[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-autolinker] 02/05: DFSG repack to remove generated files

Daniel Ring techwolf-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Dec 24 10:59:43 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

techwolf-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository node-autolinker.

commit b9d254f698fcf9622f917f8ede178b2d407896fb
Author: Daniel Ring <dring at wolfishly.me>
Date:   Sat Dec 23 02:31:51 2017 -0800

    DFSG repack to remove generated files
 debian/changelog                              |    2 +-
 debian/gbp.conf                               |    3 +
 debian/patches/remove-upstream-binaries.patch | 8546 -------------------------
 debian/patches/series                         |    1 -
 4 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 8548 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index b46f33a..e21bec7 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-node-autolinker (1.6.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+node-autolinker (1.6.0+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Initial release (Closes: #884566)
diff --git a/debian/gbp.conf b/debian/gbp.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb5d3d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/gbp.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+filter = ['docs']
+filter-pristine-tar = True
diff --git a/debian/patches/remove-upstream-binaries.patch b/debian/patches/remove-upstream-binaries.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index cfe2230..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/remove-upstream-binaries.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8546 +0,0 @@
---- a/dist/Autolinker.js
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,4251 +0,0 @@
-- * Autolinker.js
-- * 1.6.0
-- *
-- * Copyright(c) 2017 Gregory Jacobs <greg at greg-jacobs.com>
-- * MIT License
-- *
-- * https://github.com/gregjacobs/Autolinker.js
-- */
--;(function(root, factory) {
--  if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
--    define([], factory);
--  } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
--    module.exports = factory();
--  } else {
--    root.Autolinker = factory();
--  }
--}(this, function() {
-- * @class Autolinker
-- * @extends Object
-- *
-- * Utility class used to process a given string of text, and wrap the matches in
-- * the appropriate anchor (<a>) tags to turn them into links.
-- *
-- * Any of the configuration options may be provided in an Object (map) provided
-- * to the Autolinker constructor, which will configure how the {@link #link link()}
-- * method will process the links.
-- *
-- * For example:
-- *
-- *     var autolinker = new Autolinker( {
-- *         newWindow : false,
-- *         truncate  : 30
-- *     } );
-- *
-- *     var html = autolinker.link( "Joe went to www.yahoo.com" );
-- *     // produces: 'Joe went to <a href="http://www.yahoo.com">yahoo.com</a>'
-- *
-- *
-- * The {@link #static-link static link()} method may also be used to inline
-- * options into a single call, which may be more convenient for one-off uses.
-- * For example:
-- *
-- *     var html = Autolinker.link( "Joe went to www.yahoo.com", {
-- *         newWindow : false,
-- *         truncate  : 30
-- *     } );
-- *     // produces: 'Joe went to <a href="http://www.yahoo.com">yahoo.com</a>'
-- *
-- *
-- * ## Custom Replacements of Links
-- *
-- * If the configuration options do not provide enough flexibility, a {@link #replaceFn}
-- * may be provided to fully customize the output of Autolinker. This function is
-- * called once for each URL/Email/Phone#/Hashtag/Mention (Twitter, Instagram)
-- * match that is encountered.
-- *
-- * For example:
-- *
-- *     var input = "...";  // string with URLs, Email Addresses, Phone #s, Hashtags, and Mentions (Twitter, Instagram)
-- *
-- *     var linkedText = Autolinker.link( input, {
-- *         replaceFn : function( match ) {
-- *             console.log( "href = ", match.getAnchorHref() );
-- *             console.log( "text = ", match.getAnchorText() );
-- *
-- *             switch( match.getType() ) {
-- *                 case 'url' :
-- *                     console.log( "url: ", match.getUrl() );
-- *
-- *                     if( match.getUrl().indexOf( 'mysite.com' ) === -1 ) {
-- *                         var tag = match.buildTag();  // returns an `Autolinker.HtmlTag` instance, which provides mutator methods for easy changes
-- *                         tag.setAttr( 'rel', 'nofollow' );
-- *                         tag.addClass( 'external-link' );
-- *
-- *                         return tag;
-- *
-- *                     } else {
-- *                         return true;  // let Autolinker perform its normal anchor tag replacement
-- *                     }
-- *
-- *                 case 'email' :
-- *                     var email = match.getEmail();
-- *                     console.log( "email: ", email );
-- *
-- *                     if( email === "my at own.address" ) {
-- *                         return false;  // don't auto-link this particular email address; leave as-is
-- *                     } else {
-- *                         return;  // no return value will have Autolinker perform its normal anchor tag replacement (same as returning `true`)
-- *                     }
-- *
-- *                 case 'phone' :
-- *                     var phoneNumber = match.getPhoneNumber();
-- *                     console.log( phoneNumber );
-- *
-- *                     return '<a href="http://newplace.to.link.phone.numbers.to/">' + phoneNumber + '</a>';
-- *
-- *                 case 'hashtag' :
-- *                     var hashtag = match.getHashtag();
-- *                     console.log( hashtag );
-- *
-- *                     return '<a href="http://newplace.to.link.hashtag.handles.to/">' + hashtag + '</a>';
-- *
-- *                 case 'mention' :
-- *                     var mention = match.getMention();
-- *                     console.log( mention );
-- *
-- *                     return '<a href="http://newplace.to.link.mention.to/">' + mention + '</a>';
-- *             }
-- *         }
-- *     } );
-- *
-- *
-- * The function may return the following values:
-- *
-- * - `true` (Boolean): Allow Autolinker to replace the match as it normally
-- *   would.
-- * - `false` (Boolean): Do not replace the current match at all - leave as-is.
-- * - Any String: If a string is returned from the function, the string will be
-- *   used directly as the replacement HTML for the match.
-- * - An {@link Autolinker.HtmlTag} instance, which can be used to build/modify
-- *   an HTML tag before writing out its HTML text.
-- *
-- * @constructor
-- * @param {Object} [cfg] The configuration options for the Autolinker instance,
-- *   specified in an Object (map).
-- */
--var Autolinker = function( cfg ) {
--	cfg = cfg || {};
--	this.version = Autolinker.version;
--	this.urls = this.normalizeUrlsCfg( cfg.urls );
--	this.email = typeof cfg.email === 'boolean' ? cfg.email : true;
--	this.phone = typeof cfg.phone === 'boolean' ? cfg.phone : true;
--	this.hashtag = cfg.hashtag || false;
--	this.mention = cfg.mention || false;
--	this.newWindow = typeof cfg.newWindow === 'boolean' ? cfg.newWindow : true;
--	this.stripPrefix = this.normalizeStripPrefixCfg( cfg.stripPrefix );
--	this.stripTrailingSlash = typeof cfg.stripTrailingSlash === 'boolean' ? cfg.stripTrailingSlash : true;
--	this.decodePercentEncoding = typeof cfg.decodePercentEncoding === 'boolean' ? cfg.decodePercentEncoding : true;
--	// Validate the value of the `mention` cfg
--	var mention = this.mention;
--	if( mention !== false && mention !== 'twitter' && mention !== 'instagram' ) {
--		throw new Error( "invalid `mention` cfg - see docs" );
--	}
--	// Validate the value of the `hashtag` cfg
--	var hashtag = this.hashtag;
--	if( hashtag !== false && hashtag !== 'twitter' && hashtag !== 'facebook' && hashtag !== 'instagram' ) {
--		throw new Error( "invalid `hashtag` cfg - see docs" );
--	}
--	this.truncate = this.normalizeTruncateCfg( cfg.truncate );
--	this.className = cfg.className || '';
--	this.replaceFn = cfg.replaceFn || null;
--	this.context = cfg.context || this;
--	this.htmlParser = null;
--	this.matchers = null;
--	this.tagBuilder = null;
-- * Automatically links URLs, Email addresses, Phone Numbers, Twitter handles,
-- * Hashtags, and Mentions found in the given chunk of HTML. Does not link URLs
-- * found within HTML tags.
-- *
-- * For instance, if given the text: `You should go to http://www.yahoo.com`,
-- * then the result will be `You should go to <a href="http://www.yahoo.com">http://www.yahoo.com</a>`
-- *
-- * Example:
-- *
-- *     var linkedText = Autolinker.link( "Go to google.com", { newWindow: false } );
-- *     // Produces: "Go to <a href="http://google.com">google.com</a>"
-- *
-- * @static
-- * @param {String} textOrHtml The HTML or text to find matches within (depending
-- *   on if the {@link #urls}, {@link #email}, {@link #phone}, {@link #mention},
-- *   {@link #hashtag}, and {@link #mention} options are enabled).
-- * @param {Object} [options] Any of the configuration options for the Autolinker
-- *   class, specified in an Object (map). See the class description for an
-- *   example call.
-- * @return {String} The HTML text, with matches automatically linked.
-- */
--Autolinker.link = function( textOrHtml, options ) {
--	var autolinker = new Autolinker( options );
--	return autolinker.link( textOrHtml );
-- * Parses the input `textOrHtml` looking for URLs, email addresses, phone
-- * numbers, username handles, and hashtags (depending on the configuration
-- * of the Autolinker instance), and returns an array of {@link Autolinker.match.Match}
-- * objects describing those matches (without making any replacements).
-- *
-- * Note that if parsing multiple pieces of text, it is slightly more efficient
-- * to create an Autolinker instance, and use the instance-level {@link #parse}
-- * method.
-- *
-- * Example:
-- *
-- *     var matches = Autolinker.parse( "Hello google.com, I am asdf at asdf.com", {
-- *         urls: true,
-- *         email: true
-- *     } );
-- *
-- *     console.log( matches.length );           // 2
-- *     console.log( matches[ 0 ].getType() );   // 'url'
-- *     console.log( matches[ 0 ].getUrl() );    // 'google.com'
-- *     console.log( matches[ 1 ].getType() );   // 'email'
-- *     console.log( matches[ 1 ].getEmail() );  // 'asdf at asdf.com'
-- *
-- * @static
-- * @param {String} textOrHtml The HTML or text to find matches within
-- *   (depending on if the {@link #urls}, {@link #email}, {@link #phone},
-- *   {@link #hashtag}, and {@link #mention} options are enabled).
-- * @param {Object} [options] Any of the configuration options for the Autolinker
-- *   class, specified in an Object (map). See the class description for an
-- *   example call.
-- * @return {Autolinker.match.Match[]} The array of Matches found in the
-- *   given input `textOrHtml`.
-- */
--Autolinker.parse = function( textOrHtml, options ) {
--	var autolinker = new Autolinker( options );
--	return autolinker.parse( textOrHtml );
-- * @static
-- * @property {String} version (readonly)
-- *
-- * The Autolinker version number in the form major.minor.patch
-- *
-- * Ex: 0.25.1
-- */
--Autolinker.version = '1.6.0';
--Autolinker.prototype = {
--	constructor : Autolinker,  // fix constructor property
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean/Object} [urls]
--	 *
--	 * `true` if URLs should be automatically linked, `false` if they should not
--	 * be. Defaults to `true`.
--	 *
--	 * Examples:
--	 *
--	 *     urls: true
--	 *
--	 *     // or
--	 *
--	 *     urls: {
--	 *         schemeMatches : true,
--	 *         wwwMatches    : true,
--	 *         tldMatches    : true
--	 *     }
--	 *
--	 * As shown above, this option also accepts an Object form with 3 properties
--	 * to allow for more customization of what exactly gets linked. All default
--	 * to `true`:
--	 *
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} [urls.schemeMatches] `true` to match URLs found prefixed
--	 *   with a scheme, i.e. `http://google.com`, or `other+scheme://google.com`,
--	 *   `false` to prevent these types of matches.
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} [urls.wwwMatches] `true` to match urls found prefixed with
--	 *   `'www.'`, i.e. `www.google.com`. `false` to prevent these types of
--	 *   matches. Note that if the URL had a prefixed scheme, and
--	 *   `schemeMatches` is true, it will still be linked.
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} [urls.tldMatches] `true` to match URLs with known top
--	 *   level domains (.com, .net, etc.) that are not prefixed with a scheme or
--	 *   `'www.'`. This option attempts to match anything that looks like a URL
--	 *   in the given text. Ex: `google.com`, `asdf.org/?page=1`, etc. `false`
--	 *   to prevent these types of matches.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} [email=true]
--	 *
--	 * `true` if email addresses should be automatically linked, `false` if they
--	 * should not be.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} [phone=true]
--	 *
--	 * `true` if Phone numbers ("(555)555-5555") should be automatically linked,
--	 * `false` if they should not be.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean/String} [hashtag=false]
--	 *
--	 * A string for the service name to have hashtags (ex: "#myHashtag")
--	 * auto-linked to. The currently-supported values are:
--	 *
--	 * - 'twitter'
--	 * - 'facebook'
--	 * - 'instagram'
--	 *
--	 * Pass `false` to skip auto-linking of hashtags.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String/Boolean} [mention=false]
--	 *
--	 * A string for the service name to have mentions (ex: "@myuser")
--	 * auto-linked to. The currently supported values are:
--	 *
--	 * - 'twitter'
--	 * - 'instagram'
--	 *
--	 * Defaults to `false` to skip auto-linking of mentions.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} [newWindow=true]
--	 *
--	 * `true` if the links should open in a new window, `false` otherwise.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean/Object} [stripPrefix]
--	 *
--	 * `true` if 'http://' (or 'https://') and/or the 'www.' should be stripped
--	 * from the beginning of URL links' text, `false` otherwise. Defaults to
--	 * `true`.
--	 *
--	 * Examples:
--	 *
--	 *     stripPrefix: true
--	 *
--	 *     // or
--	 *
--	 *     stripPrefix: {
--	 *         scheme : true,
--	 *         www    : true
--	 *     }
--	 *
--	 * As shown above, this option also accepts an Object form with 2 properties
--	 * to allow for more customization of what exactly is prevented from being
--	 * displayed. Both default to `true`:
--	 *
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} [stripPrefix.scheme] `true` to prevent the scheme part of
--	 *   a URL match from being displayed to the user. Example:
--	 *   `'http://google.com'` will be displayed as `'google.com'`. `false` to
--	 *   not strip the scheme. NOTE: Only an `'http://'` or `'https://'` scheme
--	 *   will be removed, so as not to remove a potentially dangerous scheme
--	 *   (such as `'file://'` or `'javascript:'`)
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} [stripPrefix.www] www (Boolean): `true` to prevent the
--	 *   `'www.'` part of a URL match from being displayed to the user. Ex:
--	 *   `'www.google.com'` will be displayed as `'google.com'`. `false` to not
--	 *   strip the `'www'`.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} [stripTrailingSlash=true]
--	 *
--	 * `true` to remove the trailing slash from URL matches, `false` to keep
--	 *  the trailing slash.
--	 *
--	 *  Example when `true`: `http://google.com/` will be displayed as
--	 *  `http://google.com`.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} [decodePercentEncoding=true]
--	 *
--	 * `true` to decode percent-encoded characters in URL matches, `false` to keep
--	 *  the percent-encoded characters.
--	 *
--	 *  Example when `true`: `https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Jos%C3%A9` will
--	 *  be displayed as `https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_José`.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Number/Object} [truncate=0]
--	 *
--	 * ## Number Form
--	 *
--	 * A number for how many characters matched text should be truncated to
--	 * inside the text of a link. If the matched text is over this number of
--	 * characters, it will be truncated to this length by adding a two period
--	 * ellipsis ('..') to the end of the string.
--	 *
--	 * For example: A url like 'http://www.yahoo.com/some/long/path/to/a/file'
--	 * truncated to 25 characters might look something like this:
--	 * 'yahoo.com/some/long/pat..'
--	 *
--	 * Example Usage:
--	 *
--	 *     truncate: 25
--	 *
--	 *
--	 *  Defaults to `0` for "no truncation."
--	 *
--	 *
--	 * ## Object Form
--	 *
--	 * An Object may also be provided with two properties: `length` (Number) and
--	 * `location` (String). `location` may be one of the following: 'end'
--	 * (default), 'middle', or 'smart'.
--	 *
--	 * Example Usage:
--	 *
--	 *     truncate: { length: 25, location: 'middle' }
--	 *
--	 * @cfg {Number} [truncate.length=0] How many characters to allow before
--	 *   truncation will occur. Defaults to `0` for "no truncation."
--	 * @cfg {"end"/"middle"/"smart"} [truncate.location="end"]
--	 *
--	 * - 'end' (default): will truncate up to the number of characters, and then
--	 *   add an ellipsis at the end. Ex: 'yahoo.com/some/long/pat..'
--	 * - 'middle': will truncate and add the ellipsis in the middle. Ex:
--	 *   'yahoo.com/s..th/to/a/file'
--	 * - 'smart': for URLs where the algorithm attempts to strip out unnecessary
--	 *   parts first (such as the 'www.', then URL scheme, hash, etc.),
--	 *   attempting to make the URL human-readable before looking for a good
--	 *   point to insert the ellipsis if it is still too long. Ex:
--	 *   'yahoo.com/some..to/a/file'. For more details, see
--	 *   {@link Autolinker.truncate.TruncateSmart}.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} className
--	 *
--	 * A CSS class name to add to the generated links. This class will be added
--	 * to all links, as well as this class plus match suffixes for styling
--	 * url/email/phone/hashtag/mention links differently.
--	 *
--	 * For example, if this config is provided as "myLink", then:
--	 *
--	 * - URL links will have the CSS classes: "myLink myLink-url"
--	 * - Email links will have the CSS classes: "myLink myLink-email", and
--	 * - Phone links will have the CSS classes: "myLink myLink-phone"
--	 * - Hashtag links will have the CSS classes: "myLink myLink-hashtag"
--	 * - Mention links will have the CSS classes: "myLink myLink-mention myLink-[type]"
--	 *   where [type] is either "instagram" or "twitter"
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Function} replaceFn
--	 *
--	 * A function to individually process each match found in the input string.
--	 *
--	 * See the class's description for usage.
--	 *
--	 * The `replaceFn` can be called with a different context object (`this`
--	 * reference) using the {@link #context} cfg.
--	 *
--	 * This function is called with the following parameter:
--	 *
--	 * @cfg {Autolinker.match.Match} replaceFn.match The Match instance which
--	 *   can be used to retrieve information about the match that the `replaceFn`
--	 *   is currently processing. See {@link Autolinker.match.Match} subclasses
--	 *   for details.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Object} context
--	 *
--	 * The context object (`this` reference) to call the `replaceFn` with.
--	 *
--	 * Defaults to this Autolinker instance.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @property {String} version (readonly)
--	 *
--	 * The Autolinker version number in the form major.minor.patch
--	 *
--	 * Ex: 0.25.1
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlParser} htmlParser
--	 *
--	 * The HtmlParser instance used to skip over HTML tags, while finding text
--	 * nodes to process. This is lazily instantiated in the {@link #getHtmlParser}
--	 * method.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {Autolinker.matcher.Matcher[]} matchers
--	 *
--	 * The {@link Autolinker.matcher.Matcher} instances for this Autolinker
--	 * instance.
--	 *
--	 * This is lazily created in {@link #getMatchers}.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {Autolinker.AnchorTagBuilder} tagBuilder
--	 *
--	 * The AnchorTagBuilder instance used to build match replacement anchor tags.
--	 * Note: this is lazily instantiated in the {@link #getTagBuilder} method.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * Normalizes the {@link #urls} config into an Object with 3 properties:
--	 * `schemeMatches`, `wwwMatches`, and `tldMatches`, all Booleans.
--	 *
--	 * See {@link #urls} config for details.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {Boolean/Object} urls
--	 * @return {Object}
--	 */
--	normalizeUrlsCfg : function( urls ) {
--		if( urls == null ) urls = true;  // default to `true`
--		if( typeof urls === 'boolean' ) {
--			return { schemeMatches: urls, wwwMatches: urls, tldMatches: urls };
--		} else {  // object form
--			return {
--				schemeMatches : typeof urls.schemeMatches === 'boolean' ? urls.schemeMatches : true,
--				wwwMatches    : typeof urls.wwwMatches === 'boolean'    ? urls.wwwMatches    : true,
--				tldMatches    : typeof urls.tldMatches === 'boolean'    ? urls.tldMatches    : true
--			};
--		}
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Normalizes the {@link #stripPrefix} config into an Object with 2
--	 * properties: `scheme`, and `www` - both Booleans.
--	 *
--	 * See {@link #stripPrefix} config for details.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {Boolean/Object} stripPrefix
--	 * @return {Object}
--	 */
--	normalizeStripPrefixCfg : function( stripPrefix ) {
--		if( stripPrefix == null ) stripPrefix = true;  // default to `true`
--		if( typeof stripPrefix === 'boolean' ) {
--			return { scheme: stripPrefix, www: stripPrefix };
--		} else {  // object form
--			return {
--				scheme : typeof stripPrefix.scheme === 'boolean' ? stripPrefix.scheme : true,
--				www    : typeof stripPrefix.www === 'boolean'    ? stripPrefix.www    : true
--			};
--		}
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Normalizes the {@link #truncate} config into an Object with 2 properties:
--	 * `length` (Number), and `location` (String).
--	 *
--	 * See {@link #truncate} config for details.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {Number/Object} truncate
--	 * @return {Object}
--	 */
--	normalizeTruncateCfg : function( truncate ) {
--		if( typeof truncate === 'number' ) {
--			return { length: truncate, location: 'end' };
--		} else {  // object, or undefined/null
--			return Autolinker.Util.defaults( truncate || {}, {
--				length   : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
--				location : 'end'
--			} );
--		}
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Parses the input `textOrHtml` looking for URLs, email addresses, phone
--	 * numbers, username handles, and hashtags (depending on the configuration
--	 * of the Autolinker instance), and returns an array of {@link Autolinker.match.Match}
--	 * objects describing those matches (without making any replacements).
--	 *
--	 * This method is used by the {@link #link} method, but can also be used to
--	 * simply do parsing of the input in order to discover what kinds of links
--	 * there are and how many.
--	 *
--	 * Example usage:
--	 *
--	 *     var autolinker = new Autolinker( {
--	 *         urls: true,
--	 *         email: true
--	 *     } );
--	 *
--	 *     var matches = autolinker.parse( "Hello google.com, I am asdf at asdf.com" );
--	 *
--	 *     console.log( matches.length );           // 2
--	 *     console.log( matches[ 0 ].getType() );   // 'url'
--	 *     console.log( matches[ 0 ].getUrl() );    // 'google.com'
--	 *     console.log( matches[ 1 ].getType() );   // 'email'
--	 *     console.log( matches[ 1 ].getEmail() );  // 'asdf at asdf.com'
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} textOrHtml The HTML or text to find matches within
--	 *   (depending on if the {@link #urls}, {@link #email}, {@link #phone},
--	 *   {@link #hashtag}, and {@link #mention} options are enabled).
--	 * @return {Autolinker.match.Match[]} The array of Matches found in the
--	 *   given input `textOrHtml`.
--	 */
--	parse : function( textOrHtml ) {
--		var htmlParser = this.getHtmlParser(),
--		    htmlNodes = htmlParser.parse( textOrHtml ),
--		    anchorTagStackCount = 0,  // used to only process text around anchor tags, and any inner text/html they may have;
--		    matches = [];
--		// Find all matches within the `textOrHtml` (but not matches that are
--		// already nested within <a> tags)
--		for( var i = 0, len = htmlNodes.length; i < len; i++ ) {
--			var node = htmlNodes[ i ],
--			    nodeType = node.getType();
--			if( nodeType === 'element' && node.getTagName() === 'a' ) {  // Process HTML anchor element nodes in the input `textOrHtml` to find out when we're within an <a> tag
--				if( !node.isClosing() ) {  // it's the start <a> tag
--					anchorTagStackCount++;
--				} else {  // it's the end </a> tag
--					anchorTagStackCount = Math.max( anchorTagStackCount - 1, 0 );  // attempt to handle extraneous </a> tags by making sure the stack count never goes below 0
--				}
--			} else if( nodeType === 'text' && anchorTagStackCount === 0 ) {  // Process text nodes that are not within an <a> tag
--				var textNodeMatches = this.parseText( node.getText(), node.getOffset() );
--				matches.push.apply( matches, textNodeMatches );
--			}
--		}
--		// After we have found all matches, remove subsequent matches that
--		// overlap with a previous match. This can happen for instance with URLs,
--		// where the url 'google.com/#link' would match '#link' as a hashtag.
--		matches = this.compactMatches( matches );
--		// And finally, remove matches for match types that have been turned
--		// off. We needed to have all match types turned on initially so that
--		// things like hashtags could be filtered out if they were really just
--		// part of a URL match (for instance, as a named anchor).
