zomaya
Tripp Lite
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