--		matches = this.removeUnwantedMatches( matches );
--		return matches;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * After we have found all matches, we need to remove subsequent matches
--	 * that overlap with a previous match. This can happen for instance with
--	 * URLs, where the url 'google.com/#link' would match '#link' as a hashtag.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {Autolinker.match.Match[]} matches
--	 * @return {Autolinker.match.Match[]}
--	 */
--	compactMatches : function( matches ) {
--		// First, the matches need to be sorted in order of offset
--		matches.sort( function( a, b ) { return a.getOffset() - b.getOffset(); } );
--		for( var i = 0; i < matches.length - 1; i++ ) {
--			var match = matches[ i ],
--					offset = match.getOffset(),
--					matchedTextLength = match.getMatchedText().length,
--			    endIdx = offset + matchedTextLength;
--			if( i + 1 < matches.length ) {
--				// Remove subsequent matches that equal offset with current match
--				if( matches[ i + 1 ].getOffset() === offset ) {
--					var removeIdx = matches[ i + 1 ].getMatchedText().length > matchedTextLength ? i : i + 1;
--					matches.splice( removeIdx, 1 );
--					continue;
--				}
--				// Remove subsequent matches that overlap with the current match
--				if( matches[ i + 1 ].getOffset() <= endIdx ) {
--					matches.splice( i + 1, 1 );
--				}
--			}
--		}
--		return matches;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Removes matches for matchers that were turned off in the options. For
--	 * example, if {@link #hashtag hashtags} were not to be matched, we'll
--	 * remove them from the `matches` array here.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {Autolinker.match.Match[]} matches The array of matches to remove
--	 *   the unwanted matches from. Note: this array is mutated for the
--	 *   removals.
--	 * @return {Autolinker.match.Match[]} The mutated input `matches` array.
--	 */
--	removeUnwantedMatches : function( matches ) {
--		var remove = Autolinker.Util.remove;
--		if( !this.hashtag ) remove( matches, function( match ) { return match.getType() === 'hashtag'; } );
--		if( !this.email )   remove( matches, function( match ) { return match.getType() === 'email'; } );
--		if( !this.phone )   remove( matches, function( match ) { return match.getType() === 'phone'; } );
--		if( !this.mention ) remove( matches, function( match ) { return match.getType() === 'mention'; } );
--		if( !this.urls.schemeMatches ) {
--			remove( matches, function( m ) { return m.getType() === 'url' && m.getUrlMatchType() === 'scheme'; } );
--		}
--		if( !this.urls.wwwMatches ) {
--			remove( matches, function( m ) { return m.getType() === 'url' && m.getUrlMatchType() === 'www'; } );
--		}
--		if( !this.urls.tldMatches ) {
--			remove( matches, function( m ) { return m.getType() === 'url' && m.getUrlMatchType() === 'tld'; } );
--		}
--		return matches;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Parses the input `text` looking for URLs, email addresses, phone
--	 * numbers, username handles, and hashtags (depending on the configuration
--	 * of the Autolinker instance), and returns an array of {@link Autolinker.match.Match}
--	 * objects describing those matches.
--	 *
--	 * This method processes a **non-HTML string**, and is used to parse and
--	 * match within the text nodes of an HTML string. This method is used
--	 * internally by {@link #parse}.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {String} text The text to find matches within (depending on if the
--	 *   {@link #urls}, {@link #email}, {@link #phone},
--	 *   {@link #hashtag}, and {@link #mention} options are enabled). This must be a non-HTML string.
--	 * @param {Number} [offset=0] The offset of the text node within the
--	 *   original string. This is used when parsing with the {@link #parse}
--	 *   method to generate correct offsets within the {@link Autolinker.match.Match}
--	 *   instances, but may be omitted if calling this method publicly.
--	 * @return {Autolinker.match.Match[]} The array of Matches found in the
--	 *   given input `text`.
--	 */
--	parseText : function( text, offset ) {
--		offset = offset || 0;
--		var matchers = this.getMatchers(),
--		    matches = [];
--		for( var i = 0, numMatchers = matchers.length; i < numMatchers; i++ ) {
--			var textMatches = matchers[ i ].parseMatches( text );
--			// Correct the offset of each of the matches. They are originally
--			// the offset of the match within the provided text node, but we
--			// need to correct them to be relative to the original HTML input
--			// string (i.e. the one provided to #parse).
--			for( var j = 0, numTextMatches = textMatches.length; j < numTextMatches; j++ ) {
--				textMatches[ j ].setOffset( offset + textMatches[ j ].getOffset() );
--			}
--			matches.push.apply( matches, textMatches );
--		}
--		return matches;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Automatically links URLs, Email addresses, Phone numbers, Hashtags,
--	 * and Mentions (Twitter, Instagram) found in the given chunk of HTML. Does not link
--	 * URLs found within HTML tags.
--	 *
--	 * For instance, if given the text: `You should go to http://www.yahoo.com`,
--	 * then the result will be `You should go to
--	 * <a href="http://www.yahoo.com">http://www.yahoo.com</a>`
--	 *
--	 * This method finds the text around any HTML elements in the input
--	 * `textOrHtml`, which will be the text that is processed. Any original HTML
--	 * elements will be left as-is, as well as the text that is already wrapped
--	 * in anchor (<a>) tags.
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} textOrHtml The HTML or text to autolink matches within
--	 *   (depending on if the {@link #urls}, {@link #email}, {@link #phone}, {@link #hashtag}, and {@link #mention} options are enabled).
--	 * @return {String} The HTML, with matches automatically linked.
--	 */
--	link : function( textOrHtml ) {
--		if( !textOrHtml ) { return ""; }  // handle `null` and `undefined`
--		var matches = this.parse( textOrHtml ),
--			newHtml = [],
--			lastIndex = 0;
--		for( var i = 0, len = matches.length; i < len; i++ ) {
--			var match = matches[ i ];
--			newHtml.push( textOrHtml.substring( lastIndex, match.getOffset() ) );
--			newHtml.push( this.createMatchReturnVal( match ) );
--			lastIndex = match.getOffset() + match.getMatchedText().length;
--		}
--		newHtml.push( textOrHtml.substring( lastIndex ) );  // handle the text after the last match
--		return newHtml.join( '' );
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Creates the return string value for a given match in the input string.
--	 *
--	 * This method handles the {@link #replaceFn}, if one was provided.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {Autolinker.match.Match} match The Match object that represents
--	 *   the match.
--	 * @return {String} The string that the `match` should be replaced with.
--	 *   This is usually the anchor tag string, but may be the `matchStr` itself
--	 *   if the match is not to be replaced.
--	 */
--	createMatchReturnVal : function( match ) {
--		// Handle a custom `replaceFn` being provided
--		var replaceFnResult;
--		if( this.replaceFn ) {
--			replaceFnResult = this.replaceFn.call( this.context, match );  // Autolinker instance is the context
--		}
--		if( typeof replaceFnResult === 'string' ) {
--			return replaceFnResult;  // `replaceFn` returned a string, use that
--		} else if( replaceFnResult === false ) {
--			return match.getMatchedText();  // no replacement for the match
--		} else if( replaceFnResult instanceof Autolinker.HtmlTag ) {
--			return replaceFnResult.toAnchorString();
--		} else {  // replaceFnResult === true, or no/unknown return value from function
--			// Perform Autolinker's default anchor tag generation
--			var anchorTag = match.buildTag();  // returns an Autolinker.HtmlTag instance
--			return anchorTag.toAnchorString();
--		}
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Lazily instantiates and returns the {@link #htmlParser} instance for this
--	 * Autolinker instance.
--	 *
--	 * @protected
--	 * @return {Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlParser}
--	 */
--	getHtmlParser : function() {
--		var htmlParser = this.htmlParser;
--		if( !htmlParser ) {
--			htmlParser = this.htmlParser = new Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlParser();
--		}
--		return htmlParser;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Lazily instantiates and returns the {@link Autolinker.matcher.Matcher}
--	 * instances for this Autolinker instance.
--	 *
--	 * @protected
--	 * @return {Autolinker.matcher.Matcher[]}
--	 */
--	getMatchers : function() {
--		if( !this.matchers ) {
--			var matchersNs = Autolinker.matcher,
--			    tagBuilder = this.getTagBuilder();
--			var matchers = [
--				new matchersNs.Hashtag( { tagBuilder: tagBuilder, serviceName: this.hashtag } ),
--				new matchersNs.Email( { tagBuilder: tagBuilder } ),
--				new matchersNs.Phone( { tagBuilder: tagBuilder } ),
--				new matchersNs.Mention( { tagBuilder: tagBuilder, serviceName: this.mention } ),
--				new matchersNs.Url( { tagBuilder: tagBuilder, stripPrefix: this.stripPrefix, stripTrailingSlash: this.stripTrailingSlash, decodePercentEncoding: this.decodePercentEncoding } )
--			];
--			return ( this.matchers = matchers );
--		} else {
--			return this.matchers;
--		}
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the {@link #tagBuilder} instance for this Autolinker instance, lazily instantiating it
--	 * if it does not yet exist.
--	 *
--	 * This method may be used in a {@link #replaceFn} to generate the {@link Autolinker.HtmlTag HtmlTag} instance that
--	 * Autolinker would normally generate, and then allow for modifications before returning it. For example:
--	 *
--	 *     var html = Autolinker.link( "Test google.com", {
--	 *         replaceFn : function( match ) {
--	 *             var tag = match.buildTag();  // returns an {@link Autolinker.HtmlTag} instance
--	 *             tag.setAttr( 'rel', 'nofollow' );
--	 *
--	 *             return tag;
--	 *         }
--	 *     } );
--	 *
--	 *     // generated html:
--	 *     //   Test <a href="http://google.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">google.com</a>
--	 *
--	 * @return {Autolinker.AnchorTagBuilder}
--	 */
--	getTagBuilder : function() {
--		var tagBuilder = this.tagBuilder;
--		if( !tagBuilder ) {
--			tagBuilder = this.tagBuilder = new Autolinker.AnchorTagBuilder( {
--				newWindow   : this.newWindow,
--				truncate    : this.truncate,
--				className   : this.className
--			} );
--		}
--		return tagBuilder;
--	}
--// Autolinker Namespaces
--Autolinker.match = {};
--Autolinker.matcher = {};
--Autolinker.htmlParser = {};
--Autolinker.truncate = {};
--/*global Autolinker */
--/*jshint eqnull:true, boss:true */
-- * @class Autolinker.Util
-- * @singleton
-- *
-- * A few utility methods for Autolinker.
-- */
--Autolinker.Util = {
--	/**
--	 * @property {Function} abstractMethod
--	 *
--	 * A function object which represents an abstract method.
--	 */
--	abstractMethod : function() { throw "abstract"; },
--	/**
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} trimRegex
--	 *
--	 * The regular expression used to trim the leading and trailing whitespace
--	 * from a string.
--	 */
--	trimRegex : /^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g,
--	/**
--	 * Assigns (shallow copies) the properties of `src` onto `dest`.
--	 *
--	 * @param {Object} dest The destination object.
--	 * @param {Object} src The source object.
--	 * @return {Object} The destination object (`dest`)
--	 */
--	assign : function( dest, src ) {
--		for( var prop in src ) {
--			if( src.hasOwnProperty( prop ) ) {
--				dest[ prop ] = src[ prop ];
--			}
--		}
--		return dest;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Assigns (shallow copies) the properties of `src` onto `dest`, if the
--	 * corresponding property on `dest` === `undefined`.
--	 *
--	 * @param {Object} dest The destination object.
--	 * @param {Object} src The source object.
--	 * @return {Object} The destination object (`dest`)
--	 */
--	defaults : function( dest, src ) {
--		for( var prop in src ) {
--			if( src.hasOwnProperty( prop ) && dest[ prop ] === undefined ) {
--				dest[ prop ] = src[ prop ];
--			}
--		}
--		return dest;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Extends `superclass` to create a new subclass, adding the `protoProps` to the new subclass's prototype.
--	 *
--	 * @param {Function} superclass The constructor function for the superclass.
--	 * @param {Object} protoProps The methods/properties to add to the subclass's prototype. This may contain the
--	 *   special property `constructor`, which will be used as the new subclass's constructor function.
--	 * @return {Function} The new subclass function.
--	 */
--	extend : function( superclass, protoProps ) {
--		var superclassProto = superclass.prototype;
--		var F = function() {};
--		F.prototype = superclassProto;
--		var subclass;
--		if( protoProps.hasOwnProperty( 'constructor' ) ) {
--			subclass = protoProps.constructor;
--		} else {
--			subclass = function() { superclassProto.constructor.apply( this, arguments ); };
--		}
--		var subclassProto = subclass.prototype = new F();  // set up prototype chain
--		subclassProto.constructor = subclass;  // fix constructor property
--		subclassProto.superclass = superclassProto;
--		delete protoProps.constructor;  // don't re-assign constructor property to the prototype, since a new function may have been created (`subclass`), which is now already there
--		Autolinker.Util.assign( subclassProto, protoProps );
--		return subclass;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Truncates the `str` at `len - ellipsisChars.length`, and adds the `ellipsisChars` to the
--	 * end of the string (by default, two periods: '..'). If the `str` length does not exceed
--	 * `len`, the string will be returned unchanged.
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} str The string to truncate and add an ellipsis to.
--	 * @param {Number} truncateLen The length to truncate the string at.
--	 * @param {String} [ellipsisChars=...] The ellipsis character(s) to add to the end of `str`
--	 *   when truncated. Defaults to '...'
--	 */
--	ellipsis : function( str, truncateLen, ellipsisChars ) {
--		var ellipsisLength;
--		if( str.length > truncateLen ) {
--			if(ellipsisChars == null) {
--			  ellipsisChars = '…';
--			  ellipsisLength = 3;
--			} else {
--			  ellipsisLength = ellipsisChars.length;
--			}
--			str = str.substring( 0, truncateLen - ellipsisLength ) + ellipsisChars;
--		}
--		return str;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Supports `Array.prototype.indexOf()` functionality for old IE (IE8 and below).
--	 *
--	 * @param {Array} arr The array to find an element of.
--	 * @param {*} element The element to find in the array, and return the index of.
--	 * @return {Number} The index of the `element`, or -1 if it was not found.
--	 */
--	indexOf : function( arr, element ) {
--		if( Array.prototype.indexOf ) {
--			return arr.indexOf( element );
--		} else {
--			for( var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++ ) {
--				if( arr[ i ] === element ) return i;
--			}
--			return -1;
--		}
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Removes array elements based on a filtering function. Mutates the input
--	 * array.
--	 *
--	 * Using this instead of the ES5 Array.prototype.filter() function, to allow
--	 * Autolinker compatibility with IE8, and also to prevent creating many new
--	 * arrays in memory for filtering.
--	 *
--	 * @param {Array} arr The array to remove elements from. This array is
--	 *   mutated.
--	 * @param {Function} fn A function which should return `true` to
--	 *   remove an element.
--	 * @return {Array} The mutated input `arr`.
--	 */
--	remove : function( arr, fn ) {
--		for( var i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
--			if( fn( arr[ i ] ) === true ) {
--				arr.splice( i, 1 );
--			}
--		}
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Performs the functionality of what modern browsers do when `String.prototype.split()` is called
--	 * with a regular expression that contains capturing parenthesis.
--	 *
--	 * For example:
--	 *
--	 *     // Modern browsers:
--	 *     "a,b,c".split( /(,)/ );  // --> [ 'a', ',', 'b', ',', 'c' ]
--	 *
--	 *     // Old IE (including IE8):
--	 *     "a,b,c".split( /(,)/ );  // --> [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]
--	 *
--	 * This method emulates the functionality of modern browsers for the old IE case.
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} str The string to split.
--	 * @param {RegExp} splitRegex The regular expression to split the input `str` on. The splitting
--	 *   character(s) will be spliced into the array, as in the "modern browsers" example in the
--	 *   description of this method.
--	 *   Note #1: the supplied regular expression **must** have the 'g' flag specified.
--	 *   Note #2: for simplicity's sake, the regular expression does not need
--	 *   to contain capturing parenthesis - it will be assumed that any match has them.
--	 * @return {String[]} The split array of strings, with the splitting character(s) included.
--	 */
--	splitAndCapture : function( str, splitRegex ) {
--		if( !splitRegex.global ) throw new Error( "`splitRegex` must have the 'g' flag set" );
--		var result = [],
--		    lastIdx = 0,
--		    match;
--		while( match = splitRegex.exec( str ) ) {
--			result.push( str.substring( lastIdx, match.index ) );
--			result.push( match[ 0 ] );  // push the splitting char(s)
--			lastIdx = match.index + match[ 0 ].length;
--		}
--		result.push( str.substring( lastIdx ) );
--		return result;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Trims the leading and trailing whitespace from a string.
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} str The string to trim.
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	trim : function( str ) {
--		return str.replace( this.trimRegex, '' );
--	}
--/*global Autolinker */
--/*jshint boss:true */
-- * @class Autolinker.HtmlTag
-- * @extends Object
-- *
-- * Represents an HTML tag, which can be used to easily build/modify HTML tags programmatically.
-- *
-- * Autolinker uses this abstraction to create HTML tags, and then write them out as strings. You may also use
-- * this class in your code, especially within a {@link Autolinker#replaceFn replaceFn}.
-- *
-- * ## Examples
-- *
-- * Example instantiation:
-- *
-- *     var tag = new Autolinker.HtmlTag( {
-- *         tagName : 'a',
-- *         attrs   : { 'href': 'http://google.com', 'class': 'external-link' },
-- *         innerHtml : 'Google'
-- *     } );
-- *
-- *     tag.toAnchorString();  // <a href="http://google.com" class="external-link">Google</a>
-- *
-- *     // Individual accessor methods
-- *     tag.getTagName();                 // 'a'
-- *     tag.getAttr( 'href' );            // 'http://google.com'
-- *     tag.hasClass( 'external-link' );  // true
-- *
-- *
-- * Using mutator methods (which may be used in combination with instantiation config properties):
-- *
-- *     var tag = new Autolinker.HtmlTag();
-- *     tag.setTagName( 'a' );
-- *     tag.setAttr( 'href', 'http://google.com' );
-- *     tag.addClass( 'external-link' );
-- *     tag.setInnerHtml( 'Google' );
-- *
-- *     tag.getTagName();                 // 'a'
-- *     tag.getAttr( 'href' );            // 'http://google.com'
-- *     tag.hasClass( 'external-link' );  // true
-- *
-- *     tag.toAnchorString();  // <a href="http://google.com" class="external-link">Google</a>
-- *
-- *
-- * ## Example use within a {@link Autolinker#replaceFn replaceFn}
-- *
-- *     var html = Autolinker.link( "Test google.com", {
-- *         replaceFn : function( match ) {
-- *             var tag = match.buildTag();  // returns an {@link Autolinker.HtmlTag} instance, configured with the Match's href and anchor text
-- *             tag.setAttr( 'rel', 'nofollow' );
-- *
-- *             return tag;
-- *         }
-- *     } );
-- *
-- *     // generated html:
-- *     //   Test <a href="http://google.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">google.com</a>
-- *
-- *
-- * ## Example use with a new tag for the replacement
-- *
-- *     var html = Autolinker.link( "Test google.com", {
-- *         replaceFn : function( match ) {
-- *             var tag = new Autolinker.HtmlTag( {
-- *                 tagName : 'button',
-- *                 attrs   : { 'title': 'Load URL: ' + match.getAnchorHref() },
-- *                 innerHtml : 'Load URL: ' + match.getAnchorText()
-- *             } );
-- *
-- *             return tag;
-- *         }
-- *     } );
-- *
-- *     // generated html:
-- *     //   Test <button title="Load URL: http://google.com">Load URL: google.com</button>
-- */
--Autolinker.HtmlTag = Autolinker.Util.extend( Object, {
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} tagName
--	 *
--	 * The tag name. Ex: 'a', 'button', etc.
--	 *
--	 * Not required at instantiation time, but should be set using {@link #setTagName} before {@link #toAnchorString}
--	 * is executed.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Object.<String, String>} attrs
--	 *
--	 * An key/value Object (map) of attributes to create the tag with. The keys are the attribute names, and the
--	 * values are the attribute values.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} innerHtml
--	 *
--	 * The inner HTML for the tag.
--	 *
--	 * Note the camel case name on `innerHtml`. Acronyms are camelCased in this utility (such as not to run into the acronym
--	 * naming inconsistency that the DOM developers created with `XMLHttpRequest`). You may alternatively use {@link #innerHTML}
--	 * if you prefer, but this one is recommended.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} innerHTML
--	 *
--	 * Alias of {@link #innerHtml}, accepted for consistency with the browser DOM api, but prefer the camelCased version
--	 * for acronym names.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @protected
--	 * @property {RegExp} whitespaceRegex
--	 *
--	 * Regular expression used to match whitespace in a string of CSS classes.
--	 */
--	whitespaceRegex : /\s+/,
--	/**
--	 * @constructor
--	 * @param {Object} [cfg] The configuration properties for this class, in an Object (map)
--	 */
--	constructor : function( cfg ) {
--		Autolinker.Util.assign( this, cfg );
--		this.innerHtml = this.innerHtml || this.innerHTML;  // accept either the camelCased form or the fully capitalized acronym
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Sets the tag name that will be used to generate the tag with.
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} tagName
--	 * @return {Autolinker.HtmlTag} This HtmlTag instance, so that method calls may be chained.
--	 */
--	setTagName : function( tagName ) {
--		this.tagName = tagName;
--		return this;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Retrieves the tag name.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getTagName : function() {
--		return this.tagName || "";
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Sets an attribute on the HtmlTag.
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} attrName The attribute name to set.
--	 * @param {String} attrValue The attribute value to set.
--	 * @return {Autolinker.HtmlTag} This HtmlTag instance, so that method calls may be chained.
--	 */
--	setAttr : function( attrName, attrValue ) {
--		var tagAttrs = this.getAttrs();
--		tagAttrs[ attrName ] = attrValue;
--		return this;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Retrieves an attribute from the HtmlTag. If the attribute does not exist, returns `undefined`.
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} attrName The attribute name to retrieve.
--	 * @return {String} The attribute's value, or `undefined` if it does not exist on the HtmlTag.
--	 */
--	getAttr : function( attrName ) {
--		return this.getAttrs()[ attrName ];
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Sets one or more attributes on the HtmlTag.
--	 *
--	 * @param {Object.<String, String>} attrs A key/value Object (map) of the attributes to set.
--	 * @return {Autolinker.HtmlTag} This HtmlTag instance, so that method calls may be chained.
--	 */
--	setAttrs : function( attrs ) {
--		var tagAttrs = this.getAttrs();
--		Autolinker.Util.assign( tagAttrs, attrs );
--		return this;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Retrieves the attributes Object (map) for the HtmlTag.
--	 *
--	 * @return {Object.<String, String>} A key/value object of the attributes for the HtmlTag.
--	 */
--	getAttrs : function() {
--		return this.attrs || ( this.attrs = {} );
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Sets the provided `cssClass`, overwriting any current CSS classes on the HtmlTag.
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} cssClass One or more space-separated CSS classes to set (overwrite).
--	 * @return {Autolinker.HtmlTag} This HtmlTag instance, so that method calls may be chained.
--	 */
--	setClass : function( cssClass ) {
--		return this.setAttr( 'class', cssClass );
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Convenience method to add one or more CSS classes to the HtmlTag. Will not add duplicate CSS classes.
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} cssClass One or more space-separated CSS classes to add.
--	 * @return {Autolinker.HtmlTag} This HtmlTag instance, so that method calls may be chained.
--	 */
--	addClass : function( cssClass ) {
--		var classAttr = this.getClass(),
--		    whitespaceRegex = this.whitespaceRegex,
--		    indexOf = Autolinker.Util.indexOf,  // to support IE8 and below
--		    classes = ( !classAttr ) ? [] : classAttr.split( whitespaceRegex ),
--		    newClasses = cssClass.split( whitespaceRegex ),
--		    newClass;
--		while( newClass = newClasses.shift() ) {
--			if( indexOf( classes, newClass ) === -1 ) {
--				classes.push( newClass );
--			}
--		}
--		this.getAttrs()[ 'class' ] = classes.join( " " );
--		return this;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Convenience method to remove one or more CSS classes from the HtmlTag.
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} cssClass One or more space-separated CSS classes to remove.
--	 * @return {Autolinker.HtmlTag} This HtmlTag instance, so that method calls may be chained.
--	 */
--	removeClass : function( cssClass ) {
--		var classAttr = this.getClass(),
--		    whitespaceRegex = this.whitespaceRegex,
--		    indexOf = Autolinker.Util.indexOf,  // to support IE8 and below
--		    classes = ( !classAttr ) ? [] : classAttr.split( whitespaceRegex ),
--		    removeClasses = cssClass.split( whitespaceRegex ),
--		    removeClass;
--		while( classes.length && ( removeClass = removeClasses.shift() ) ) {
--			var idx = indexOf( classes, removeClass );
--			if( idx !== -1 ) {
--				classes.splice( idx, 1 );
--			}
--		}
--		this.getAttrs()[ 'class' ] = classes.join( " " );
--		return this;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Convenience method to retrieve the CSS class(es) for the HtmlTag, which will each be separated by spaces when
--	 * there are multiple.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getClass : function() {
--		return this.getAttrs()[ 'class' ] || "";
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Convenience method to check if the tag has a CSS class or not.
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} cssClass The CSS class to check for.
--	 * @return {Boolean} `true` if the HtmlTag has the CSS class, `false` otherwise.
--	 */
--	hasClass : function( cssClass ) {
--		return ( ' ' + this.getClass() + ' ' ).indexOf( ' ' + cssClass + ' ' ) !== -1;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Sets the inner HTML for the tag.
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} html The inner HTML to set.
--	 * @return {Autolinker.HtmlTag} This HtmlTag instance, so that method calls may be chained.
--	 */
--	setInnerHtml : function( html ) {
--		this.innerHtml = html;
--		return this;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Retrieves the inner HTML for the tag.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getInnerHtml : function() {
--		return this.innerHtml || "";
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Override of superclass method used to generate the HTML string for the tag.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	toAnchorString : function() {
--		var tagName = this.getTagName(),
--		    attrsStr = this.buildAttrsStr();
--		attrsStr = ( attrsStr ) ? ' ' + attrsStr : '';  // prepend a space if there are actually attributes
--		return [ '<', tagName, attrsStr, '>', this.getInnerHtml(), '</', tagName, '>' ].join( "" );
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Support method for {@link #toAnchorString}, returns the string space-separated key="value" pairs, used to populate
--	 * the stringified HtmlTag.
--	 *
--	 * @protected
--	 * @return {String} Example return: `attr1="value1" attr2="value2"`
--	 */
--	buildAttrsStr : function() {
--		if( !this.attrs ) return "";  // no `attrs` Object (map) has been set, return empty string
--		var attrs = this.getAttrs(),
--		    attrsArr = [];
--		for( var prop in attrs ) {
--			if( attrs.hasOwnProperty( prop ) ) {
--				attrsArr.push( prop + '="' + attrs[ prop ] + '"' );
--			}
--		}
--		return attrsArr.join( " " );
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.RegexLib
-- * @singleton
-- *
-- * Builds and stores a library of the common regular expressions used by the
-- * Autolinker utility.
-- *
-- * Other regular expressions may exist ad-hoc, but these are generally the
-- * regular expressions that are shared between source files.
-- */
--Autolinker.RegexLib = (function() {
--	/**
--	 * The string form of a regular expression that would match all of the
--	 * alphabetic ("letter") chars in the unicode character set when placed in a
--	 * RegExp character class (`[]`). This includes all international alphabetic
--	 * characters.
--	 *
--	 * These would be the characters matched by unicode regex engines `\p{L}`
--	 * escape ("all letters").
--	 *
--	 * Taken from the XRegExp library: http://xregexp.com/
--	 * Specifically: http://xregexp.com/v/3.0.0/unicode-categories.js
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @type {String}
--	 */
--	var alphaCharsStr = 'A-Za-z\\xAA\\xB5\\xBA\\xC0-\\xD6\\xD8-\\xF6\\xF8-\u02C1\u02C6-\u02D1\u02E0-\u02E4\u02EC\u02EE\u0370-\u0374\u0376\u0377\u037A-\u037D\u037F\u0386\u0388-\u038A\u038C\u038E-\u03A1\u03A3-\u03F5\u03F7-\u0481\u048A-\u052F\u0531-\u0556\u0559\u0561-\u0587\u05D0-\u05EA\u05F0-\u05F2\u0620-\u064A\u066E\u066F\u0671-\u06D3\u06D5\u06E5\u06E6\u06EE\u06EF\u06FA-\u06FC\u06FF\u0710\u0712-\u072F\u074D-\u07A5\u07B1\u07CA-\u07EA\u07F4\u07F5\u07FA\u0800-\u0815\u081A\u0824\u0828\u0840-\u0 [...]
--	/**
--	 * The string form of a regular expression that would match all of the
--	 * decimal number chars in the unicode character set when placed in a RegExp
--	 * character class (`[]`).
--	 *
--	 * These would be the characters matched by unicode regex engines `\p{Nd}`
--	 * escape ("all decimal numbers")
--	 *
--	 * Taken from the XRegExp library: http://xregexp.com/
--	 * Specifically: http://xregexp.com/v/3.0.0/unicode-categories.js
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @type {String}
--	 */
--	var decimalNumbersStr = '0-9\u0660-\u0669\u06F0-\u06F9\u07C0-\u07C9\u0966-\u096F\u09E6-\u09EF\u0A66-\u0A6F\u0AE6-\u0AEF\u0B66-\u0B6F\u0BE6-\u0BEF\u0C66-\u0C6F\u0CE6-\u0CEF\u0D66-\u0D6F\u0DE6-\u0DEF\u0E50-\u0E59\u0ED0-\u0ED9\u0F20-\u0F29\u1040-\u1049\u1090-\u1099\u17E0-\u17E9\u1810-\u1819\u1946-\u194F\u19D0-\u19D9\u1A80-\u1A89\u1A90-\u1A99\u1B50-\u1B59\u1BB0-\u1BB9\u1C40-\u1C49\u1C50-\u1C59\uA620-\uA629\uA8D0-\uA8D9\uA900-\uA909\uA9D0-\uA9D9\uA9F0-\uA9F9\uAA50-\uAA59\uABF0-\uABF9\uFF10- [...]
--	// See documentation below
--	var alphaNumericCharsStr = alphaCharsStr + decimalNumbersStr;
--	// Simplified IP regular expression
--	var ipRegex = new RegExp( '(?:[' + decimalNumbersStr + ']{1,3}\\.){3}[' + decimalNumbersStr + ']{1,3}' );
--	// Protected domain label which do not allow "-" character on the beginning and the end of a single label
--	var domainLabelStr = '[' + alphaNumericCharsStr + '](?:[' + alphaNumericCharsStr + '\\-]*[' + alphaNumericCharsStr + '])?';
--	// See documentation below
--	var domainNameRegex = new RegExp( '(?:(?:(?:' + domainLabelStr + '\\.)*(?:' + domainLabelStr + '))|(?:' + ipRegex.source + '))' );
--	return {
--		/**
--		 * The string form of a regular expression that would match all of the
--		 * letters and decimal number chars in the unicode character set when placed
--		 * in a RegExp character class (`[]`).
--		 *
--		 * These would be the characters matched by unicode regex engines `[\p{L}\p{Nd}]`
--		 * escape ("all letters and decimal numbers")
--		 *
--		 * @property {String} alphaNumericCharsStr
--		 */
--		alphaNumericCharsStr : alphaNumericCharsStr,
--		/**
--		 * The string form of a regular expression that would match all of the
--		 * letters and in the unicode character set when placed
--		 * in a RegExp character class (`[]`).
--		 *
--		 * These would be the characters matched by unicode regex engines `[\p{L}]`
--		 * escape ("all letters")
--		 *
--		 * @property {String} alphaCharsStr
--		 */
--		alphaCharsStr : alphaCharsStr,
--		/**
--		 * A regular expression to match domain names of a URL or email address.
--		 * Ex: 'google', 'yahoo', 'some-other-company', etc.
--		 *
--		 * @property {RegExp} domainNameRegex
--		 */
--		domainNameRegex : domainNameRegex,
--	};
--}() );
--/*global Autolinker */
--/*jshint sub:true */
-- * @protected
-- * @class Autolinker.AnchorTagBuilder
-- * @extends Object
-- *
-- * Builds anchor (<a>) tags for the Autolinker utility when a match is
-- * found.
-- *
-- * Normally this class is instantiated, configured, and used internally by an
-- * {@link Autolinker} instance, but may actually be used indirectly in a
-- * {@link Autolinker#replaceFn replaceFn} to create {@link Autolinker.HtmlTag HtmlTag}
-- * instances which may be modified before returning from the
-- * {@link Autolinker#replaceFn replaceFn}. For example:
-- *
-- *     var html = Autolinker.link( "Test google.com", {
-- *         replaceFn : function( match ) {
-- *             var tag = match.buildTag();  // returns an {@link Autolinker.HtmlTag} instance
-- *             tag.setAttr( 'rel', 'nofollow' );
-- *
-- *             return tag;
-- *         }
-- *     } );
-- *
-- *     // generated html:
-- *     //   Test <a href="http://google.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">google.com</a>
-- */
--Autolinker.AnchorTagBuilder = Autolinker.Util.extend( Object, {
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} newWindow
--	 * @inheritdoc Autolinker#newWindow
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Object} truncate
--	 * @inheritdoc Autolinker#truncate
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} className
--	 * @inheritdoc Autolinker#className
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @constructor
--	 * @param {Object} [cfg] The configuration options for the AnchorTagBuilder instance, specified in an Object (map).
--	 */
--	constructor : function( cfg ) {
--		cfg = cfg || {};
--		this.newWindow = cfg.newWindow;
--		this.truncate = cfg.truncate;
--		this.className = cfg.className;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Generates the actual anchor (<a>) tag to use in place of the
--	 * matched text, via its `match` object.
--	 *
--	 * @param {Autolinker.match.Match} match The Match instance to generate an
--	 *   anchor tag from.
--	 * @return {Autolinker.HtmlTag} The HtmlTag instance for the anchor tag.
--	 */
--	build : function( match ) {
--		return new Autolinker.HtmlTag( {
--			tagName   : 'a',
--			attrs     : this.createAttrs( match ),
--			innerHtml : this.processAnchorText( match.getAnchorText() )
--		} );
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Creates the Object (map) of the HTML attributes for the anchor (<a>)
--	 *   tag being generated.
--	 *
--	 * @protected
--	 * @param {Autolinker.match.Match} match The Match instance to generate an
--	 *   anchor tag from.
--	 * @return {Object} A key/value Object (map) of the anchor tag's attributes.
--	 */
--	createAttrs : function( match ) {
--		var attrs = {
--			'href' : match.getAnchorHref()  // we'll always have the `href` attribute
--		};
--		var cssClass = this.createCssClass( match );
--		if( cssClass ) {
--			attrs[ 'class' ] = cssClass;
--		}
--		if( this.newWindow ) {
--			attrs[ 'target' ] = "_blank";
--			attrs[ 'rel' ] = "noopener noreferrer";
--		}
--		if( this.truncate ) {
--			if( this.truncate.length && this.truncate.length < match.getAnchorText().length ) {
--				attrs[ 'title' ] = match.getAnchorHref();
--			}
--		}
--		return attrs;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Creates the CSS class that will be used for a given anchor tag, based on
--	 * the `matchType` and the {@link #className} config.
--	 *
--	 * Example returns:
--	 *
--	 * - ""                                      // no {@link #className}
--	 * - "myLink myLink-url"                     // url match
--	 * - "myLink myLink-email"                   // email match
--	 * - "myLink myLink-phone"                   // phone match
--	 * - "myLink myLink-hashtag"                 // hashtag match
--	 * - "myLink myLink-mention myLink-twitter"  // mention match with Twitter service
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {Autolinker.match.Match} match The Match instance to generate an
--	 *   anchor tag from.
--	 * @return {String} The CSS class string for the link. Example return:
--	 *   "myLink myLink-url". If no {@link #className} was configured, returns
--	 *   an empty string.
--	 */
--	createCssClass : function( match ) {
--		var className = this.className;
--		if( !className ) {
--			return "";
--		} else {
--			var returnClasses = [ className ],
--				cssClassSuffixes = match.getCssClassSuffixes();
--			for( var i = 0, len = cssClassSuffixes.length; i < len; i++ ) {
--				returnClasses.push( className + '-' + cssClassSuffixes[ i ] );
--			}
--			return returnClasses.join( ' ' );
--		}
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Processes the `anchorText` by truncating the text according to the
--	 * {@link #truncate} config.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {String} anchorText The anchor tag's text (i.e. what will be
--	 *   displayed).
--	 * @return {String} The processed `anchorText`.
--	 */
--	processAnchorText : function( anchorText ) {
--		anchorText = this.doTruncate( anchorText );
--		return anchorText;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Performs the truncation of the `anchorText` based on the {@link #truncate}
--	 * option. If the `anchorText` is longer than the length specified by the
--	 * {@link #truncate} option, the truncation is performed based on the
--	 * `location` property. See {@link #truncate} for details.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {String} anchorText The anchor tag's text (i.e. what will be
--	 *   displayed).
--	 * @return {String} The truncated anchor text.
--	 */
--	doTruncate : function( anchorText ) {
--		var truncate = this.truncate;
--		if( !truncate || !truncate.length ) return anchorText;
--		var truncateLength = truncate.length,
--			truncateLocation = truncate.location;
--		if( truncateLocation === 'smart' ) {
--			return Autolinker.truncate.TruncateSmart( anchorText, truncateLength );
--		} else if( truncateLocation === 'middle' ) {
--			return Autolinker.truncate.TruncateMiddle( anchorText, truncateLength );
--		} else {
--			return Autolinker.truncate.TruncateEnd( anchorText, truncateLength );
--		}
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlParser
-- * @extends Object
-- *
-- * An HTML parser implementation which simply walks an HTML string and returns an array of
-- * {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode HtmlNodes} that represent the basic HTML structure of the input string.
-- *
-- * Autolinker uses this to only link URLs/emails/mentions within text nodes, effectively ignoring / "walking
-- * around" HTML tags.
-- */
--Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlParser = Autolinker.Util.extend( Object, {
--	/**
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} htmlRegex
--	 *
--	 * The regular expression used to pull out HTML tags from a string. Handles namespaced HTML tags and
--	 * attribute names, as specified by http://www.w3.org/TR/html-markup/syntax.html.
--	 *
--	 * Capturing groups:
--	 *
--	 * 1. The "!DOCTYPE" tag name, if a tag is a <!DOCTYPE> tag.
--	 * 2. If it is an end tag, this group will have the '/'.
--	 * 3. If it is a comment tag, this group will hold the comment text (i.e.
--	 *    the text inside the `<!--` and `-->`.
--	 * 4. The tag name for a tag without attributes (other than the <!DOCTYPE> tag)
--	 * 5. The tag name for a tag with attributes (other than the <!DOCTYPE> tag)
--	 */
--	htmlRegex : (function() {
--		var commentTagRegex = /!--([\s\S]+?)--/,
--		    tagNameRegex = /[0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z:]*/,
--		    attrNameRegex = /[^\s"'>\/=\x00-\x1F\x7F]+/,   // the unicode range accounts for excluding control chars, and the delete char
--		    attrValueRegex = /(?:"[^"]*?"|'[^']*?'|[^'"=<>`\s]+)/, // double quoted, single quoted, or unquoted attribute values
--		    nameEqualsValueRegex = attrNameRegex.source + '(?:\\s*=\\s*' + attrValueRegex.source + ')?';  // optional '=[value]'
--		return new RegExp( [
--			// for <!DOCTYPE> tag. Ex: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">)
--			'(?:',
--				'<(!DOCTYPE)',  // *** Capturing Group 1 - If it's a doctype tag
--					// Zero or more attributes following the tag name
--					'(?:',
--						'\\s+',  // one or more whitespace chars before an attribute
--						// Either:
--						// A. attr="value", or
--						// B. "value" alone (To cover example doctype tag: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">)
--						'(?:', nameEqualsValueRegex, '|', attrValueRegex.source + ')',
--					')*',
--				'>',
--			')',
--			'|',
--			// All other HTML tags (i.e. tags that are not <!DOCTYPE>)
--			'(?:',
--				'<(/)?',  // Beginning of a tag or comment. Either '<' for a start tag, or '</' for an end tag.
--				          // *** Capturing Group 2: The slash or an empty string. Slash ('/') for end tag, empty string for start or self-closing tag.
--					'(?:',
--						commentTagRegex.source,  // *** Capturing Group 3 - A Comment Tag's Text
--						'|',
--						// Handle tag without attributes.
--						// Doing this separately from a tag that has attributes
--						// to fix a regex time complexity issue seen with the
--						// example in https://github.com/gregjacobs/Autolinker.js/issues/172
--						'(?:',
--							// *** Capturing Group 4 - The tag name for a tag without attributes
--							'(' + tagNameRegex.source + ')',
--							'\\s*/?',  // any trailing spaces and optional '/' before the closing '>'
--						')',
--						'|',
--						// Handle tag with attributes
--						// Doing this separately from a tag with no attributes
--						// to fix a regex time complexity issue seen with the
--						// example in https://github.com/gregjacobs/Autolinker.js/issues/172
--						'(?:',
--							// *** Capturing Group 5 - The tag name for a tag with attributes
--							'(' + tagNameRegex.source + ')',
--							'\\s+',  // must have at least one space after the tag name to prevent ReDoS issue (issue #172)
--							// Zero or more attributes following the tag name
--							'(?:',
--								'(?:\\s+|\\b)',        // any number of whitespace chars before an attribute. NOTE: Using \s* here throws Chrome into an infinite loop for some reason, so using \s+|\b instead
--								nameEqualsValueRegex,  // attr="value" (with optional ="value" part)
--							')*',
--							'\\s*/?',  // any trailing spaces and optional '/' before the closing '>'
--						')',
--					')',
--				'>',
--			')'
--		].join( "" ), 'gi' );
--	} )(),
--	/**
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} htmlCharacterEntitiesRegex
--	 *
--	 * The regular expression that matches common HTML character entities.
--	 *
--	 * Ignoring & as it could be part of a query string -- handling it separately.
--	 */
--	htmlCharacterEntitiesRegex: /( | |<|<|>|>|"|"|')/gi,
--	/**
--	 * Parses an HTML string and returns a simple array of {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode HtmlNodes}
--	 * to represent the HTML structure of the input string.
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} html The HTML to parse.
--	 * @return {Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode[]}
--	 */
--	parse : function( html ) {
--		var htmlRegex = this.htmlRegex,
--		    currentResult,
--		    lastIndex = 0,
--		    textAndEntityNodes,
--		    nodes = [];  // will be the result of the method
--		while( ( currentResult = htmlRegex.exec( html ) ) !== null ) {
--			var tagText = currentResult[ 0 ],
--			    commentText = currentResult[ 3 ], // if we've matched a comment
--			    tagName = currentResult[ 1 ] || currentResult[ 4 ] || currentResult[ 5 ],  // The <!DOCTYPE> tag (ex: "!DOCTYPE"), or another tag (ex: "a" or "img")
--			    isClosingTag = !!currentResult[ 2 ],
--			    offset = currentResult.index,
--			    inBetweenTagsText = html.substring( lastIndex, offset );
--			// Push TextNodes and EntityNodes for any text found between tags
--			if( inBetweenTagsText ) {
--				textAndEntityNodes = this.parseTextAndEntityNodes( lastIndex, inBetweenTagsText );
--				nodes.push.apply( nodes, textAndEntityNodes );
--			}
--			// Push the CommentNode or ElementNode
--			if( commentText ) {
--				nodes.push( this.createCommentNode( offset, tagText, commentText ) );
--			} else {
--				nodes.push( this.createElementNode( offset, tagText, tagName, isClosingTag ) );
--			}
--			lastIndex = offset + tagText.length;
--		}
--		// Process any remaining text after the last HTML element. Will process all of the text if there were no HTML elements.
--		if( lastIndex < html.length ) {
--			var text = html.substring( lastIndex );
--			// Push TextNodes and EntityNodes for any text found between tags
--			if( text ) {
--				textAndEntityNodes = this.parseTextAndEntityNodes( lastIndex, text );
--				// Note: the following 3 lines were previously:
--				//   nodes.push.apply( nodes, textAndEntityNodes );
--				// but this was causing a "Maximum Call Stack Size Exceeded"
--				// error on inputs with a large number of html entities.
--				textAndEntityNodes.forEach( function( node ) {
--					nodes.push( node );
--				} );
--			}
--		}
--		return nodes;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Parses text and HTML entity nodes from a given string. The input string
--	 * should not have any HTML tags (elements) within it.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {Number} offset The offset of the text node match within the
--	 *   original HTML string.
--	 * @param {String} text The string of text to parse. This is from an HTML
--	 *   text node.
--	 * @return {Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode[]} An array of HtmlNodes to
--	 *   represent the {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.TextNode TextNodes} and
--	 *   {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.EntityNode EntityNodes} found.
--	 */
--	parseTextAndEntityNodes : function( offset, text ) {
--		var nodes = [],
--		    textAndEntityTokens = Autolinker.Util.splitAndCapture( text, this.htmlCharacterEntitiesRegex );  // split at HTML entities, but include the HTML entities in the results array
--		// Every even numbered token is a TextNode, and every odd numbered token is an EntityNode
--		// For example: an input `text` of "Test "this" today" would turn into the
--		//   `textAndEntityTokens`: [ 'Test ', '"', 'this', '"', ' today' ]
--		for( var i = 0, len = textAndEntityTokens.length; i < len; i += 2 ) {
--			var textToken = textAndEntityTokens[ i ],
--			    entityToken = textAndEntityTokens[ i + 1 ];
--			if( textToken ) {
--				nodes.push( this.createTextNode( offset, textToken ) );
--				offset += textToken.length;
--			}
--			if( entityToken ) {
--				nodes.push( this.createEntityNode( offset, entityToken ) );
--				offset += entityToken.length;
--			}
--		}
--		return nodes;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Factory method to create an {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.CommentNode CommentNode}.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {Number} offset The offset of the match within the original HTML
--	 *   string.
--	 * @param {String} tagText The full text of the tag (comment) that was
--	 *   matched, including its <!-- and -->.
--	 * @param {String} commentText The full text of the comment that was matched.
--	 */
--	createCommentNode : function( offset, tagText, commentText ) {
--		return new Autolinker.htmlParser.CommentNode( {
--			offset : offset,
--			text   : tagText,
--			comment: Autolinker.Util.trim( commentText )
--		} );
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Factory method to create an {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.ElementNode ElementNode}.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {Number} offset The offset of the match within the original HTML
--	 *   string.
--	 * @param {String} tagText The full text of the tag (element) that was
--	 *   matched, including its attributes.
--	 * @param {String} tagName The name of the tag. Ex: An <img> tag would
--	 *   be passed to this method as "img".
--	 * @param {Boolean} isClosingTag `true` if it's a closing tag, false
--	 *   otherwise.
--	 * @return {Autolinker.htmlParser.ElementNode}
--	 */
--	createElementNode : function( offset, tagText, tagName, isClosingTag ) {
--		return new Autolinker.htmlParser.ElementNode( {
--			offset  : offset,
--			text    : tagText,
--			tagName : tagName.toLowerCase(),
--			closing : isClosingTag
--		} );
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Factory method to create a {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.EntityNode EntityNode}.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {Number} offset The offset of the match within the original HTML
--	 *   string.
--	 * @param {String} text The text that was matched for the HTML entity (such
--	 *   as '&nbsp;').
--	 * @return {Autolinker.htmlParser.EntityNode}
--	 */
--	createEntityNode : function( offset, text ) {
--		return new Autolinker.htmlParser.EntityNode( { offset: offset, text: text } );
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Factory method to create a {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.TextNode TextNode}.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {Number} offset The offset of the match within the original HTML
--	 *   string.
--	 * @param {String} text The text that was matched.
--	 * @return {Autolinker.htmlParser.TextNode}
--	 */
--	createTextNode : function( offset, text ) {
--		return new Autolinker.htmlParser.TextNode( { offset: offset, text: text } );
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @abstract
-- * @class Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode
-- *
-- * Represents an HTML node found in an input string. An HTML node is one of the
-- * following:
-- *
-- * 1. An {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.ElementNode ElementNode}, which represents
-- *    HTML tags.
-- * 2. A {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.CommentNode CommentNode}, which represents
-- *    HTML comments.
-- * 3. A {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.TextNode TextNode}, which represents text
-- *    outside or within HTML tags.
-- * 4. A {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.EntityNode EntityNode}, which represents
-- *    one of the known HTML entities that Autolinker looks for. This includes
-- *    common ones such as &quot; and &nbsp;
-- */
--Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode = Autolinker.Util.extend( Object, {
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Number} offset (required)
--	 *
--	 * The offset of the HTML node in the original text that was parsed.
--	 */
--	offset : undefined,
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} text (required)
--	 *
--	 * The text that was matched for the HtmlNode.
--	 *
--	 * - In the case of an {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.ElementNode ElementNode},
--	 *   this will be the tag's text.
--	 * - In the case of an {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.CommentNode CommentNode},
--	 *   this will be the comment's text.
--	 * - In the case of a {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.TextNode TextNode}, this
--	 *   will be the text itself.
--	 * - In the case of a {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.EntityNode EntityNode},
--	 *   this will be the text of the HTML entity.
--	 */
--	text : undefined,
--	/**
--	 * @constructor
--	 * @param {Object} cfg The configuration properties for the Match instance,
--	 * specified in an Object (map).
--	 */
--	constructor : function( cfg ) {
--		Autolinker.Util.assign( this, cfg );
--		if( this.offset == null ) throw new Error( '`offset` cfg required' );
--		if( this.text == null ) throw new Error( '`text` cfg required' );
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns a string name for the type of node that this class represents.
--	 *
--	 * @abstract
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getType : Autolinker.Util.abstractMethod,
--	/**
--	 * Retrieves the {@link #offset} of the HtmlNode. This is the offset of the
--	 * HTML node in the original string that was parsed.
--	 *
--	 * @return {Number}
--	 */
--	getOffset : function() {
--		return this.offset;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Retrieves the {@link #text} for the HtmlNode.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getText : function() {
--		return this.text;
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.htmlParser.CommentNode
-- * @extends Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode
-- *
-- * Represents an HTML comment node that has been parsed by the
-- * {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlParser}.
-- *
-- * See this class's superclass ({@link Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode}) for more
-- * details.
-- */
--Autolinker.htmlParser.CommentNode = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode, {
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} comment (required)
--	 *
--	 * The text inside the comment tag. This text is stripped of any leading or
--	 * trailing whitespace.
--	 */
--	comment : '',
--	/**
--	 * Returns a string name for the type of node that this class represents.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getType : function() {
--		return 'comment';
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the comment inside the comment tag.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getComment : function() {
--		return this.comment;
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.htmlParser.ElementNode
-- * @extends Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode
-- *
-- * Represents an HTML element node that has been parsed by the {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlParser}.
-- *
-- * See this class's superclass ({@link Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode}) for more
-- * details.
-- */
--Autolinker.htmlParser.ElementNode = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode, {
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} tagName (required)
--	 *
--	 * The name of the tag that was matched.
--	 */
--	tagName : '',
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} closing (required)
--	 *
--	 * `true` if the element (tag) is a closing tag, `false` if its an opening
--	 * tag.
--	 */
--	closing : false,
--	/**
--	 * Returns a string name for the type of node that this class represents.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getType : function() {
--		return 'element';
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the HTML element's (tag's) name. Ex: for an <img> tag,
--	 * returns "img".
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getTagName : function() {
--		return this.tagName;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Determines if the HTML element (tag) is a closing tag. Ex: <div>
--	 * returns `false`, while </div> returns `true`.
--	 *
--	 * @return {Boolean}
--	 */
--	isClosing : function() {
--		return this.closing;
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.htmlParser.EntityNode
-- * @extends Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode
-- *
-- * Represents a known HTML entity node that has been parsed by the {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlParser}.
-- * Ex: '&nbsp;', or '&amp#160;' (which will be retrievable from the {@link #getText}
-- * method.
-- *
-- * Note that this class will only be returned from the HtmlParser for the set of
-- * checked HTML entity nodes  defined by the {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlParser#htmlCharacterEntitiesRegex}.
-- *
-- * See this class's superclass ({@link Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode}) for more
-- * details.
-- */
--Autolinker.htmlParser.EntityNode = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode, {
--	/**
--	 * Returns a string name for the type of node that this class represents.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getType : function() {
--		return 'entity';
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.htmlParser.TextNode
-- * @extends Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode
-- *
-- * Represents a text node that has been parsed by the {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlParser}.
-- *
-- * See this class's superclass ({@link Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode}) for more
-- * details.
-- */
--Autolinker.htmlParser.TextNode = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode, {
--	/**
--	 * Returns a string name for the type of node that this class represents.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getType : function() {
--		return 'text';
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @abstract
-- * @class Autolinker.match.Match
-- *
-- * Represents a match found in an input string which should be Autolinked. A Match object is what is provided in a
-- * {@link Autolinker#replaceFn replaceFn}, and may be used to query for details about the match.
-- *
-- * For example:
-- *
-- *     var input = "...";  // string with URLs, Email Addresses, and Mentions (Twitter, Instagram)
-- *
-- *     var linkedText = Autolinker.link( input, {
-- *         replaceFn : function( match ) {
-- *             console.log( "href = ", match.getAnchorHref() );
-- *             console.log( "text = ", match.getAnchorText() );
-- *
-- *             switch( match.getType() ) {
-- *                 case 'url' :
-- *                     console.log( "url: ", match.getUrl() );
-- *
-- *                 case 'email' :
-- *                     console.log( "email: ", match.getEmail() );
-- *
-- *                 case 'mention' :
-- *                     console.log( "mention: ", match.getMention() );
-- *             }
-- *         }
-- *     } );
-- *
-- * See the {@link Autolinker} class for more details on using the {@link Autolinker#replaceFn replaceFn}.
-- */
--Autolinker.match.Match = Autolinker.Util.extend( Object, {
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Autolinker.AnchorTagBuilder} tagBuilder (required)
--	 *
--	 * Reference to the AnchorTagBuilder instance to use to generate an anchor
--	 * tag for the Match.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} matchedText (required)
--	 *
--	 * The original text that was matched by the {@link Autolinker.matcher.Matcher}.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Number} offset (required)
--	 *
--	 * The offset of where the match was made in the input string.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @constructor
--	 * @param {Object} cfg The configuration properties for the Match
--	 *   instance, specified in an Object (map).
--	 */
--	constructor : function( cfg ) {
--		if( cfg.tagBuilder == null ) throw new Error( '`tagBuilder` cfg required' );
--		if( cfg.matchedText == null ) throw new Error( '`matchedText` cfg required' );
--		if( cfg.offset == null ) throw new Error( '`offset` cfg required' );
--		this.tagBuilder = cfg.tagBuilder;
--		this.matchedText = cfg.matchedText;
--		this.offset = cfg.offset;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns a string name for the type of match that this class represents.
--	 *
--	 * @abstract
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getType : Autolinker.Util.abstractMethod,
--	/**
--	 * Returns the original text that was matched.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getMatchedText : function() {
--		return this.matchedText;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Sets the {@link #offset} of where the match was made in the input string.
--	 *
--	 * A {@link Autolinker.matcher.Matcher} will be fed only HTML text nodes,
--	 * and will therefore set an original offset that is relative to the HTML
--	 * text node itself. However, we want this offset to be relative to the full
--	 * HTML input string, and thus if using {@link Autolinker#parse} (rather
--	 * than calling a {@link Autolinker.matcher.Matcher} directly), then this
--	 * offset is corrected after the Matcher itself has done its job.
--	 *
--	 * @param {Number} offset
--	 */
--	setOffset : function( offset ) {
--		this.offset = offset;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the offset of where the match was made in the input string. This
--	 * is the 0-based index of the match.
--	 *
--	 * @return {Number}
--	 */
--	getOffset : function() {
--		return this.offset;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the anchor href that should be generated for the match.
--	 *
--	 * @abstract
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getAnchorHref : Autolinker.Util.abstractMethod,
--	/**
--	 * Returns the anchor text that should be generated for the match.
--	 *
--	 * @abstract
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getAnchorText : Autolinker.Util.abstractMethod,
--	/**
--	 * Returns the CSS class suffix(es) for this match.
--	 *
--	 * A CSS class suffix is appended to the {@link Autolinker#className} in
--	 * the {@link Autolinker.AnchorTagBuilder} when a match is translated into
--	 * an anchor tag.
--	 *
--	 * For example, if {@link Autolinker#className} was configured as 'myLink',
--	 * and this method returns `[ 'url' ]`, the final class name of the element
--	 * will become: 'myLink myLink-url'.
--	 *
--	 * The match may provide multiple CSS class suffixes to be appended to the
--	 * {@link Autolinker#className} in order to facilitate better styling
--	 * options for different match criteria. See {@link Autolinker.match.Mention}
--	 * for an example.
--	 *
--	 * By default, this method returns a single array with the match's
--	 * {@link #getType type} name, but may be overridden by subclasses.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String[]}
--	 */
--	getCssClassSuffixes : function() {
--		return [ this.getType() ];
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Builds and returns an {@link Autolinker.HtmlTag} instance based on the
--	 * Match.
--	 *
--	 * This can be used to easily generate anchor tags from matches, and either
--	 * return their HTML string, or modify them before doing so.
--	 *
--	 * Example Usage:
--	 *
--	 *     var tag = match.buildTag();
--	 *     tag.addClass( 'cordova-link' );
--	 *     tag.setAttr( 'target', '_system' );
--	 *
--	 *     tag.toAnchorString();  // <a href="http://google.com" class="cordova-link" target="_system">Google</a>
--	 */
--	buildTag : function() {
--		return this.tagBuilder.build( this );
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.match.Email
-- * @extends Autolinker.match.Match
-- *
-- * Represents a Email match found in an input string which should be Autolinked.
-- *
-- * See this class's superclass ({@link Autolinker.match.Match}) for more details.
-- */
--Autolinker.match.Email = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.match.Match, {
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} email (required)
--	 *
--	 * The email address that was matched.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @constructor
--	 * @param {Object} cfg The configuration properties for the Match
--	 *   instance, specified in an Object (map).
--	 */
--	constructor : function( cfg ) {
--		Autolinker.match.Match.prototype.constructor.call( this, cfg );
--		if( !cfg.email ) throw new Error( '`email` cfg required' );
--		this.email = cfg.email;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns a string name for the type of match that this class represents.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getType : function() {
--		return 'email';
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the email address that was matched.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getEmail : function() {
--		return this.email;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the anchor href that should be generated for the match.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getAnchorHref : function() {
--		return 'mailto:' + this.email;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the anchor text that should be generated for the match.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getAnchorText : function() {
--		return this.email;
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.match.Hashtag
-- * @extends Autolinker.match.Match
-- *
-- * Represents a Hashtag match found in an input string which should be
-- * Autolinked.
-- *
-- * See this class's superclass ({@link Autolinker.match.Match}) for more
-- * details.
-- */
--Autolinker.match.Hashtag = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.match.Match, {
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} serviceName
--	 *
--	 * The service to point hashtag matches to. See {@link Autolinker#hashtag}
--	 * for available values.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} hashtag (required)
--	 *
--	 * The Hashtag that was matched, without the '#'.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @constructor
--	 * @param {Object} cfg The configuration properties for the Match
--	 *   instance, specified in an Object (map).
--	 */
--	constructor : function( cfg ) {
--		Autolinker.match.Match.prototype.constructor.call( this, cfg );
--		// TODO: if( !serviceName ) throw new Error( '`serviceName` cfg required' );
--		if( !cfg.hashtag ) throw new Error( '`hashtag` cfg required' );
--		this.serviceName = cfg.serviceName;
--		this.hashtag = cfg.hashtag;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the type of match that this class represents.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getType : function() {
--		return 'hashtag';
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the configured {@link #serviceName} to point the Hashtag to.
--	 * Ex: 'facebook', 'twitter'.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getServiceName : function() {
--		return this.serviceName;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the matched hashtag, without the '#' character.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getHashtag : function() {
--		return this.hashtag;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the anchor href that should be generated for the match.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getAnchorHref : function() {
--		var serviceName = this.serviceName,
--		    hashtag = this.hashtag;
--		switch( serviceName ) {
--			case 'twitter' :
--				return 'https://twitter.com/hashtag/' + hashtag;
--			case 'facebook' :
--				return 'https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/' + hashtag;
--			case 'instagram' :
--				return 'https://instagram.com/explore/tags/' + hashtag;
--			default :  // Shouldn't happen because Autolinker's constructor should block any invalid values, but just in case.
--				throw new Error( 'Unknown service name to point hashtag to: ', serviceName );
--		}
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the anchor text that should be generated for the match.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getAnchorText : function() {
--		return '#' + this.hashtag;
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.match.Phone
-- * @extends Autolinker.match.Match
-- *
-- * Represents a Phone number match found in an input string which should be
-- * Autolinked.
-- *
-- * See this class's superclass ({@link Autolinker.match.Match}) for more
-- * details.
-- */
--Autolinker.match.Phone = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.match.Match, {
--	/**
--	 * @protected
--	 * @property {String} number (required)
--	 *
--	 * The phone number that was matched, without any delimiter characters.
--	 *
--	 * Note: This is a string to allow for prefixed 0's.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @protected
--	 * @property  {Boolean} plusSign (required)
--	 *
--	 * `true` if the matched phone number started with a '+' sign. We'll include
--	 * it in the `tel:` URL if so, as this is needed for international numbers.
--	 *
--	 * Ex: '+1 (123) 456 7879'
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @constructor
--	 * @param {Object} cfg The configuration properties for the Match
--	 *   instance, specified in an Object (map).
--	 */
--	constructor : function( cfg ) {
--		Autolinker.match.Match.prototype.constructor.call( this, cfg );
--		if( !cfg.number ) throw new Error( '`number` cfg required' );
--		if( cfg.plusSign == null ) throw new Error( '`plusSign` cfg required' );
--		this.number = cfg.number;
--		this.plusSign = cfg.plusSign;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns a string name for the type of match that this class represents.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getType : function() {
--		return 'phone';
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the phone number that was matched as a string, without any
--	 * delimiter characters.
--	 *
--	 * Note: This is a string to allow for prefixed 0's.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getNumber: function() {
--		return this.number;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the anchor href that should be generated for the match.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getAnchorHref : function() {
--		return 'tel:' + ( this.plusSign ? '+' : '' ) + this.number;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the anchor text that should be generated for the match.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getAnchorText : function() {
--		return this.matchedText;
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.match.Mention
-- * @extends Autolinker.match.Match
-- *
-- * Represents a Mention match found in an input string which should be Autolinked.
-- *
-- * See this class's superclass ({@link Autolinker.match.Match}) for more details.
-- */
--Autolinker.match.Mention = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.match.Match, {
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} serviceName
--	 *
--	 * The service to point mention matches to. See {@link Autolinker#mention}
--	 * for available values.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} mention (required)
--	 *
--	 * The Mention that was matched, without the '@' character.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @constructor
--	 * @param {Object} cfg The configuration properties for the Match
--	 *   instance, specified in an Object (map).
--	 */
--	constructor : function( cfg ) {
--		Autolinker.match.Match.prototype.constructor.call( this, cfg );
--		if( !cfg.serviceName ) throw new Error( '`serviceName` cfg required' );
--		if( !cfg.mention ) throw new Error( '`mention` cfg required' );
--		this.mention = cfg.mention;
--		this.serviceName = cfg.serviceName;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the type of match that this class represents.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getType : function() {
--		return 'mention';
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the mention, without the '@' character.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getMention : function() {
--		return this.mention;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the configured {@link #serviceName} to point the mention to.
--	 * Ex: 'instagram', 'twitter'.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getServiceName : function() {
--		return this.serviceName;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the anchor href that should be generated for the match.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getAnchorHref : function() {
--		switch( this.serviceName ) {
--			case 'twitter' :
--				return 'https://twitter.com/' + this.mention;
--			case 'instagram' :
--				return 'https://instagram.com/' + this.mention;
--			default :  // Shouldn't happen because Autolinker's constructor should block any invalid values, but just in case.
--				throw new Error( 'Unknown service name to point mention to: ', this.serviceName );
--		}
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the anchor text that should be generated for the match.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getAnchorText : function() {
--		return '@' + this.mention;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the CSS class suffixes that should be used on a tag built with
--	 * the match. See {@link Autolinker.match.Match#getCssClassSuffixes} for
--	 * details.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String[]}
--	 */
--	getCssClassSuffixes : function() {
--		var cssClassSuffixes = Autolinker.match.Match.prototype.getCssClassSuffixes.call( this ),
--		    serviceName = this.getServiceName();
--		if( serviceName ) {
--			cssClassSuffixes.push( serviceName );
--		}
--		return cssClassSuffixes;
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.match.Url
-- * @extends Autolinker.match.Match
-- *
-- * Represents a Url match found in an input string which should be Autolinked.
-- *
-- * See this class's superclass ({@link Autolinker.match.Match}) for more details.
-- */
--Autolinker.match.Url = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.match.Match, {
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} url (required)
--	 *
--	 * The url that was matched.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {"scheme"/"www"/"tld"} urlMatchType (required)
--	 *
--	 * The type of URL match that this class represents. This helps to determine
--	 * if the match was made in the original text with a prefixed scheme (ex:
--	 * 'http://www.google.com'), a prefixed 'www' (ex: 'www.google.com'), or
--	 * was matched by a known top-level domain (ex: 'google.com').
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} protocolUrlMatch (required)
--	 *
--	 * `true` if the URL is a match which already has a protocol (i.e.
--	 * 'http://'), `false` if the match was from a 'www' or known TLD match.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} protocolRelativeMatch (required)
--	 *
--	 * `true` if the URL is a protocol-relative match. A protocol-relative match
--	 * is a URL that starts with '//', and will be either http:// or https://
--	 * based on the protocol that the site is loaded under.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Object} stripPrefix (required)
--	 *
--	 * The Object form of {@link Autolinker#cfg-stripPrefix}.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} stripTrailingSlash (required)
--	 * @inheritdoc Autolinker#cfg-stripTrailingSlash
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} decodePercentEncoding (required)
--	 * @inheritdoc Autolinker#cfg-decodePercentEncoding
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @constructor
--	 * @param {Object} cfg The configuration properties for the Match
--	 *   instance, specified in an Object (map).
--	 */
--	constructor : function( cfg ) {
--		Autolinker.match.Match.prototype.constructor.call( this, cfg );
--		if( cfg.urlMatchType !== 'scheme' && cfg.urlMatchType !== 'www' && cfg.urlMatchType !== 'tld' ) throw new Error( '`urlMatchType` cfg must be one of: "scheme", "www", or "tld"' );
--		if( !cfg.url ) throw new Error( '`url` cfg required' );
--		if( cfg.protocolUrlMatch == null ) throw new Error( '`protocolUrlMatch` cfg required' );
--		if( cfg.protocolRelativeMatch == null ) throw new Error( '`protocolRelativeMatch` cfg required' );
--		if( cfg.stripPrefix == null ) throw new Error( '`stripPrefix` cfg required' );
--		if( cfg.stripTrailingSlash == null ) throw new Error( '`stripTrailingSlash` cfg required' );
--		if( cfg.decodePercentEncoding == null ) throw new Error( '`decodePercentEncoding` cfg required' );
--		this.urlMatchType = cfg.urlMatchType;
--		this.url = cfg.url;
--		this.protocolUrlMatch = cfg.protocolUrlMatch;
--		this.protocolRelativeMatch = cfg.protocolRelativeMatch;
--		this.stripPrefix = cfg.stripPrefix;
--		this.stripTrailingSlash = cfg.stripTrailingSlash;
--		this.decodePercentEncoding = cfg.decodePercentEncoding;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} schemePrefixRegex
--	 *
--	 * A regular expression used to remove the 'http://' or 'https://' from
--	 * URLs.
--	 */
--	schemePrefixRegex: /^(https?:\/\/)?/i,
--	/**
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} wwwPrefixRegex
--	 *
--	 * A regular expression used to remove the 'www.' from URLs.
--	 */
--	wwwPrefixRegex: /^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?/i,
--	/**
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} protocolRelativeRegex
--	 *
--	 * The regular expression used to remove the protocol-relative '//' from the {@link #url} string, for purposes
--	 * of {@link #getAnchorText}. A protocol-relative URL is, for example, "//yahoo.com"
--	 */
--	protocolRelativeRegex : /^\/\//,
--	/**
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {Boolean} protocolPrepended
--	 *
--	 * Will be set to `true` if the 'http://' protocol has been prepended to the {@link #url} (because the
--	 * {@link #url} did not have a protocol)
--	 */
--	protocolPrepended : false,
--	/**
--	 * Returns a string name for the type of match that this class represents.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getType : function() {
--		return 'url';
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns a string name for the type of URL match that this class
--	 * represents.
--	 *
--	 * This helps to determine if the match was made in the original text with a
--	 * prefixed scheme (ex: 'http://www.google.com'), a prefixed 'www' (ex:
--	 * 'www.google.com'), or was matched by a known top-level domain (ex:
--	 * 'google.com').
--	 *
--	 * @return {"scheme"/"www"/"tld"}
--	 */
--	getUrlMatchType : function() {
--		return this.urlMatchType;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the url that was matched, assuming the protocol to be 'http://' if the original
--	 * match was missing a protocol.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getUrl : function() {
--		var url = this.url;
--		// if the url string doesn't begin with a protocol, assume 'http://'
--		if( !this.protocolRelativeMatch && !this.protocolUrlMatch && !this.protocolPrepended ) {
--			url = this.url = 'http://' + url;
--			this.protocolPrepended = true;
--		}
--		return url;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the anchor href that should be generated for the match.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getAnchorHref : function() {
--		var url = this.getUrl();
--		return url.replace( /&/g, '&' );  // any &'s in the URL should be converted back to '&' if they were displayed as & in the source html
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the anchor text that should be generated for the match.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getAnchorText : function() {
--		var anchorText = this.getMatchedText();
--		if( this.protocolRelativeMatch ) {
--			// Strip off any protocol-relative '//' from the anchor text
--			anchorText = this.stripProtocolRelativePrefix( anchorText );
--		}
--		if( this.stripPrefix.scheme ) {
--			anchorText = this.stripSchemePrefix( anchorText );
--		}
--		if( this.stripPrefix.www ) {
--			anchorText = this.stripWwwPrefix( anchorText );
--		}
--		if( this.stripTrailingSlash ) {
--			anchorText = this.removeTrailingSlash( anchorText );  // remove trailing slash, if there is one
--		}
--		if( this.decodePercentEncoding ) {
--			anchorText = this.removePercentEncoding( anchorText);
--		}
--		return anchorText;
--	},
--	// ---------------------------------------
--	// Utility Functionality
--	/**
--	 * Strips the scheme prefix (such as "http://" or "https://") from the given
--	 * `url`.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {String} url The text of the anchor that is being generated, for
--	 *   which to strip off the url scheme.
--	 * @return {String} The `url`, with the scheme stripped.
--	 */
--	stripSchemePrefix : function( url ) {
--		return url.replace( this.schemePrefixRegex, '' );
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Strips the 'www' prefix from the given `url`.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {String} url The text of the anchor that is being generated, for
--	 *   which to strip off the 'www' if it exists.
--	 * @return {String} The `url`, with the 'www' stripped.
--	 */
--	stripWwwPrefix : function( url ) {
--		return url.replace( this.wwwPrefixRegex, '$1' );  // leave any scheme ($1), it one exists
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Strips any protocol-relative '//' from the anchor text.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {String} text The text of the anchor that is being generated, for which to strip off the
--	 *   protocol-relative prefix (such as stripping off "//")
--	 * @return {String} The `anchorText`, with the protocol-relative prefix stripped.
--	 */
--	stripProtocolRelativePrefix : function( text ) {
--		return text.replace( this.protocolRelativeRegex, '' );
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Removes any trailing slash from the given `anchorText`, in preparation for the text to be displayed.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {String} anchorText The text of the anchor that is being generated, for which to remove any trailing
--	 *   slash ('/') that may exist.
--	 * @return {String} The `anchorText`, with the trailing slash removed.
--	 */
--	removeTrailingSlash : function( anchorText ) {
--		if( anchorText.charAt( anchorText.length - 1 ) === '/' ) {
--			anchorText = anchorText.slice( 0, -1 );
--		}
--		return anchorText;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Decodes percent-encoded characters from the given `anchorText`, in preparation for the text to be displayed.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {String} anchorText The text of the anchor that is being generated, for which to decode any percent-encoded characters.
--	 * @return {String} The `anchorText`, with the percent-encoded characters decoded.
--	 */
--	removePercentEncoding : function( anchorText ) {
--		try {
--			return decodeURIComponent( anchorText
--				.replace( /%22/gi, '"' )
--				.replace( /%26/gi, '&' )
--				.replace( /%27/gi, ''')
--				.replace( /%3C/gi, '<' )
--				.replace( /%3E/gi, '>' )
--			 );
--		} catch (e) {
--			// Invalid escape sequence.
--			return anchorText;
--		}
--	}
--} );
--// To update with the latest TLD list, run `gulp update-tld-list`
--/*global Autolinker */
--Autolinker.tldRegex = /(?:xn--vermgensberatung-pwb|xn--vermgensberater-ctb|xn--clchc0ea0b2g2a9gcd|xn--w4r85el8fhu5dnra|northwesternmutual|travelersinsurance|vermögensberatung|xn--3oq18vl8pn36a|xn--5su34j936bgsg|xn--bck1b9a5dre4c|xn--mgbai9azgqp6j|xn--mgberp4a5d4ar|xn--xkc2dl3a5ee0h|vermögensberater|xn--fzys8d69uvgm|xn--mgba7c0bbn0a|xn--xkc2al3hye2a|americanexpress|kerryproperties|sandvikcoromant|xn--i1b6b1a6a2e|xn--kcrx77d1x4a|xn--lgbbat1ad8j|xn--mgba3a4f16a|xn--mgbc0a9azcg|xn--nqv7fs00 [...]
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @abstract
-- * @class Autolinker.matcher.Matcher
-- *
-- * An abstract class and interface for individual matchers to find matches in
-- * an input string with linkified versions of them.
-- *
-- * Note that Matchers do not take HTML into account - they must be fed the text
-- * nodes of any HTML string, which is handled by {@link Autolinker#parse}.
-- */
--Autolinker.matcher.Matcher = Autolinker.Util.extend( Object, {
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Autolinker.AnchorTagBuilder} tagBuilder (required)
--	 *
--	 * Reference to the AnchorTagBuilder instance to use to generate HTML tags
--	 * for {@link Autolinker.match.Match Matches}.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @constructor
--	 * @param {Object} cfg The configuration properties for the Matcher
--	 *   instance, specified in an Object (map).
--	 */
--	constructor : function( cfg ) {
--		if( !cfg.tagBuilder ) throw new Error( '`tagBuilder` cfg required' );
--		this.tagBuilder = cfg.tagBuilder;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Parses the input `text` and returns the array of {@link Autolinker.match.Match Matches}
--	 * for the matcher.
--	 *
--	 * @abstract
--	 * @param {String} text The text to scan and replace matches in.
--	 * @return {Autolinker.match.Match[]}
--	 */
--	parseMatches : Autolinker.Util.abstractMethod
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.matcher.Email
-- * @extends Autolinker.matcher.Matcher
-- *
-- * Matcher to find email matches in an input string.
-- *
-- * See this class's superclass ({@link Autolinker.matcher.Matcher}) for more details.
-- */
--Autolinker.matcher.Email = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.matcher.Matcher, {
--	/**
--	 * The regular expression to match email addresses. Example match:
--	 *
--	 *     person at place.com
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} matcherRegex
--	 */
--	matcherRegex : (function() {
--		var alphaNumericChars = Autolinker.RegexLib.alphaNumericCharsStr,
--			specialCharacters = '!#$%&\'*+\\-\\/=?^_`{|}~',
--			restrictedSpecialCharacters = '\\s"(),:;<>@\\[\\]',
--			validCharacters = alphaNumericChars + specialCharacters,
--			validRestrictedCharacters = validCharacters + restrictedSpecialCharacters,
--		    emailRegex = new RegExp( '(?:[' + validCharacters + '](?:[' + validCharacters + ']|\\.(?!\\.|@))*|\\"[' + validRestrictedCharacters + '.]+\\")@'),
--			domainNameRegex = Autolinker.RegexLib.domainNameRegex,
--			tldRegex = Autolinker.tldRegex;  // match our known top level domains (TLDs)
--		return new RegExp( [
--			emailRegex.source,
--			domainNameRegex.source,
--			'\\.', tldRegex.source   // '.com', '.net', etc
--		].join( "" ), 'gi' );
--	} )(),
--	/**
--	 * @inheritdoc
--	 */
--	parseMatches : function( text ) {
--		var matcherRegex = this.matcherRegex,
--		    tagBuilder = this.tagBuilder,
--		    matches = [],
--		    match;
--		while( ( match = matcherRegex.exec( text ) ) !== null ) {
--			var matchedText = match[ 0 ];
--			matches.push( new Autolinker.match.Email( {
--				tagBuilder  : tagBuilder,
--				matchedText : matchedText,
--				offset      : match.index,
--				email       : matchedText
--			} ) );
--		}
--		return matches;
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.matcher.Hashtag
-- * @extends Autolinker.matcher.Matcher
-- *
-- * Matcher to find Hashtag matches in an input string.
-- */
--Autolinker.matcher.Hashtag = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.matcher.Matcher, {
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} serviceName
--	 *
--	 * The service to point hashtag matches to. See {@link Autolinker#hashtag}
--	 * for available values.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * The regular expression to match Hashtags. Example match:
--	 *
--	 *     #asdf
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} matcherRegex
--	 */
--	matcherRegex : new RegExp( '#[_' + Autolinker.RegexLib.alphaNumericCharsStr + ']{1,139}', 'g' ),
--	/**
--	 * The regular expression to use to check the character before a username match to
--	 * make sure we didn't accidentally match an email address.
--	 *
--	 * For example, the string "asdf at asdf.com" should not match "@asdf" as a username.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} nonWordCharRegex
--	 */
--	nonWordCharRegex : new RegExp( '[^' + Autolinker.RegexLib.alphaNumericCharsStr + ']' ),
--	/**
--	 * @constructor
--	 * @param {Object} cfg The configuration properties for the Match instance,
--	 *   specified in an Object (map).
--	 */
--	constructor : function( cfg ) {
--		Autolinker.matcher.Matcher.prototype.constructor.call( this, cfg );
--		this.serviceName = cfg.serviceName;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * @inheritdoc
--	 */
--	parseMatches : function( text ) {
--		var matcherRegex = this.matcherRegex,
--		    nonWordCharRegex = this.nonWordCharRegex,
--		    serviceName = this.serviceName,
--		    tagBuilder = this.tagBuilder,
--		    matches = [],
--		    match;
--		while( ( match = matcherRegex.exec( text ) ) !== null ) {
--			var offset = match.index,
--			    prevChar = text.charAt( offset - 1 );
--			// If we found the match at the beginning of the string, or we found the match
--			// and there is a whitespace char in front of it (meaning it is not a '#' char
--			// in the middle of a word), then it is a hashtag match.
--			if( offset === 0 || nonWordCharRegex.test( prevChar ) ) {
--				var matchedText = match[ 0 ],
--				    hashtag = match[ 0 ].slice( 1 );  // strip off the '#' character at the beginning
--				matches.push( new Autolinker.match.Hashtag( {
--					tagBuilder  : tagBuilder,
--					matchedText : matchedText,
--					offset      : offset,
--					serviceName : serviceName,
--					hashtag     : hashtag
--				} ) );
--			}
--		}
--		return matches;
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.matcher.Phone
-- * @extends Autolinker.matcher.Matcher
-- *
-- * Matcher to find Phone number matches in an input string.
-- *
-- * See this class's superclass ({@link Autolinker.matcher.Matcher}) for more
-- * details.
-- */
--Autolinker.matcher.Phone = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.matcher.Matcher, {
--	/**
--	 * The regular expression to match Phone numbers. Example match:
--	 *
--	 *     (123) 456-7890
--	 *
--	 * This regular expression has the following capturing groups:
--	 *
--	 * 1. The prefixed '+' sign, if there is one.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} matcherRegex
--	 */
--    matcherRegex : /(?:(\+)?\d{1,3}[-\040.]?)?\(?\d{3}\)?[-\040.]?\d{3}[-\040.]?\d{4}([,;]*[0-9]+#?)*/g,    
--    // ex: (123) 456-7890, 123 456 7890, 123-456-7890, +18004441234,,;,10226420346#, 
--    // +1 (800) 444 1234, 10226420346#, 1-800-444-1234,1022,64,20346#
--	/**
--	 * @inheritdoc
--	 */
--	parseMatches: function(text) {
--		var matcherRegex = this.matcherRegex,
--			tagBuilder = this.tagBuilder,
--			matches = [],
--			match;
--		while ((match = matcherRegex.exec(text)) !== null) {
--			// Remove non-numeric values from phone number string
--			var matchedText = match[0],
--				cleanNumber = matchedText.replace(/[^0-9,;#]/g, ''), // strip out non-digit characters exclude comma semicolon and #
--				plusSign = !!match[1]; // match[ 1 ] is the prefixed plus sign, if there is one
--			if (this.testMatch(match[2]) && this.testMatch(matchedText)) {
--    			matches.push(new Autolinker.match.Phone({
--    				tagBuilder: tagBuilder,
--    				matchedText: matchedText,
--    				offset: match.index,
--    				number: cleanNumber,
--    				plusSign: plusSign
--    			}));
--            }
--		}
--		return matches;
--	},
--	testMatch: function(text) {
--		return /\D/.test(text);
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.matcher.Mention
-- * @extends Autolinker.matcher.Matcher
-- *
-- * Matcher to find/replace username matches in an input string.
-- */
--Autolinker.matcher.Mention = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.matcher.Matcher, {
--	/**
--	 * Hash of regular expression to match username handles. Example match:
--	 *
--	 *     @asdf
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {Object} matcherRegexes
--	 */
--	matcherRegexes : {
--		"twitter": new RegExp( '@[_' + Autolinker.RegexLib.alphaNumericCharsStr + ']{1,20}', 'g' ),
--		"instagram": new RegExp( '@[_.' + Autolinker.RegexLib.alphaNumericCharsStr + ']{1,50}', 'g' )
--	},
--	/**
--	 * The regular expression to use to check the character before a username match to
--	 * make sure we didn't accidentally match an email address.
--	 *
--	 * For example, the string "asdf at asdf.com" should not match "@asdf" as a username.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} nonWordCharRegex
--	 */
--	nonWordCharRegex : new RegExp( '[^' + Autolinker.RegexLib.alphaNumericCharsStr + ']' ),
--	/**
--	 * @constructor
--	 * @param {Object} cfg The configuration properties for the Match instance,
--	 *   specified in an Object (map).
--	 */
--	constructor : function( cfg ) {
--		Autolinker.matcher.Matcher.prototype.constructor.call( this, cfg );
--		this.serviceName = cfg.serviceName;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * @inheritdoc
--	 */
--	parseMatches : function( text ) {
--		var matcherRegex = this.matcherRegexes[this.serviceName],
--		    nonWordCharRegex = this.nonWordCharRegex,
--		    serviceName = this.serviceName,
--		    tagBuilder = this.tagBuilder,
--		    matches = [],
--		    match;
--		if (!matcherRegex) {
--			return matches;
--		}
--		while( ( match = matcherRegex.exec( text ) ) !== null ) {
--			var offset = match.index,
--			    prevChar = text.charAt( offset - 1 );
--			// If we found the match at the beginning of the string, or we found the match
--			// and there is a whitespace char in front of it (meaning it is not an email
--			// address), then it is a username match.
--			if( offset === 0 || nonWordCharRegex.test( prevChar ) ) {
--				var matchedText = match[ 0 ].replace(/\.+$/g, ''), // strip off trailing .
--				    mention = matchedText.slice( 1 );  // strip off the '@' character at the beginning
--				matches.push( new Autolinker.match.Mention( {
--					tagBuilder    : tagBuilder,
--					matchedText   : matchedText,
--					offset        : offset,
--					serviceName   : serviceName,
--					mention       : mention
--				} ) );
--			}
--		}
--		return matches;
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.matcher.Url
-- * @extends Autolinker.matcher.Matcher
-- *
-- * Matcher to find URL matches in an input string.
-- *
-- * See this class's superclass ({@link Autolinker.matcher.Matcher}) for more details.
-- */
--Autolinker.matcher.Url = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.matcher.Matcher, {
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Object} stripPrefix (required)
--	 *
--	 * The Object form of {@link Autolinker#cfg-stripPrefix}.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} stripTrailingSlash (required)
--	 * @inheritdoc Autolinker#stripTrailingSlash
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} decodePercentEncoding (required)
--	 * @inheritdoc Autolinker#decodePercentEncoding
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} matcherRegex
--	 *
--	 * The regular expression to match URLs with an optional scheme, port
--	 * number, path, query string, and hash anchor.
--	 *
--	 * Example matches:
--	 *
--	 *     http://google.com
--	 *     www.google.com
--	 *     google.com/path/to/file?q1=1&q2=2#myAnchor
--	 *
--	 *
--	 * This regular expression will have the following capturing groups:
--	 *
--	 * 1.  Group that matches a scheme-prefixed URL (i.e. 'http://google.com').
--	 *     This is used to match scheme URLs with just a single word, such as
--	 *     'http://localhost', where we won't double check that the domain name
--	 *     has at least one dot ('.') in it.
--	 * 2.  Group that matches a 'www.' prefixed URL. This is only matched if the
--	 *     'www.' text was not prefixed by a scheme (i.e.: not prefixed by
--	 *     'http://', 'ftp:', etc.)
--	 * 3.  A protocol-relative ('//') match for the case of a 'www.' prefixed
--	 *     URL. Will be an empty string if it is not a protocol-relative match.
--	 *     We need to know the character before the '//' in order to determine
--	 *     if it is a valid match or the // was in a string we don't want to
--	 *     auto-link.
--	 * 4.  Group that matches a known TLD (top level domain), when a scheme
--	 *     or 'www.'-prefixed domain is not matched.
--	 * 5.  A protocol-relative ('//') match for the case of a known TLD prefixed
--	 *     URL. Will be an empty string if it is not a protocol-relative match.
--	 *     See #3 for more info.
--	 */
--	matcherRegex : (function() {
--		var schemeRegex = /(?:[A-Za-z][-.+A-Za-z0-9]*:(?![A-Za-z][-.+A-Za-z0-9]*:\/\/)(?!\d+\/?)(?:\/\/)?)/,  // match protocol, allow in format "http://" or "mailto:". However, do not match the first part of something like 'link:http://www.google.com' (i.e. don't match "link:"). Also, make sure we don't interpret 'google.com:8000' as if 'google.com' was a protocol here (i.e. ignore a trailing port number in this regex)
--		    wwwRegex = /(?:www\.)/,                  // starting with 'www.'
--		    domainNameRegex = Autolinker.RegexLib.domainNameRegex,
--		    tldRegex = Autolinker.tldRegex,  // match our known top level domains (TLDs)
--		    alphaNumericCharsStr = Autolinker.RegexLib.alphaNumericCharsStr,
--		    // Allow optional path, query string, and hash anchor, not ending in the following characters: "?!:,.;"
--		    // http://blog.codinghorror.com/the-problem-with-urls/
--		    urlSuffixRegex = new RegExp( '[/?#](?:[' + alphaNumericCharsStr + '\\-+&@#/%=~_()|\'$*\\[\\]?!:,.;\u2713]*[' + alphaNumericCharsStr + '\\-+&@#/%=~_()|\'$*\\[\\]\u2713])?' );
--		return new RegExp( [
--			'(?:', // parens to cover match for scheme (optional), and domain
--				'(',  // *** Capturing group $1, for a scheme-prefixed url (ex: http://google.com)
--					schemeRegex.source,
--					domainNameRegex.source,
--				')',
--				'|',
--				'(',  // *** Capturing group $2, for a 'www.' prefixed url (ex: www.google.com)
--					'(//)?',  // *** Capturing group $3 for an optional protocol-relative URL. Must be at the beginning of the string or start with a non-word character (handled later)
--					wwwRegex.source,
--					domainNameRegex.source,
--				')',
--				'|',
--				'(',  // *** Capturing group $4, for known a TLD url (ex: google.com)
--					'(//)?',  // *** Capturing group $5 for an optional protocol-relative URL. Must be at the beginning of the string or start with a non-word character (handled later)
--					domainNameRegex.source + '\\.',
--					tldRegex.source,
--					'(?![-' + alphaNumericCharsStr + '])', // TLD not followed by a letter, behaves like unicode-aware \b
--				')',
--			')',
--			'(?::[0-9]+)?', // port
--			'(?:' + urlSuffixRegex.source + ')?'  // match for path, query string, and/or hash anchor - optional
--		].join( "" ), 'gi' );
--	} )(),
--	/**
--	 * A regular expression to use to check the character before a protocol-relative
--	 * URL match. We don't want to match a protocol-relative URL if it is part
--	 * of another word.
--	 *
--	 * For example, we want to match something like "Go to: //google.com",
--	 * but we don't want to match something like "abc//google.com"
--	 *
--	 * This regular expression is used to test the character before the '//'.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @type {RegExp} wordCharRegExp
--	 */
--	wordCharRegExp : new RegExp( '[' + Autolinker.RegexLib.alphaNumericCharsStr + ']' ),
--	/**
--	 * The regular expression to match opening parenthesis in a URL match.
--	 *
--	 * This is to determine if we have unbalanced parenthesis in the URL, and to
--	 * drop the final parenthesis that was matched if so.
--	 *
--	 * Ex: The text "(check out: wikipedia.com/something_(disambiguation))"
--	 * should only autolink the inner "wikipedia.com/something_(disambiguation)"
--	 * part, so if we find that we have unbalanced parenthesis, we will drop the
--	 * last one for the match.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp}
--	 */
--	openParensRe : /\(/g,
--	/**
--	 * The regular expression to match closing parenthesis in a URL match. See
--	 * {@link #openParensRe} for more information.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp}
--	 */
--	closeParensRe : /\)/g,
--	/**
--	 * @constructor
--	 * @param {Object} cfg The configuration properties for the Match instance,
--	 *   specified in an Object (map).
--	 */
--	constructor : function( cfg ) {
--		Autolinker.matcher.Matcher.prototype.constructor.call( this, cfg );
--		if( cfg.stripPrefix == null ) throw new Error( '`stripPrefix` cfg required' );
--		if( cfg.stripTrailingSlash == null ) throw new Error( '`stripTrailingSlash` cfg required' );
--		this.stripPrefix = cfg.stripPrefix;
--		this.stripTrailingSlash = cfg.stripTrailingSlash;
--		this.decodePercentEncoding = cfg.decodePercentEncoding;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * @inheritdoc
--	 */
--	parseMatches : function( text ) {
--		var matcherRegex = this.matcherRegex,
--		    stripPrefix = this.stripPrefix,
--		    stripTrailingSlash = this.stripTrailingSlash,
--		    decodePercentEncoding = this.decodePercentEncoding,
--		    tagBuilder = this.tagBuilder,
--		    matches = [],
--		    match;
--		while( ( match = matcherRegex.exec( text ) ) !== null ) {
--			var matchStr = match[ 0 ],
--			    schemeUrlMatch = match[ 1 ],
--			    wwwUrlMatch = match[ 2 ],
--			    wwwProtocolRelativeMatch = match[ 3 ],
--			    //tldUrlMatch = match[ 4 ],  -- not needed at the moment
--			    tldProtocolRelativeMatch = match[ 5 ],
--			    offset = match.index,
--			    protocolRelativeMatch = wwwProtocolRelativeMatch || tldProtocolRelativeMatch,
--				prevChar = text.charAt( offset - 1 );
--			if( !Autolinker.matcher.UrlMatchValidator.isValid( matchStr, schemeUrlMatch ) ) {
--				continue;
--			}
--			// If the match is preceded by an '@' character, then it is either
--			// an email address or a username. Skip these types of matches.
--			if( offset > 0 && prevChar === '@' ) {
--				continue;
--			}
--			// If it's a protocol-relative '//' match, but the character before the '//'
--			// was a word character (i.e. a letter/number), then we found the '//' in the
--			// middle of another word (such as "asdf//asdf.com"). In this case, skip the
--			// match.
--			if( offset > 0 && protocolRelativeMatch && this.wordCharRegExp.test( prevChar ) ) {
--				continue;
--			}
--			if( /\?$/.test(matchStr) ) {
--				matchStr = matchStr.substr(0, matchStr.length-1);
--			}
--			// Handle a closing parenthesis at the end of the match, and exclude
--			// it if there is not a matching open parenthesis in the match
--			// itself.
--			if( this.matchHasUnbalancedClosingParen( matchStr ) ) {
--				matchStr = matchStr.substr( 0, matchStr.length - 1 );  // remove the trailing ")"
--			} else {
--				// Handle an invalid character after the TLD
--				var pos = this.matchHasInvalidCharAfterTld( matchStr, schemeUrlMatch );
--				if( pos > -1 ) {
--					matchStr = matchStr.substr( 0, pos ); // remove the trailing invalid chars
--				}
--			}
--			var urlMatchType = schemeUrlMatch ? 'scheme' : ( wwwUrlMatch ? 'www' : 'tld' ),
--			    protocolUrlMatch = !!schemeUrlMatch;
--			matches.push( new Autolinker.match.Url( {
--				tagBuilder            : tagBuilder,
--				matchedText           : matchStr,
--				offset                : offset,
--				urlMatchType          : urlMatchType,
--				url                   : matchStr,
--				protocolUrlMatch      : protocolUrlMatch,
--				protocolRelativeMatch : !!protocolRelativeMatch,
--				stripPrefix           : stripPrefix,
--				stripTrailingSlash    : stripTrailingSlash,
--				decodePercentEncoding : decodePercentEncoding,
--			} ) );
--		}
--		return matches;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Determines if a match found has an unmatched closing parenthesis. If so,
--	 * this parenthesis will be removed from the match itself, and appended
--	 * after the generated anchor tag.
--	 *
--	 * A match may have an extra closing parenthesis at the end of the match
--	 * because the regular expression must include parenthesis for URLs such as
--	 * "wikipedia.com/something_(disambiguation)", which should be auto-linked.
--	 *
--	 * However, an extra parenthesis *will* be included when the URL itself is
--	 * wrapped in parenthesis, such as in the case of "(wikipedia.com/something_(disambiguation))".
--	 * In this case, the last closing parenthesis should *not* be part of the
--	 * URL itself, and this method will return `true`.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {String} matchStr The full match string from the {@link #matcherRegex}.
--	 * @return {Boolean} `true` if there is an unbalanced closing parenthesis at
--	 *   the end of the `matchStr`, `false` otherwise.
--	 */
--	matchHasUnbalancedClosingParen : function( matchStr ) {
--		var lastChar = matchStr.charAt( matchStr.length - 1 );
--		if( lastChar === ')' ) {
--			var openParensMatch = matchStr.match( this.openParensRe ),
--			    closeParensMatch = matchStr.match( this.closeParensRe ),
--			    numOpenParens = ( openParensMatch && openParensMatch.length ) || 0,
--			    numCloseParens = ( closeParensMatch && closeParensMatch.length ) || 0;
--			if( numOpenParens < numCloseParens ) {
--				return true;
--			}
--		}
--		return false;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Determine if there's an invalid character after the TLD in a URL. Valid
--	 * characters after TLD are ':/?#'. Exclude scheme matched URLs from this
--	 * check.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {String} urlMatch The matched URL, if there was one. Will be an
--	 *   empty string if the match is not a URL match.
--	 * @param {String} schemeUrlMatch The match URL string for a scheme
--	 *   match. Ex: 'http://yahoo.com'. This is used to match something like
--	 *   'http://localhost', where we won't double check that the domain name
--	 *   has at least one '.' in it.
--	 * @return {Number} the position where the invalid character was found. If
--	 *   no such character was found, returns -1
--	 */
--	matchHasInvalidCharAfterTld : function( urlMatch, schemeUrlMatch ) {
--		if( !urlMatch ) {
--			return -1;
--		}
--		var offset = 0;
--		if ( schemeUrlMatch ) {
--			offset = urlMatch.indexOf(':');
--			urlMatch = urlMatch.slice(offset);
--		}
--		var alphaNumeric = Autolinker.RegexLib.alphaNumericCharsStr;
--		var re = new RegExp("^((.?\/\/)?[-." + alphaNumeric + "]*[-" + alphaNumeric + "]\\.[-" + alphaNumeric + "]+)");
--		var res = re.exec( urlMatch );
--		if ( res === null ) {
--			return -1;
--		}
--		offset += res[1].length;
--		urlMatch = urlMatch.slice(res[1].length);
--		if (/^[^-.A-Za-z0-9:\/?#]/.test(urlMatch)) {
--			return offset;
--		}
--		return -1;
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
--/*jshint scripturl:true */
-- * @private
-- * @class Autolinker.matcher.UrlMatchValidator
-- * @singleton
-- *
-- * Used by Autolinker to filter out false URL positives from the
-- * {@link Autolinker.matcher.Url UrlMatcher}.
-- *
-- * Due to the limitations of regular expressions (including the missing feature
-- * of look-behinds in JS regular expressions), we cannot always determine the
-- * validity of a given match. This class applies a bit of additional logic to
-- * filter out any false positives that have been matched by the
-- * {@link Autolinker.matcher.Url UrlMatcher}.
-- */
--Autolinker.matcher.UrlMatchValidator = {
--	/**
--	 * Regex to test for a full protocol, with the two trailing slashes. Ex: 'http://'
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} hasFullProtocolRegex
--	 */
--	hasFullProtocolRegex : /^[A-Za-z][-.+A-Za-z0-9]*:\/\//,
--	/**
--	 * Regex to find the URI scheme, such as 'mailto:'.
--	 *
--	 * This is used to filter out 'javascript:' and 'vbscript:' schemes.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} uriSchemeRegex
--	 */
--	uriSchemeRegex : /^[A-Za-z][-.+A-Za-z0-9]*:/,
--	/**
--	 * Regex to determine if at least one word char exists after the protocol (i.e. after the ':')
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} hasWordCharAfterProtocolRegex
--	 */
--	hasWordCharAfterProtocolRegex : new RegExp(":[^\\s]*?[" + Autolinker.RegexLib.alphaCharsStr + "]"),
--	/**
--	 * Regex to determine if the string is a valid IP address
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} ipRegex
--	 */
--	ipRegex: /[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?\.[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?\.[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?\.[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?(:[0-9]*)?\/?$/,
--	/**
--	 * Determines if a given URL match found by the {@link Autolinker.matcher.Url UrlMatcher}
--	 * is valid. Will return `false` for:
--	 *
--	 * 1) URL matches which do not have at least have one period ('.') in the
--	 *    domain name (effectively skipping over matches like "abc:def").
--	 *    However, URL matches with a protocol will be allowed (ex: 'http://localhost')
--	 * 2) URL matches which do not have at least one word character in the
--	 *    domain name (effectively skipping over matches like "git:1.0").
--	 * 3) A protocol-relative url match (a URL beginning with '//') whose
--	 *    previous character is a word character (effectively skipping over
--	 *    strings like "abc//google.com")
--	 *
--	 * Otherwise, returns `true`.
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} urlMatch The matched URL, if there was one. Will be an
--	 *   empty string if the match is not a URL match.
--	 * @param {String} protocolUrlMatch The match URL string for a protocol
--	 *   match. Ex: 'http://yahoo.com'. This is used to match something like
--	 *   'http://localhost', where we won't double check that the domain name
--	 *   has at least one '.' in it.
--	 * @return {Boolean} `true` if the match given is valid and should be
--	 *   processed, or `false` if the match is invalid and/or should just not be
--	 *   processed.
--	 */
--	isValid : function( urlMatch, protocolUrlMatch ) {
--		if(
--			( protocolUrlMatch && !this.isValidUriScheme( protocolUrlMatch ) ) ||
--			this.urlMatchDoesNotHaveProtocolOrDot( urlMatch, protocolUrlMatch ) ||    // At least one period ('.') must exist in the URL match for us to consider it an actual URL, *unless* it was a full protocol match (like 'http://localhost')
--			(this.urlMatchDoesNotHaveAtLeastOneWordChar( urlMatch, protocolUrlMatch ) && // At least one letter character must exist in the domain name after a protocol match. Ex: skip over something like "git:1.0"
--			   !this.isValidIpAddress( urlMatch )) || // Except if it's an IP address
--			this.containsMultipleDots( urlMatch )
--		) {
--			return false;
--		}
--		return true;
--	},
--	isValidIpAddress : function ( uriSchemeMatch ) {
--		var newRegex = new RegExp(this.hasFullProtocolRegex.source + this.ipRegex.source);
--		var uriScheme = uriSchemeMatch.match( newRegex );
--		return uriScheme !== null;
--	},
--	containsMultipleDots : function ( urlMatch ) {
--		return urlMatch.indexOf("..") > -1;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Determines if the URI scheme is a valid scheme to be autolinked. Returns
--	 * `false` if the scheme is 'javascript:' or 'vbscript:'
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {String} uriSchemeMatch The match URL string for a full URI scheme
--	 *   match. Ex: 'http://yahoo.com' or 'mailto:a at a.com'.
--	 * @return {Boolean} `true` if the scheme is a valid one, `false` otherwise.
--	 */
--	isValidUriScheme : function( uriSchemeMatch ) {
--		var uriScheme = uriSchemeMatch.match( this.uriSchemeRegex )[ 0 ].toLowerCase();
--		return ( uriScheme !== 'javascript:' && uriScheme !== 'vbscript:' );
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Determines if a URL match does not have either:
--	 *
--	 * a) a full protocol (i.e. 'http://'), or
--	 * b) at least one dot ('.') in the domain name (for a non-full-protocol
--	 *    match).
--	 *
--	 * Either situation is considered an invalid URL (ex: 'git:d' does not have
--	 * either the '://' part, or at least one dot in the domain name. If the
--	 * match was 'git:abc.com', we would consider this valid.)
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {String} urlMatch The matched URL, if there was one. Will be an
--	 *   empty string if the match is not a URL match.
--	 * @param {String} protocolUrlMatch The match URL string for a protocol
--	 *   match. Ex: 'http://yahoo.com'. This is used to match something like
--	 *   'http://localhost', where we won't double check that the domain name
--	 *   has at least one '.' in it.
--	 * @return {Boolean} `true` if the URL match does not have a full protocol,
--	 *   or at least one dot ('.') in a non-full-protocol match.
--	 */
--	urlMatchDoesNotHaveProtocolOrDot : function( urlMatch, protocolUrlMatch ) {
--		return ( !!urlMatch && ( !protocolUrlMatch || !this.hasFullProtocolRegex.test( protocolUrlMatch ) ) && urlMatch.indexOf( '.' ) === -1 );
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Determines if a URL match does not have at least one word character after
--	 * the protocol (i.e. in the domain name).
--	 *
--	 * At least one letter character must exist in the domain name after a
--	 * protocol match. Ex: skip over something like "git:1.0"
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {String} urlMatch The matched URL, if there was one. Will be an
--	 *   empty string if the match is not a URL match.
--	 * @param {String} protocolUrlMatch The match URL string for a protocol
--	 *   match. Ex: 'http://yahoo.com'. This is used to know whether or not we
--	 *   have a protocol in the URL string, in order to check for a word
--	 *   character after the protocol separator (':').
--	 * @return {Boolean} `true` if the URL match does not have at least one word
--	 *   character in it after the protocol, `false` otherwise.
--	 */
--	urlMatchDoesNotHaveAtLeastOneWordChar : function( urlMatch, protocolUrlMatch ) {
--		if( urlMatch && protocolUrlMatch ) {
--			return !this.hasWordCharAfterProtocolRegex.test( urlMatch );
--		} else {
--			return false;
--		}
--	}
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * A truncation feature where the ellipsis will be placed at the end of the URL.
-- *
-- * @param {String} anchorText
-- * @param {Number} truncateLen The maximum length of the truncated output URL string.
-- * @param {String} ellipsisChars The characters to place within the url, e.g. "..".
-- * @return {String} The truncated URL.
-- */
--Autolinker.truncate.TruncateEnd = function(anchorText, truncateLen, ellipsisChars){
--	return Autolinker.Util.ellipsis( anchorText, truncateLen, ellipsisChars );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * Date: 2015-10-05
-- * Author: Kasper Søfren <soefritz at gmail.com> (https://github.com/kafoso)
-- *
-- * A truncation feature, where the ellipsis will be placed in the dead-center of the URL.
-- *
-- * @param {String} url             A URL.
-- * @param {Number} truncateLen     The maximum length of the truncated output URL string.
-- * @param {String} ellipsisChars   The characters to place within the url, e.g. "..".
-- * @return {String} The truncated URL.
-- */
--Autolinker.truncate.TruncateMiddle = function(url, truncateLen, ellipsisChars){
--  if (url.length <= truncateLen) {
--    return url;
--  }
--  var ellipsisLengthBeforeParsing;
--  var ellipsisLength;
--  if(ellipsisChars == null) {
--    ellipsisChars = '…';
--    ellipsisLengthBeforeParsing = 8;
--    ellipsisLength = 3;
--  } else {
--    ellipsisLengthBeforeParsing = ellipsisChars.length;
--    ellipsisLength = ellipsisChars.length;
--  }
--  var availableLength = truncateLen - ellipsisLength;
--  var end = "";
--  if (availableLength > 0) {
--    end = url.substr((-1)*Math.floor(availableLength/2));
--  }
--  return (url.substr(0, Math.ceil(availableLength/2)) + ellipsisChars + end).substr(0, availableLength + ellipsisLengthBeforeParsing);
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * Date: 2015-10-05
-- * Author: Kasper Søfren <soefritz at gmail.com> (https://github.com/kafoso)
-- *
-- * A truncation feature, where the ellipsis will be placed at a section within
-- * the URL making it still somewhat human readable.
-- *
-- * @param {String} url						 A URL.
-- * @param {Number} truncateLen		 The maximum length of the truncated output URL string.
-- * @param {String} ellipsisChars	 The characters to place within the url, e.g. "...".
-- * @return {String} The truncated URL.
-- */
--Autolinker.truncate.TruncateSmart = function(url, truncateLen, ellipsisChars){
--	var ellipsisLengthBeforeParsing;
--	var ellipsisLength;
--	if(ellipsisChars == null) {
--		ellipsisChars = '…';
--		ellipsisLength = 3;
--		ellipsisLengthBeforeParsing = 8;
--	} else {
--		ellipsisLength = ellipsisChars.length;
--		ellipsisLengthBeforeParsing = ellipsisChars.length;
--	}
--	var parse_url = function(url){ // Functionality inspired by PHP function of same name
--		var urlObj = {};
--		var urlSub = url;
--		var match = urlSub.match(/^([a-z]+):\/\//i);
--		if (match) {
--			urlObj.scheme = match[1];
--			urlSub = urlSub.substr(match[0].length);
--		}
--		match = urlSub.match(/^(.*?)(?=(\?|#|\/|$))/i);
--		if (match) {
--			urlObj.host = match[1];
--			urlSub = urlSub.substr(match[0].length);
--		}
--		match = urlSub.match(/^\/(.*?)(?=(\?|#|$))/i);
--		if (match) {
--			urlObj.path = match[1];
--			urlSub = urlSub.substr(match[0].length);
--		}
--		match = urlSub.match(/^\?(.*?)(?=(#|$))/i);
--		if (match) {
--			urlObj.query = match[1];
--			urlSub = urlSub.substr(match[0].length);
--		}
--		match = urlSub.match(/^#(.*?)$/i);
--		if (match) {
--			urlObj.fragment = match[1];
--			//urlSub = urlSub.substr(match[0].length);  -- not used. Uncomment if adding another block.
--		}
--		return urlObj;
--	};
--	var buildUrl = function(urlObj){
--		var url = "";
--		if (urlObj.scheme && urlObj.host) {
--			url += urlObj.scheme + "://";
--		}
--		if (urlObj.host) {
--			url += urlObj.host;
--		}
--		if (urlObj.path) {
--			url += "/" + urlObj.path;
--		}
--		if (urlObj.query) {
--			url += "?" + urlObj.query;
--		}
--		if (urlObj.fragment) {
--			url += "#" + urlObj.fragment;
--		}
--		return url;
--	};
--	var buildSegment = function(segment, remainingAvailableLength){
--		var remainingAvailableLengthHalf = remainingAvailableLength/ 2,
--				startOffset = Math.ceil(remainingAvailableLengthHalf),
--				endOffset = (-1)*Math.floor(remainingAvailableLengthHalf),
--				end = "";
--		if (endOffset < 0) {
--			end = segment.substr(endOffset);
--		}
--		return segment.substr(0, startOffset) + ellipsisChars + end;
--	};
--	if (url.length <= truncateLen) {
--		return url;
--	}
--	var availableLength = truncateLen - ellipsisLength;
--	var urlObj = parse_url(url);
--	// Clean up the URL
--	if (urlObj.query) {
--		var matchQuery = urlObj.query.match(/^(.*?)(?=(\?|\#))(.*?)$/i);
--		if (matchQuery) {
--			// Malformed URL; two or more "?". Removed any content behind the 2nd.
--			urlObj.query = urlObj.query.substr(0, matchQuery[1].length);
--			url = buildUrl(urlObj);
--		}
--	}
--	if (url.length <= truncateLen) {
--		return url;
--	}
--	if (urlObj.host) {
--		urlObj.host = urlObj.host.replace(/^www\./, "");
--		url = buildUrl(urlObj);
--	}
--	if (url.length <= truncateLen) {
--		return url;
--	}
--	// Process and build the URL
--	var str = "";
--	if (urlObj.host) {
--		str += urlObj.host;
--	}
--	if (str.length >= availableLength) {
--		if (urlObj.host.length == truncateLen) {
--			return (urlObj.host.substr(0, (truncateLen - ellipsisLength)) + ellipsisChars).substr(0, availableLength + ellipsisLengthBeforeParsing);
--		}
--		return buildSegment(str, availableLength).substr(0, availableLength + ellipsisLengthBeforeParsing);
--	}
--	var pathAndQuery = "";
--	if (urlObj.path) {
--		pathAndQuery += "/" + urlObj.path;
--	}
--	if (urlObj.query) {
--		pathAndQuery += "?" + urlObj.query;
--	}
--	if (pathAndQuery) {
--		if ((str+pathAndQuery).length >= availableLength) {
--			if ((str+pathAndQuery).length == truncateLen) {
--				return (str + pathAndQuery).substr(0, truncateLen);
--			}
--			var remainingAvailableLength = availableLength - str.length;
--			return (str + buildSegment(pathAndQuery, remainingAvailableLength)).substr(0, availableLength + ellipsisLengthBeforeParsing);
--		} else {
--			str += pathAndQuery;
--		}
--	}
--	if (urlObj.fragment) {
--		var fragment = "#"+urlObj.fragment;
--		if ((str+fragment).length >= availableLength) {
--			if ((str+fragment).length == truncateLen) {
--				return (str + fragment).substr(0, truncateLen);
--			}
--			var remainingAvailableLength2 = availableLength - str.length;
--			return (str + buildSegment(fragment, remainingAvailableLength2)).substr(0, availableLength + ellipsisLengthBeforeParsing);
--		} else {
--			str += fragment;
--		}
--	}
--	if (urlObj.scheme && urlObj.host) {
--		var scheme = urlObj.scheme + "://";
--		if ((str+scheme).length < availableLength) {
--			return (scheme + str).substr(0, truncateLen);
--		}
--	}
--	if (str.length <= truncateLen) {
--		return str;
--	}
--	var end = "";
--	if (availableLength > 0) {
--		end = str.substr((-1)*Math.floor(availableLength/2));
--	}
--	return (str.substr(0, Math.ceil(availableLength/2)) + ellipsisChars + end).substr(0, availableLength + ellipsisLengthBeforeParsing);
--return Autolinker;
---- a/dist/Autolinker.min.js
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-- * Autolinker.js
-- * 1.6.0
-- *
-- * Copyright(c) 2017 Gregory Jacobs <greg at greg-jacobs.com>
-- * MIT License
-- *
-- * https://github.com/gregjacobs/Autolinker.js
-- */
--!function(e,t){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define([],t):"object"==typeof exports?module.exports=t():e.Autolinker=t()}(this,function(){var e=function(t){t=t||{},this.version=e.version,this.urls=this.normalizeUrlsCfg(t.urls),this.email="boolean"!=typeof t.email||t.email,this.phone="boolean"!=typeof t.phone||t.phone,this.hashtag=t.hashtag||!1,this.mention=t.mention||!1,this.newWindow="boolean"!=typeof t.newWindow||t.newWindow,this.stripPrefix=this.normalizeStripPrefixCfg(t.stripP [...]
--}}),e.matcher.UrlMatchValidator={hasFullProtocolRegex:/^[A-Za-z][-.+A-Za-z0-9]*:\/\//,uriSchemeRegex:/^[A-Za-z][-.+A-Za-z0-9]*:/,hasWordCharAfterProtocolRegex:new RegExp(":[^\\s]*?["+e.RegexLib.alphaCharsStr+"]"),ipRegex:/[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?\.[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?\.[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?\.[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?(:[0-9]*)?\/?$/,isValid:function(e,t){return!(t&&!this.isValidUriScheme(t)||this.urlMatchDoesNotHaveProtocolOrDot(e,t)||this.urlMatchDoesNotHaveAtLeastOneWordChar(e,t)&&!this.isValidIpAddress(e)| [...]
-\ No newline at end of file
---- a/docs/dist/Autolinker.js
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,4251 +0,0 @@
-- * Autolinker.js
-- * 1.6.0
-- *
-- * Copyright(c) 2017 Gregory Jacobs <greg at greg-jacobs.com>
-- * MIT License
-- *
-- * https://github.com/gregjacobs/Autolinker.js
-- */
--;(function(root, factory) {
--  if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
--    define([], factory);
--  } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
--    module.exports = factory();
--  } else {
--    root.Autolinker = factory();
--  }
--}(this, function() {
-- * @class Autolinker
-- * @extends Object
-- *
-- * Utility class used to process a given string of text, and wrap the matches in
-- * the appropriate anchor (<a>) tags to turn them into links.
-- *
-- * Any of the configuration options may be provided in an Object (map) provided
-- * to the Autolinker constructor, which will configure how the {@link #link link()}
-- * method will process the links.
-- *
-- * For example:
-- *
-- *     var autolinker = new Autolinker( {
-- *         newWindow : false,
-- *         truncate  : 30
-- *     } );
-- *
-- *     var html = autolinker.link( "Joe went to www.yahoo.com" );
-- *     // produces: 'Joe went to <a href="http://www.yahoo.com">yahoo.com</a>'
-- *
-- *
-- * The {@link #static-link static link()} method may also be used to inline
-- * options into a single call, which may be more convenient for one-off uses.
-- * For example:
-- *
-- *     var html = Autolinker.link( "Joe went to www.yahoo.com", {
-- *         newWindow : false,
-- *         truncate  : 30
-- *     } );
-- *     // produces: 'Joe went to <a href="http://www.yahoo.com">yahoo.com</a>'
-- *
-- *
-- * ## Custom Replacements of Links
-- *
-- * If the configuration options do not provide enough flexibility, a {@link #replaceFn}
-- * may be provided to fully customize the output of Autolinker. This function is
-- * called once for each URL/Email/Phone#/Hashtag/Mention (Twitter, Instagram)
-- * match that is encountered.
-- *
-- * For example:
-- *
-- *     var input = "...";  // string with URLs, Email Addresses, Phone #s, Hashtags, and Mentions (Twitter, Instagram)
-- *
-- *     var linkedText = Autolinker.link( input, {
-- *         replaceFn : function( match ) {
-- *             console.log( "href = ", match.getAnchorHref() );
-- *             console.log( "text = ", match.getAnchorText() );
-- *
-- *             switch( match.getType() ) {
-- *                 case 'url' :
-- *                     console.log( "url: ", match.getUrl() );
-- *
-- *                     if( match.getUrl().indexOf( 'mysite.com' ) === -1 ) {
-- *                         var tag = match.buildTag();  // returns an `Autolinker.HtmlTag` instance, which provides mutator methods for easy changes
-- *                         tag.setAttr( 'rel', 'nofollow' );
-- *                         tag.addClass( 'external-link' );
-- *
-- *                         return tag;
-- *
-- *                     } else {
-- *                         return true;  // let Autolinker perform its normal anchor tag replacement
-- *                     }
-- *
-- *                 case 'email' :
-- *                     var email = match.getEmail();
-- *                     console.log( "email: ", email );
-- *
-- *                     if( email === "my at own.address" ) {
-- *                         return false;  // don't auto-link this particular email address; leave as-is
-- *                     } else {
-- *                         return;  // no return value will have Autolinker perform its normal anchor tag replacement (same as returning `true`)
-- *                     }
-- *
-- *                 case 'phone' :
-- *                     var phoneNumber = match.getPhoneNumber();
-- *                     console.log( phoneNumber );
-- *
-- *                     return '<a href="http://newplace.to.link.phone.numbers.to/">' + phoneNumber + '</a>';
-- *
-- *                 case 'hashtag' :
-- *                     var hashtag = match.getHashtag();
-- *                     console.log( hashtag );
-- *
-- *                     return '<a href="http://newplace.to.link.hashtag.handles.to/">' + hashtag + '</a>';
-- *
-- *                 case 'mention' :
-- *                     var mention = match.getMention();
-- *                     console.log( mention );
-- *
-- *                     return '<a href="http://newplace.to.link.mention.to/">' + mention + '</a>';
-- *             }
-- *         }
-- *     } );
-- *
-- *
-- * The function may return the following values:
-- *
-- * - `true` (Boolean): Allow Autolinker to replace the match as it normally
-- *   would.
-- * - `false` (Boolean): Do not replace the current match at all - leave as-is.
-- * - Any String: If a string is returned from the function, the string will be
-- *   used directly as the replacement HTML for the match.
-- * - An {@link Autolinker.HtmlTag} instance, which can be used to build/modify
-- *   an HTML tag before writing out its HTML text.
-- *
-- * @constructor
-- * @param {Object} [cfg] The configuration options for the Autolinker instance,
-- *   specified in an Object (map).
-- */
--var Autolinker = function( cfg ) {
--	cfg = cfg || {};
--	this.version = Autolinker.version;
--	this.urls = this.normalizeUrlsCfg( cfg.urls );
--	this.email = typeof cfg.email === 'boolean' ? cfg.email : true;
--	this.phone = typeof cfg.phone === 'boolean' ? cfg.phone : true;
--	this.hashtag = cfg.hashtag || false;
--	this.mention = cfg.mention || false;
--	this.newWindow = typeof cfg.newWindow === 'boolean' ? cfg.newWindow : true;
--	this.stripPrefix = this.normalizeStripPrefixCfg( cfg.stripPrefix );
--	this.stripTrailingSlash = typeof cfg.stripTrailingSlash === 'boolean' ? cfg.stripTrailingSlash : true;
--	this.decodePercentEncoding = typeof cfg.decodePercentEncoding === 'boolean' ? cfg.decodePercentEncoding : true;
--	// Validate the value of the `mention` cfg
--	var mention = this.mention;
--	if( mention !== false && mention !== 'twitter' && mention !== 'instagram' ) {
--		throw new Error( "invalid `mention` cfg - see docs" );
--	}
--	// Validate the value of the `hashtag` cfg
--	var hashtag = this.hashtag;
--	if( hashtag !== false && hashtag !== 'twitter' && hashtag !== 'facebook' && hashtag !== 'instagram' ) {
--		throw new Error( "invalid `hashtag` cfg - see docs" );
--	}
--	this.truncate = this.normalizeTruncateCfg( cfg.truncate );
--	this.className = cfg.className || '';
--	this.replaceFn = cfg.replaceFn || null;
--	this.context = cfg.context || this;
--	this.htmlParser = null;
--	this.matchers = null;
--	this.tagBuilder = null;
-- * Automatically links URLs, Email addresses, Phone Numbers, Twitter handles,
-- * Hashtags, and Mentions found in the given chunk of HTML. Does not link URLs
-- * found within HTML tags.
-- *
-- * For instance, if given the text: `You should go to http://www.yahoo.com`,
-- * then the result will be `You should go to <a href="http://www.yahoo.com">http://www.yahoo.com</a>`
-- *
-- * Example:
-- *
-- *     var linkedText = Autolinker.link( "Go to google.com", { newWindow: false } );
-- *     // Produces: "Go to <a href="http://google.com">google.com</a>"
-- *
-- * @static
-- * @param {String} textOrHtml The HTML or text to find matches within (depending
-- *   on if the {@link #urls}, {@link #email}, {@link #phone}, {@link #mention},
-- *   {@link #hashtag}, and {@link #mention} options are enabled).
-- * @param {Object} [options] Any of the configuration options for the Autolinker
-- *   class, specified in an Object (map). See the class description for an
-- *   example call.
-- * @return {String} The HTML text, with matches automatically linked.
-- */
--Autolinker.link = function( textOrHtml, options ) {
--	var autolinker = new Autolinker( options );
--	return autolinker.link( textOrHtml );
-- * Parses the input `textOrHtml` looking for URLs, email addresses, phone
-- * numbers, username handles, and hashtags (depending on the configuration
-- * of the Autolinker instance), and returns an array of {@link Autolinker.match.Match}
-- * objects describing those matches (without making any replacements).
-- *
-- * Note that if parsing multiple pieces of text, it is slightly more efficient
-- * to create an Autolinker instance, and use the instance-level {@link #parse}
-- * method.
-- *
-- * Example:
-- *
-- *     var matches = Autolinker.parse( "Hello google.com, I am asdf at asdf.com", {
-- *         urls: true,
-- *         email: true
-- *     } );
-- *
-- *     console.log( matches.length );           // 2
-- *     console.log( matches[ 0 ].getType() );   // 'url'
-- *     console.log( matches[ 0 ].getUrl() );    // 'google.com'
-- *     console.log( matches[ 1 ].getType() );   // 'email'
-- *     console.log( matches[ 1 ].getEmail() );  // 'asdf at asdf.com'
-- *
-- * @static
-- * @param {String} textOrHtml The HTML or text to find matches within
-- *   (depending on if the {@link #urls}, {@link #email}, {@link #phone},
-- *   {@link #hashtag}, and {@link #mention} options are enabled).
-- * @param {Object} [options] Any of the configuration options for the Autolinker
-- *   class, specified in an Object (map). See the class description for an
-- *   example call.
-- * @return {Autolinker.match.Match[]} The array of Matches found in the
-- *   given input `textOrHtml`.
-- */
--Autolinker.parse = function( textOrHtml, options ) {
--	var autolinker = new Autolinker( options );
--	return autolinker.parse( textOrHtml );
-- * @static
-- * @property {String} version (readonly)
-- *
-- * The Autolinker version number in the form major.minor.patch
-- *
-- * Ex: 0.25.1
-- */
--Autolinker.version = '1.6.0';
--Autolinker.prototype = {
--	constructor : Autolinker,  // fix constructor property
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean/Object} [urls]
--	 *
--	 * `true` if URLs should be automatically linked, `false` if they should not
--	 * be. Defaults to `true`.
--	 *
--	 * Examples:
--	 *
--	 *     urls: true
--	 *
--	 *     // or
--	 *
--	 *     urls: {
--	 *         schemeMatches : true,
--	 *         wwwMatches    : true,
--	 *         tldMatches    : true
--	 *     }
--	 *
--	 * As shown above, this option also accepts an Object form with 3 properties
--	 * to allow for more customization of what exactly gets linked. All default
--	 * to `true`:
--	 *
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} [urls.schemeMatches] `true` to match URLs found prefixed
--	 *   with a scheme, i.e. `http://google.com`, or `other+scheme://google.com`,
--	 *   `false` to prevent these types of matches.
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} [urls.wwwMatches] `true` to match urls found prefixed with
--	 *   `'www.'`, i.e. `www.google.com`. `false` to prevent these types of
--	 *   matches. Note that if the URL had a prefixed scheme, and
--	 *   `schemeMatches` is true, it will still be linked.
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} [urls.tldMatches] `true` to match URLs with known top
--	 *   level domains (.com, .net, etc.) that are not prefixed with a scheme or
--	 *   `'www.'`. This option attempts to match anything that looks like a URL
--	 *   in the given text. Ex: `google.com`, `asdf.org/?page=1`, etc. `false`
--	 *   to prevent these types of matches.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} [email=true]
--	 *
--	 * `true` if email addresses should be automatically linked, `false` if they
--	 * should not be.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} [phone=true]
--	 *
--	 * `true` if Phone numbers ("(555)555-5555") should be automatically linked,
--	 * `false` if they should not be.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean/String} [hashtag=false]
--	 *
--	 * A string for the service name to have hashtags (ex: "#myHashtag")
--	 * auto-linked to. The currently-supported values are:
--	 *
--	 * - 'twitter'
--	 * - 'facebook'
--	 * - 'instagram'
--	 *
--	 * Pass `false` to skip auto-linking of hashtags.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String/Boolean} [mention=false]
--	 *
--	 * A string for the service name to have mentions (ex: "@myuser")
--	 * auto-linked to. The currently supported values are:
--	 *
--	 * - 'twitter'
--	 * - 'instagram'
--	 *
--	 * Defaults to `false` to skip auto-linking of mentions.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} [newWindow=true]
--	 *
--	 * `true` if the links should open in a new window, `false` otherwise.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean/Object} [stripPrefix]
--	 *
--	 * `true` if 'http://' (or 'https://') and/or the 'www.' should be stripped
--	 * from the beginning of URL links' text, `false` otherwise. Defaults to
--	 * `true`.
--	 *
--	 * Examples:
--	 *
--	 *     stripPrefix: true
--	 *
--	 *     // or
--	 *
--	 *     stripPrefix: {
--	 *         scheme : true,
--	 *         www    : true
--	 *     }
--	 *
--	 * As shown above, this option also accepts an Object form with 2 properties
--	 * to allow for more customization of what exactly is prevented from being
--	 * displayed. Both default to `true`:
--	 *
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} [stripPrefix.scheme] `true` to prevent the scheme part of
--	 *   a URL match from being displayed to the user. Example:
--	 *   `'http://google.com'` will be displayed as `'google.com'`. `false` to
--	 *   not strip the scheme. NOTE: Only an `'http://'` or `'https://'` scheme
--	 *   will be removed, so as not to remove a potentially dangerous scheme
--	 *   (such as `'file://'` or `'javascript:'`)
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} [stripPrefix.www] www (Boolean): `true` to prevent the
--	 *   `'www.'` part of a URL match from being displayed to the user. Ex:
--	 *   `'www.google.com'` will be displayed as `'google.com'`. `false` to not
--	 *   strip the `'www'`.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} [stripTrailingSlash=true]
--	 *
--	 * `true` to remove the trailing slash from URL matches, `false` to keep
--	 *  the trailing slash.
--	 *
--	 *  Example when `true`: `http://google.com/` will be displayed as
--	 *  `http://google.com`.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} [decodePercentEncoding=true]
--	 *
--	 * `true` to decode percent-encoded characters in URL matches, `false` to keep
--	 *  the percent-encoded characters.
--	 *
--	 *  Example when `true`: `https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Jos%C3%A9` will
--	 *  be displayed as `https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_José`.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Number/Object} [truncate=0]
--	 *
--	 * ## Number Form
--	 *
--	 * A number for how many characters matched text should be truncated to
--	 * inside the text of a link. If the matched text is over this number of
--	 * characters, it will be truncated to this length by adding a two period
--	 * ellipsis ('..') to the end of the string.
--	 *
--	 * For example: A url like 'http://www.yahoo.com/some/long/path/to/a/file'
--	 * truncated to 25 characters might look something like this:
--	 * 'yahoo.com/some/long/pat..'
--	 *
--	 * Example Usage:
--	 *
--	 *     truncate: 25
--	 *
--	 *
--	 *  Defaults to `0` for "no truncation."
--	 *
--	 *
--	 * ## Object Form
--	 *
--	 * An Object may also be provided with two properties: `length` (Number) and
--	 * `location` (String). `location` may be one of the following: 'end'
--	 * (default), 'middle', or 'smart'.
--	 *
--	 * Example Usage:
--	 *
--	 *     truncate: { length: 25, location: 'middle' }
--	 *
--	 * @cfg {Number} [truncate.length=0] How many characters to allow before
--	 *   truncation will occur. Defaults to `0` for "no truncation."
--	 * @cfg {"end"/"middle"/"smart"} [truncate.location="end"]
--	 *
--	 * - 'end' (default): will truncate up to the number of characters, and then
--	 *   add an ellipsis at the end. Ex: 'yahoo.com/some/long/pat..'
--	 * - 'middle': will truncate and add the ellipsis in the middle. Ex:
--	 *   'yahoo.com/s..th/to/a/file'
--	 * - 'smart': for URLs where the algorithm attempts to strip out unnecessary
--	 *   parts first (such as the 'www.', then URL scheme, hash, etc.),
--	 *   attempting to make the URL human-readable before looking for a good
--	 *   point to insert the ellipsis if it is still too long. Ex:
--	 *   'yahoo.com/some..to/a/file'. For more details, see
--	 *   {@link Autolinker.truncate.TruncateSmart}.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} className
--	 *
--	 * A CSS class name to add to the generated links. This class will be added
--	 * to all links, as well as this class plus match suffixes for styling
--	 * url/email/phone/hashtag/mention links differently.
--	 *
--	 * For example, if this config is provided as "myLink", then:
--	 *
--	 * - URL links will have the CSS classes: "myLink myLink-url"
--	 * - Email links will have the CSS classes: "myLink myLink-email", and
--	 * - Phone links will have the CSS classes: "myLink myLink-phone"
--	 * - Hashtag links will have the CSS classes: "myLink myLink-hashtag"
--	 * - Mention links will have the CSS classes: "myLink myLink-mention myLink-[type]"
--	 *   where [type] is either "instagram" or "twitter"
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Function} replaceFn
--	 *
--	 * A function to individually process each match found in the input string.
--	 *
--	 * See the class's description for usage.
--	 *
--	 * The `replaceFn` can be called with a different context object (`this`
--	 * reference) using the {@link #context} cfg.
--	 *
--	 * This function is called with the following parameter:
--	 *
--	 * @cfg {Autolinker.match.Match} replaceFn.match The Match instance which
--	 *   can be used to retrieve information about the match that the `replaceFn`
--	 *   is currently processing. See {@link Autolinker.match.Match} subclasses
--	 *   for details.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Object} context
--	 *
--	 * The context object (`this` reference) to call the `replaceFn` with.
--	 *
--	 * Defaults to this Autolinker instance.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @property {String} version (readonly)
--	 *
--	 * The Autolinker version number in the form major.minor.patch
--	 *
--	 * Ex: 0.25.1
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlParser} htmlParser
--	 *
--	 * The HtmlParser instance used to skip over HTML tags, while finding text
--	 * nodes to process. This is lazily instantiated in the {@link #getHtmlParser}
--	 * method.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {Autolinker.matcher.Matcher[]} matchers
--	 *
--	 * The {@link Autolinker.matcher.Matcher} instances for this Autolinker
--	 * instance.
--	 *
--	 * This is lazily created in {@link #getMatchers}.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {Autolinker.AnchorTagBuilder} tagBuilder
--	 *
--	 * The AnchorTagBuilder instance used to build match replacement anchor tags.
--	 * Note: this is lazily instantiated in the {@link #getTagBuilder} method.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * Normalizes the {@link #urls} config into an Object with 3 properties:
--	 * `schemeMatches`, `wwwMatches`, and `tldMatches`, all Booleans.
--	 *
--	 * See {@link #urls} config for details.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {Boolean/Object} urls
--	 * @return {Object}
--	 */
--	normalizeUrlsCfg : function( urls ) {
--		if( urls == null ) urls = true;  // default to `true`
--		if( typeof urls === 'boolean' ) {
--			return { schemeMatches: urls, wwwMatches: urls, tldMatches: urls };
--		} else {  // object form
--			return {
--				schemeMatches : typeof urls.schemeMatches === 'boolean' ? urls.schemeMatches : true,
--				wwwMatches    : typeof urls.wwwMatches === 'boolean'    ? urls.wwwMatches    : true,
--				tldMatches    : typeof urls.tldMatches === 'boolean'    ? urls.tldMatches    : true
--			};
--		}
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Normalizes the {@link #stripPrefix} config into an Object with 2
--	 * properties: `scheme`, and `www` - both Booleans.
--	 *
--	 * See {@link #stripPrefix} config for details.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {Boolean/Object} stripPrefix
--	 * @return {Object}
--	 */
--	normalizeStripPrefixCfg : function( stripPrefix ) {
--		if( stripPrefix == null ) stripPrefix = true;  // default to `true`
--		if( typeof stripPrefix === 'boolean' ) {
--			return { scheme: stripPrefix, www: stripPrefix };
--		} else {  // object form
--			return {
--				scheme : typeof stripPrefix.scheme === 'boolean' ? stripPrefix.scheme : true,
--				www    : typeof stripPrefix.www === 'boolean'    ? stripPrefix.www    : true
--			};
--		}
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Normalizes the {@link #truncate} config into an Object with 2 properties:
--	 * `length` (Number), and `location` (String).
--	 *
--	 * See {@link #truncate} config for details.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {Number/Object} truncate
--	 * @return {Object}
--	 */
--	normalizeTruncateCfg : function( truncate ) {
--		if( typeof truncate === 'number' ) {
--			return { length: truncate, location: 'end' };
--		} else {  // object, or undefined/null
--			return Autolinker.Util.defaults( truncate || {}, {
--				length   : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
--				location : 'end'
--			} );
--		}
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Parses the input `textOrHtml` looking for URLs, email addresses, phone
--	 * numbers, username handles, and hashtags (depending on the configuration
--	 * of the Autolinker instance), and returns an array of {@link Autolinker.match.Match}
--	 * objects describing those matches (without making any replacements).
--	 *
--	 * This method is used by the {@link #link} method, but can also be used to
--	 * simply do parsing of the input in order to discover what kinds of links
--	 * there are and how many.
--	 *
--	 * Example usage:
--	 *
--	 *     var autolinker = new Autolinker( {
--	 *         urls: true,
--	 *         email: true
--	 *     } );
--	 *
--	 *     var matches = autolinker.parse( "Hello google.com, I am asdf at asdf.com" );
--	 *
--	 *     console.log( matches.length );           // 2
--	 *     console.log( matches[ 0 ].getType() );   // 'url'
--	 *     console.log( matches[ 0 ].getUrl() );    // 'google.com'
--	 *     console.log( matches[ 1 ].getType() );   // 'email'
--	 *     console.log( matches[ 1 ].getEmail() );  // 'asdf at asdf.com'
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} textOrHtml The HTML or text to find matches within
--	 *   (depending on if the {@link #urls}, {@link #email}, {@link #phone},
--	 *   {@link #hashtag}, and {@link #mention} options are enabled).
--	 * @return {Autolinker.match.Match[]} The array of Matches found in the
--	 *   given input `textOrHtml`.
--	 */
--	parse : function( textOrHtml ) {
--		var htmlParser = this.getHtmlParser(),
--		    htmlNodes = htmlParser.parse( textOrHtml ),
--		    anchorTagStackCount = 0,  // used to only process text around anchor tags, and any inner text/html they may have;
--		    matches = [];
--		// Find all matches within the `textOrHtml` (but not matches that are
--		// already nested within <a> tags)
--		for( var i = 0, len = htmlNodes.length; i < len; i++ ) {
--			var node = htmlNodes[ i ],
--			    nodeType = node.getType();
--			if( nodeType === 'element' && node.getTagName() === 'a' ) {  // Process HTML anchor element nodes in the input `textOrHtml` to find out when we're within an <a> tag
--				if( !node.isClosing() ) {  // it's the start <a> tag
--					anchorTagStackCount++;
--				} else {  // it's the end </a> tag
--					anchorTagStackCount = Math.max( anchorTagStackCount - 1, 0 );  // attempt to handle extraneous </a> tags by making sure the stack count never goes below 0
--				}
--			} else if( nodeType === 'text' && anchorTagStackCount === 0 ) {  // Process text nodes that are not within an <a> tag
--				var textNodeMatches = this.parseText( node.getText(), node.getOffset() );
--				matches.push.apply( matches, textNodeMatches );
--			}
--		}
--		// After we have found all matches, remove subsequent matches that
--		// overlap with a previous match. This can happen for instance with URLs,
--		// where the url 'google.com/#link' would match '#link' as a hashtag.
--		matches = this.compactMatches( matches );
--		// And finally, remove matches for match types that have been turned
--		// off. We needed to have all match types turned on initially so that
--		// things like hashtags could be filtered out if they were really just
--		// part of a URL match (for instance, as a named anchor).
--		matches = this.removeUnwantedMatches( matches );
--		return matches;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * After we have found all matches, we need to remove subsequent matches
--	 * that overlap with a previous match. This can happen for instance with
--	 * URLs, where the url 'google.com/#link' would match '#link' as a hashtag.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {Autolinker.match.Match[]} matches
--	 * @return {Autolinker.match.Match[]}
--	 */
--	compactMatches : function( matches ) {
--		// First, the matches need to be sorted in order of offset
--		matches.sort( function( a, b ) { return a.getOffset() - b.getOffset(); } );
--		for( var i = 0; i < matches.length - 1; i++ ) {
--			var match = matches[ i ],
--					offset = match.getOffset(),
--					matchedTextLength = match.getMatchedText().length,
--			    endIdx = offset + matchedTextLength;
--			if( i + 1 < matches.length ) {
--				// Remove subsequent matches that equal offset with current match
--				if( matches[ i + 1 ].getOffset() === offset ) {
--					var removeIdx = matches[ i + 1 ].getMatchedText().length > matchedTextLength ? i : i + 1;
--					matches.splice( removeIdx, 1 );
--					continue;
--				}
--				// Remove subsequent matches that overlap with the current match
--				if( matches[ i + 1 ].getOffset() <= endIdx ) {
--					matches.splice( i + 1, 1 );
--				}
--			}
--		}
--		return matches;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Removes matches for matchers that were turned off in the options. For
--	 * example, if {@link #hashtag hashtags} were not to be matched, we'll
--	 * remove them from the `matches` array here.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {Autolinker.match.Match[]} matches The array of matches to remove
--	 *   the unwanted matches from. Note: this array is mutated for the
--	 *   removals.
--	 * @return {Autolinker.match.Match[]} The mutated input `matches` array.
--	 */
--	removeUnwantedMatches : function( matches ) {
--		var remove = Autolinker.Util.remove;
--		if( !this.hashtag ) remove( matches, function( match ) { return match.getType() === 'hashtag'; } );
--		if( !this.email )   remove( matches, function( match ) { return match.getType() === 'email'; } );
--		if( !this.phone )   remove( matches, function( match ) { return match.getType() === 'phone'; } );
--		if( !this.mention ) remove( matches, function( match ) { return match.getType() === 'mention'; } );
--		if( !this.urls.schemeMatches ) {
--			remove( matches, function( m ) { return m.getType() === 'url' && m.getUrlMatchType() === 'scheme'; } );
--		}
--		if( !this.urls.wwwMatches ) {
--			remove( matches, function( m ) { return m.getType() === 'url' && m.getUrlMatchType() === 'www'; } );
--		}
--		if( !this.urls.tldMatches ) {
--			remove( matches, function( m ) { return m.getType() === 'url' && m.getUrlMatchType() === 'tld'; } );
--		}
--		return matches;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Parses the input `text` looking for URLs, email addresses, phone
--	 * numbers, username handles, and hashtags (depending on the configuration
--	 * of the Autolinker instance), and returns an array of {@link Autolinker.match.Match}
--	 * objects describing those matches.
--	 *
--	 * This method processes a **non-HTML string**, and is used to parse and
--	 * match within the text nodes of an HTML string. This method is used
--	 * internally by {@link #parse}.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {String} text The text to find matches within (depending on if the
--	 *   {@link #urls}, {@link #email}, {@link #phone},
--	 *   {@link #hashtag}, and {@link #mention} options are enabled). This must be a non-HTML string.
--	 * @param {Number} [offset=0] The offset of the text node within the
--	 *   original string. This is used when parsing with the {@link #parse}
--	 *   method to generate correct offsets within the {@link Autolinker.match.Match}
--	 *   instances, but may be omitted if calling this method publicly.
--	 * @return {Autolinker.match.Match[]} The array of Matches found in the
--	 *   given input `text`.
--	 */
--	parseText : function( text, offset ) {
--		offset = offset || 0;
--		var matchers = this.getMatchers(),
--		    matches = [];
--		for( var i = 0, numMatchers = matchers.length; i < numMatchers; i++ ) {
--			var textMatches = matchers[ i ].parseMatches( text );
--			// Correct the offset of each of the matches. They are originally
--			// the offset of the match within the provided text node, but we
--			// need to correct them to be relative to the original HTML input
--			// string (i.e. the one provided to #parse).
--			for( var j = 0, numTextMatches = textMatches.length; j < numTextMatches; j++ ) {
--				textMatches[ j ].setOffset( offset + textMatches[ j ].getOffset() );
--			}
--			matches.push.apply( matches, textMatches );
--		}
--		return matches;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Automatically links URLs, Email addresses, Phone numbers, Hashtags,
--	 * and Mentions (Twitter, Instagram) found in the given chunk of HTML. Does not link
--	 * URLs found within HTML tags.
--	 *
--	 * For instance, if given the text: `You should go to http://www.yahoo.com`,
--	 * then the result will be `You should go to
--	 * <a href="http://www.yahoo.com">http://www.yahoo.com</a>`
--	 *
--	 * This method finds the text around any HTML elements in the input
--	 * `textOrHtml`, which will be the text that is processed. Any original HTML
--	 * elements will be left as-is, as well as the text that is already wrapped
--	 * in anchor (<a>) tags.
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} textOrHtml The HTML or text to autolink matches within
--	 *   (depending on if the {@link #urls}, {@link #email}, {@link #phone}, {@link #hashtag}, and {@link #mention} options are enabled).
--	 * @return {String} The HTML, with matches automatically linked.
--	 */
--	link : function( textOrHtml ) {
--		if( !textOrHtml ) { return ""; }  // handle `null` and `undefined`
--		var matches = this.parse( textOrHtml ),
--			newHtml = [],
--			lastIndex = 0;
--		for( var i = 0, len = matches.length; i < len; i++ ) {
--			var match = matches[ i ];
--			newHtml.push( textOrHtml.substring( lastIndex, match.getOffset() ) );
--			newHtml.push( this.createMatchReturnVal( match ) );
--			lastIndex = match.getOffset() + match.getMatchedText().length;
--		}
--		newHtml.push( textOrHtml.substring( lastIndex ) );  // handle the text after the last match
--		return newHtml.join( '' );
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Creates the return string value for a given match in the input string.
--	 *
--	 * This method handles the {@link #replaceFn}, if one was provided.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {Autolinker.match.Match} match The Match object that represents
--	 *   the match.
--	 * @return {String} The string that the `match` should be replaced with.
--	 *   This is usually the anchor tag string, but may be the `matchStr` itself
--	 *   if the match is not to be replaced.
--	 */
--	createMatchReturnVal : function( match ) {
--		// Handle a custom `replaceFn` being provided
--		var replaceFnResult;
--		if( this.replaceFn ) {
--			replaceFnResult = this.replaceFn.call( this.context, match );  // Autolinker instance is the context
--		}
--		if( typeof replaceFnResult === 'string' ) {
--			return replaceFnResult;  // `replaceFn` returned a string, use that
--		} else if( replaceFnResult === false ) {
--			return match.getMatchedText();  // no replacement for the match
--		} else if( replaceFnResult instanceof Autolinker.HtmlTag ) {
--			return replaceFnResult.toAnchorString();
--		} else {  // replaceFnResult === true, or no/unknown return value from function
--			// Perform Autolinker's default anchor tag generation
--			var anchorTag = match.buildTag();  // returns an Autolinker.HtmlTag instance
--			return anchorTag.toAnchorString();
--		}
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Lazily instantiates and returns the {@link #htmlParser} instance for this
--	 * Autolinker instance.
--	 *
--	 * @protected
--	 * @return {Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlParser}
--	 */
--	getHtmlParser : function() {
--		var htmlParser = this.htmlParser;
--		if( !htmlParser ) {
--			htmlParser = this.htmlParser = new Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlParser();
--		}
--		return htmlParser;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Lazily instantiates and returns the {@link Autolinker.matcher.Matcher}
--	 * instances for this Autolinker instance.
--	 *
--	 * @protected
--	 * @return {Autolinker.matcher.Matcher[]}
--	 */
--	getMatchers : function() {
--		if( !this.matchers ) {
--			var matchersNs = Autolinker.matcher,
--			    tagBuilder = this.getTagBuilder();
--			var matchers = [
--				new matchersNs.Hashtag( { tagBuilder: tagBuilder, serviceName: this.hashtag } ),
--				new matchersNs.Email( { tagBuilder: tagBuilder } ),
--				new matchersNs.Phone( { tagBuilder: tagBuilder } ),
--				new matchersNs.Mention( { tagBuilder: tagBuilder, serviceName: this.mention } ),
--				new matchersNs.Url( { tagBuilder: tagBuilder, stripPrefix: this.stripPrefix, stripTrailingSlash: this.stripTrailingSlash, decodePercentEncoding: this.decodePercentEncoding } )
--			];
--			return ( this.matchers = matchers );
--		} else {
--			return this.matchers;
--		}
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the {@link #tagBuilder} instance for this Autolinker instance, lazily instantiating it
--	 * if it does not yet exist.
--	 *
--	 * This method may be used in a {@link #replaceFn} to generate the {@link Autolinker.HtmlTag HtmlTag} instance that
--	 * Autolinker would normally generate, and then allow for modifications before returning it. For example:
--	 *
--	 *     var html = Autolinker.link( "Test google.com", {
--	 *         replaceFn : function( match ) {
--	 *             var tag = match.buildTag();  // returns an {@link Autolinker.HtmlTag} instance
--	 *             tag.setAttr( 'rel', 'nofollow' );
--	 *
--	 *             return tag;
--	 *         }
--	 *     } );
--	 *
--	 *     // generated html:
--	 *     //   Test <a href="http://google.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">google.com</a>
--	 *
--	 * @return {Autolinker.AnchorTagBuilder}
--	 */
--	getTagBuilder : function() {
--		var tagBuilder = this.tagBuilder;
--		if( !tagBuilder ) {
--			tagBuilder = this.tagBuilder = new Autolinker.AnchorTagBuilder( {
--				newWindow   : this.newWindow,
--				truncate    : this.truncate,
--				className   : this.className
--			} );
--		}
--		return tagBuilder;
--	}
--// Autolinker Namespaces
--Autolinker.match = {};
--Autolinker.matcher = {};
--Autolinker.htmlParser = {};
--Autolinker.truncate = {};
--/*global Autolinker */
--/*jshint eqnull:true, boss:true */
-- * @class Autolinker.Util
-- * @singleton
-- *
-- * A few utility methods for Autolinker.
-- */
--Autolinker.Util = {
--	/**
--	 * @property {Function} abstractMethod
--	 *
--	 * A function object which represents an abstract method.
--	 */
--	abstractMethod : function() { throw "abstract"; },
--	/**
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} trimRegex
--	 *
--	 * The regular expression used to trim the leading and trailing whitespace
--	 * from a string.
--	 */
--	trimRegex : /^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g,
--	/**
--	 * Assigns (shallow copies) the properties of `src` onto `dest`.
--	 *
--	 * @param {Object} dest The destination object.
--	 * @param {Object} src The source object.
--	 * @return {Object} The destination object (`dest`)
--	 */
--	assign : function( dest, src ) {
--		for( var prop in src ) {
--			if( src.hasOwnProperty( prop ) ) {
--				dest[ prop ] = src[ prop ];
--			}
--		}
--		return dest;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Assigns (shallow copies) the properties of `src` onto `dest`, if the
--	 * corresponding property on `dest` === `undefined`.
--	 *
--	 * @param {Object} dest The destination object.
--	 * @param {Object} src The source object.
--	 * @return {Object} The destination object (`dest`)
--	 */
--	defaults : function( dest, src ) {
--		for( var prop in src ) {
--			if( src.hasOwnProperty( prop ) && dest[ prop ] === undefined ) {
--				dest[ prop ] = src[ prop ];
--			}
--		}
--		return dest;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Extends `superclass` to create a new subclass, adding the `protoProps` to the new subclass's prototype.
--	 *
--	 * @param {Function} superclass The constructor function for the superclass.
--	 * @param {Object} protoProps The methods/properties to add to the subclass's prototype. This may contain the
--	 *   special property `constructor`, which will be used as the new subclass's constructor function.
--	 * @return {Function} The new subclass function.
--	 */
--	extend : function( superclass, protoProps ) {
--		var superclassProto = superclass.prototype;
--		var F = function() {};
--		F.prototype = superclassProto;
--		var subclass;
--		if( protoProps.hasOwnProperty( 'constructor' ) ) {
--			subclass = protoProps.constructor;
--		} else {
--			subclass = function() { superclassProto.constructor.apply( this, arguments ); };
--		}
--		var subclassProto = subclass.prototype = new F();  // set up prototype chain
--		subclassProto.constructor = subclass;  // fix constructor property
--		subclassProto.superclass = superclassProto;
--		delete protoProps.constructor;  // don't re-assign constructor property to the prototype, since a new function may have been created (`subclass`), which is now already there
--		Autolinker.Util.assign( subclassProto, protoProps );
--		return subclass;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Truncates the `str` at `len - ellipsisChars.length`, and adds the `ellipsisChars` to the
--	 * end of the string (by default, two periods: '..'). If the `str` length does not exceed
--	 * `len`, the string will be returned unchanged.
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} str The string to truncate and add an ellipsis to.
--	 * @param {Number} truncateLen The length to truncate the string at.
--	 * @param {String} [ellipsisChars=...] The ellipsis character(s) to add to the end of `str`
--	 *   when truncated. Defaults to '...'
--	 */
--	ellipsis : function( str, truncateLen, ellipsisChars ) {
--		var ellipsisLength;
--		if( str.length > truncateLen ) {
--			if(ellipsisChars == null) {
--			  ellipsisChars = '…';
--			  ellipsisLength = 3;
--			} else {
--			  ellipsisLength = ellipsisChars.length;
--			}
--			str = str.substring( 0, truncateLen - ellipsisLength ) + ellipsisChars;
--		}
--		return str;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Supports `Array.prototype.indexOf()` functionality for old IE (IE8 and below).
--	 *
--	 * @param {Array} arr The array to find an element of.
--	 * @param {*} element The element to find in the array, and return the index of.
--	 * @return {Number} The index of the `element`, or -1 if it was not found.
--	 */
--	indexOf : function( arr, element ) {
--		if( Array.prototype.indexOf ) {
--			return arr.indexOf( element );
--		} else {
--			for( var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++ ) {
--				if( arr[ i ] === element ) return i;
--			}
--			return -1;
--		}
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Removes array elements based on a filtering function. Mutates the input
--	 * array.
--	 *
--	 * Using this instead of the ES5 Array.prototype.filter() function, to allow
--	 * Autolinker compatibility with IE8, and also to prevent creating many new
--	 * arrays in memory for filtering.
--	 *
--	 * @param {Array} arr The array to remove elements from. This array is
--	 *   mutated.
--	 * @param {Function} fn A function which should return `true` to
--	 *   remove an element.
--	 * @return {Array} The mutated input `arr`.
--	 */
--	remove : function( arr, fn ) {
--		for( var i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
--			if( fn( arr[ i ] ) === true ) {
--				arr.splice( i, 1 );
--			}
--		}
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Performs the functionality of what modern browsers do when `String.prototype.split()` is called
--	 * with a regular expression that contains capturing parenthesis.
--	 *
--	 * For example:
--	 *
--	 *     // Modern browsers:
--	 *     "a,b,c".split( /(,)/ );  // --> [ 'a', ',', 'b', ',', 'c' ]
--	 *
--	 *     // Old IE (including IE8):
--	 *     "a,b,c".split( /(,)/ );  // --> [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]
--	 *
--	 * This method emulates the functionality of modern browsers for the old IE case.
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} str The string to split.
--	 * @param {RegExp} splitRegex The regular expression to split the input `str` on. The splitting
--	 *   character(s) will be spliced into the array, as in the "modern browsers" example in the
--	 *   description of this method.
--	 *   Note #1: the supplied regular expression **must** have the 'g' flag specified.
--	 *   Note #2: for simplicity's sake, the regular expression does not need
--	 *   to contain capturing parenthesis - it will be assumed that any match has them.
--	 * @return {String[]} The split array of strings, with the splitting character(s) included.
--	 */
--	splitAndCapture : function( str, splitRegex ) {
--		if( !splitRegex.global ) throw new Error( "`splitRegex` must have the 'g' flag set" );
--		var result = [],
--		    lastIdx = 0,
--		    match;
--		while( match = splitRegex.exec( str ) ) {
--			result.push( str.substring( lastIdx, match.index ) );
--			result.push( match[ 0 ] );  // push the splitting char(s)
--			lastIdx = match.index + match[ 0 ].length;
--		}
--		result.push( str.substring( lastIdx ) );
--		return result;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Trims the leading and trailing whitespace from a string.
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} str The string to trim.
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	trim : function( str ) {
--		return str.replace( this.trimRegex, '' );
--	}
--/*global Autolinker */
--/*jshint boss:true */
-- * @class Autolinker.HtmlTag
-- * @extends Object
-- *
-- * Represents an HTML tag, which can be used to easily build/modify HTML tags programmatically.
-- *
-- * Autolinker uses this abstraction to create HTML tags, and then write them out as strings. You may also use
-- * this class in your code, especially within a {@link Autolinker#replaceFn replaceFn}.
-- *
-- * ## Examples
-- *
-- * Example instantiation:
-- *
-- *     var tag = new Autolinker.HtmlTag( {
-- *         tagName : 'a',
-- *         attrs   : { 'href': 'http://google.com', 'class': 'external-link' },
-- *         innerHtml : 'Google'
-- *     } );
-- *
-- *     tag.toAnchorString();  // <a href="http://google.com" class="external-link">Google</a>
-- *
-- *     // Individual accessor methods
-- *     tag.getTagName();                 // 'a'
-- *     tag.getAttr( 'href' );            // 'http://google.com'
-- *     tag.hasClass( 'external-link' );  // true
-- *
-- *
-- * Using mutator methods (which may be used in combination with instantiation config properties):
-- *
-- *     var tag = new Autolinker.HtmlTag();
-- *     tag.setTagName( 'a' );
-- *     tag.setAttr( 'href', 'http://google.com' );
-- *     tag.addClass( 'external-link' );
-- *     tag.setInnerHtml( 'Google' );
-- *
-- *     tag.getTagName();                 // 'a'
-- *     tag.getAttr( 'href' );            // 'http://google.com'
-- *     tag.hasClass( 'external-link' );  // true
-- *
-- *     tag.toAnchorString();  // <a href="http://google.com" class="external-link">Google</a>
-- *
-- *
-- * ## Example use within a {@link Autolinker#replaceFn replaceFn}
-- *
-- *     var html = Autolinker.link( "Test google.com", {
-- *         replaceFn : function( match ) {
-- *             var tag = match.buildTag();  // returns an {@link Autolinker.HtmlTag} instance, configured with the Match's href and anchor text
-- *             tag.setAttr( 'rel', 'nofollow' );
-- *
-- *             return tag;
-- *         }
-- *     } );
-- *
-- *     // generated html:
-- *     //   Test <a href="http://google.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">google.com</a>
-- *
-- *
-- * ## Example use with a new tag for the replacement
-- *
-- *     var html = Autolinker.link( "Test google.com", {
-- *         replaceFn : function( match ) {
-- *             var tag = new Autolinker.HtmlTag( {
-- *                 tagName : 'button',
-- *                 attrs   : { 'title': 'Load URL: ' + match.getAnchorHref() },
-- *                 innerHtml : 'Load URL: ' + match.getAnchorText()
-- *             } );
-- *
-- *             return tag;
-- *         }
-- *     } );
-- *
-- *     // generated html:
-- *     //   Test <button title="Load URL: http://google.com">Load URL: google.com</button>
-- */
--Autolinker.HtmlTag = Autolinker.Util.extend( Object, {
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} tagName
--	 *
--	 * The tag name. Ex: 'a', 'button', etc.
--	 *
--	 * Not required at instantiation time, but should be set using {@link #setTagName} before {@link #toAnchorString}
--	 * is executed.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Object.<String, String>} attrs
--	 *
--	 * An key/value Object (map) of attributes to create the tag with. The keys are the attribute names, and the
--	 * values are the attribute values.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} innerHtml
--	 *
--	 * The inner HTML for the tag.
--	 *
--	 * Note the camel case name on `innerHtml`. Acronyms are camelCased in this utility (such as not to run into the acronym
--	 * naming inconsistency that the DOM developers created with `XMLHttpRequest`). You may alternatively use {@link #innerHTML}
--	 * if you prefer, but this one is recommended.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} innerHTML
--	 *
--	 * Alias of {@link #innerHtml}, accepted for consistency with the browser DOM api, but prefer the camelCased version
--	 * for acronym names.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @protected
--	 * @property {RegExp} whitespaceRegex
--	 *
--	 * Regular expression used to match whitespace in a string of CSS classes.
--	 */
--	whitespaceRegex : /\s+/,
--	/**
--	 * @constructor
--	 * @param {Object} [cfg] The configuration properties for this class, in an Object (map)
--	 */
--	constructor : function( cfg ) {
--		Autolinker.Util.assign( this, cfg );
--		this.innerHtml = this.innerHtml || this.innerHTML;  // accept either the camelCased form or the fully capitalized acronym
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Sets the tag name that will be used to generate the tag with.
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} tagName
--	 * @return {Autolinker.HtmlTag} This HtmlTag instance, so that method calls may be chained.
--	 */
--	setTagName : function( tagName ) {
--		this.tagName = tagName;
--		return this;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Retrieves the tag name.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getTagName : function() {
--		return this.tagName || "";
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Sets an attribute on the HtmlTag.
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} attrName The attribute name to set.
--	 * @param {String} attrValue The attribute value to set.
--	 * @return {Autolinker.HtmlTag} This HtmlTag instance, so that method calls may be chained.
--	 */
--	setAttr : function( attrName, attrValue ) {
--		var tagAttrs = this.getAttrs();
--		tagAttrs[ attrName ] = attrValue;
--		return this;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Retrieves an attribute from the HtmlTag. If the attribute does not exist, returns `undefined`.
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} attrName The attribute name to retrieve.
--	 * @return {String} The attribute's value, or `undefined` if it does not exist on the HtmlTag.
--	 */
--	getAttr : function( attrName ) {
--		return this.getAttrs()[ attrName ];
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Sets one or more attributes on the HtmlTag.
--	 *
--	 * @param {Object.<String, String>} attrs A key/value Object (map) of the attributes to set.
--	 * @return {Autolinker.HtmlTag} This HtmlTag instance, so that method calls may be chained.
--	 */
--	setAttrs : function( attrs ) {
--		var tagAttrs = this.getAttrs();
--		Autolinker.Util.assign( tagAttrs, attrs );
--		return this;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Retrieves the attributes Object (map) for the HtmlTag.
--	 *
--	 * @return {Object.<String, String>} A key/value object of the attributes for the HtmlTag.
--	 */
--	getAttrs : function() {
--		return this.attrs || ( this.attrs = {} );
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Sets the provided `cssClass`, overwriting any current CSS classes on the HtmlTag.
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} cssClass One or more space-separated CSS classes to set (overwrite).
--	 * @return {Autolinker.HtmlTag} This HtmlTag instance, so that method calls may be chained.
--	 */
--	setClass : function( cssClass ) {
--		return this.setAttr( 'class', cssClass );
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Convenience method to add one or more CSS classes to the HtmlTag. Will not add duplicate CSS classes.
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} cssClass One or more space-separated CSS classes to add.
--	 * @return {Autolinker.HtmlTag} This HtmlTag instance, so that method calls may be chained.
--	 */
--	addClass : function( cssClass ) {
--		var classAttr = this.getClass(),
--		    whitespaceRegex = this.whitespaceRegex,
--		    indexOf = Autolinker.Util.indexOf,  // to support IE8 and below
--		    classes = ( !classAttr ) ? [] : classAttr.split( whitespaceRegex ),
--		    newClasses = cssClass.split( whitespaceRegex ),
--		    newClass;
--		while( newClass = newClasses.shift() ) {
--			if( indexOf( classes, newClass ) === -1 ) {
--				classes.push( newClass );
--			}
--		}
--		this.getAttrs()[ 'class' ] = classes.join( " " );
--		return this;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Convenience method to remove one or more CSS classes from the HtmlTag.
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} cssClass One or more space-separated CSS classes to remove.
--	 * @return {Autolinker.HtmlTag} This HtmlTag instance, so that method calls may be chained.
--	 */
--	removeClass : function( cssClass ) {
--		var classAttr = this.getClass(),
--		    whitespaceRegex = this.whitespaceRegex,
--		    indexOf = Autolinker.Util.indexOf,  // to support IE8 and below
--		    classes = ( !classAttr ) ? [] : classAttr.split( whitespaceRegex ),
--		    removeClasses = cssClass.split( whitespaceRegex ),
--		    removeClass;
--		while( classes.length && ( removeClass = removeClasses.shift() ) ) {
--			var idx = indexOf( classes, removeClass );
--			if( idx !== -1 ) {
--				classes.splice( idx, 1 );
--			}
--		}
--		this.getAttrs()[ 'class' ] = classes.join( " " );
--		return this;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Convenience method to retrieve the CSS class(es) for the HtmlTag, which will each be separated by spaces when
--	 * there are multiple.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getClass : function() {
--		return this.getAttrs()[ 'class' ] || "";
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Convenience method to check if the tag has a CSS class or not.
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} cssClass The CSS class to check for.
--	 * @return {Boolean} `true` if the HtmlTag has the CSS class, `false` otherwise.
--	 */
--	hasClass : function( cssClass ) {
--		return ( ' ' + this.getClass() + ' ' ).indexOf( ' ' + cssClass + ' ' ) !== -1;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Sets the inner HTML for the tag.
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} html The inner HTML to set.
--	 * @return {Autolinker.HtmlTag} This HtmlTag instance, so that method calls may be chained.
--	 */
--	setInnerHtml : function( html ) {
--		this.innerHtml = html;
--		return this;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Retrieves the inner HTML for the tag.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getInnerHtml : function() {
--		return this.innerHtml || "";
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Override of superclass method used to generate the HTML string for the tag.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	toAnchorString : function() {
--		var tagName = this.getTagName(),
--		    attrsStr = this.buildAttrsStr();
--		attrsStr = ( attrsStr ) ? ' ' + attrsStr : '';  // prepend a space if there are actually attributes
--		return [ '<', tagName, attrsStr, '>', this.getInnerHtml(), '</', tagName, '>' ].join( "" );
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Support method for {@link #toAnchorString}, returns the string space-separated key="value" pairs, used to populate
--	 * the stringified HtmlTag.
--	 *
--	 * @protected
--	 * @return {String} Example return: `attr1="value1" attr2="value2"`
--	 */
--	buildAttrsStr : function() {
--		if( !this.attrs ) return "";  // no `attrs` Object (map) has been set, return empty string
--		var attrs = this.getAttrs(),
--		    attrsArr = [];
--		for( var prop in attrs ) {
--			if( attrs.hasOwnProperty( prop ) ) {
--				attrsArr.push( prop + '="' + attrs[ prop ] + '"' );
--			}
--		}
--		return attrsArr.join( " " );
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.RegexLib
-- * @singleton
-- *
-- * Builds and stores a library of the common regular expressions used by the
-- * Autolinker utility.
-- *
-- * Other regular expressions may exist ad-hoc, but these are generally the
-- * regular expressions that are shared between source files.
-- */
--Autolinker.RegexLib = (function() {
--	/**
--	 * The string form of a regular expression that would match all of the
--	 * alphabetic ("letter") chars in the unicode character set when placed in a
--	 * RegExp character class (`[]`). This includes all international alphabetic
--	 * characters.
--	 *
--	 * These would be the characters matched by unicode regex engines `\p{L}`
--	 * escape ("all letters").
--	 *
--	 * Taken from the XRegExp library: http://xregexp.com/
--	 * Specifically: http://xregexp.com/v/3.0.0/unicode-categories.js
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @type {String}
--	 */
--	var alphaCharsStr = 'A-Za-z\\xAA\\xB5\\xBA\\xC0-\\xD6\\xD8-\\xF6\\xF8-\u02C1\u02C6-\u02D1\u02E0-\u02E4\u02EC\u02EE\u0370-\u0374\u0376\u0377\u037A-\u037D\u037F\u0386\u0388-\u038A\u038C\u038E-\u03A1\u03A3-\u03F5\u03F7-\u0481\u048A-\u052F\u0531-\u0556\u0559\u0561-\u0587\u05D0-\u05EA\u05F0-\u05F2\u0620-\u064A\u066E\u066F\u0671-\u06D3\u06D5\u06E5\u06E6\u06EE\u06EF\u06FA-\u06FC\u06FF\u0710\u0712-\u072F\u074D-\u07A5\u07B1\u07CA-\u07EA\u07F4\u07F5\u07FA\u0800-\u0815\u081A\u0824\u0828\u0840-\u0 [...]
--	/**
--	 * The string form of a regular expression that would match all of the
--	 * decimal number chars in the unicode character set when placed in a RegExp
--	 * character class (`[]`).
--	 *
--	 * These would be the characters matched by unicode regex engines `\p{Nd}`
--	 * escape ("all decimal numbers")
--	 *
--	 * Taken from the XRegExp library: http://xregexp.com/
--	 * Specifically: http://xregexp.com/v/3.0.0/unicode-categories.js
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @type {String}
--	 */
--	var decimalNumbersStr = '0-9\u0660-\u0669\u06F0-\u06F9\u07C0-\u07C9\u0966-\u096F\u09E6-\u09EF\u0A66-\u0A6F\u0AE6-\u0AEF\u0B66-\u0B6F\u0BE6-\u0BEF\u0C66-\u0C6F\u0CE6-\u0CEF\u0D66-\u0D6F\u0DE6-\u0DEF\u0E50-\u0E59\u0ED0-\u0ED9\u0F20-\u0F29\u1040-\u1049\u1090-\u1099\u17E0-\u17E9\u1810-\u1819\u1946-\u194F\u19D0-\u19D9\u1A80-\u1A89\u1A90-\u1A99\u1B50-\u1B59\u1BB0-\u1BB9\u1C40-\u1C49\u1C50-\u1C59\uA620-\uA629\uA8D0-\uA8D9\uA900-\uA909\uA9D0-\uA9D9\uA9F0-\uA9F9\uAA50-\uAA59\uABF0-\uABF9\uFF10- [...]
--	// See documentation below
--	var alphaNumericCharsStr = alphaCharsStr + decimalNumbersStr;
--	// Simplified IP regular expression
--	var ipRegex = new RegExp( '(?:[' + decimalNumbersStr + ']{1,3}\\.){3}[' + decimalNumbersStr + ']{1,3}' );
--	// Protected domain label which do not allow "-" character on the beginning and the end of a single label
--	var domainLabelStr = '[' + alphaNumericCharsStr + '](?:[' + alphaNumericCharsStr + '\\-]*[' + alphaNumericCharsStr + '])?';
--	// See documentation below
--	var domainNameRegex = new RegExp( '(?:(?:(?:' + domainLabelStr + '\\.)*(?:' + domainLabelStr + '))|(?:' + ipRegex.source + '))' );
--	return {
--		/**
--		 * The string form of a regular expression that would match all of the
--		 * letters and decimal number chars in the unicode character set when placed
--		 * in a RegExp character class (`[]`).
--		 *
--		 * These would be the characters matched by unicode regex engines `[\p{L}\p{Nd}]`
--		 * escape ("all letters and decimal numbers")
--		 *
--		 * @property {String} alphaNumericCharsStr
--		 */
--		alphaNumericCharsStr : alphaNumericCharsStr,
--		/**
--		 * The string form of a regular expression that would match all of the
--		 * letters and in the unicode character set when placed
--		 * in a RegExp character class (`[]`).
--		 *
--		 * These would be the characters matched by unicode regex engines `[\p{L}]`
--		 * escape ("all letters")
--		 *
--		 * @property {String} alphaCharsStr
--		 */
--		alphaCharsStr : alphaCharsStr,
--		/**
--		 * A regular expression to match domain names of a URL or email address.
--		 * Ex: 'google', 'yahoo', 'some-other-company', etc.
--		 *
--		 * @property {RegExp} domainNameRegex
--		 */
--		domainNameRegex : domainNameRegex,
--	};
--}() );
--/*global Autolinker */
--/*jshint sub:true */
-- * @protected
-- * @class Autolinker.AnchorTagBuilder
-- * @extends Object
-- *
-- * Builds anchor (<a>) tags for the Autolinker utility when a match is
-- * found.
-- *
-- * Normally this class is instantiated, configured, and used internally by an
-- * {@link Autolinker} instance, but may actually be used indirectly in a
-- * {@link Autolinker#replaceFn replaceFn} to create {@link Autolinker.HtmlTag HtmlTag}
-- * instances which may be modified before returning from the
-- * {@link Autolinker#replaceFn replaceFn}. For example:
-- *
-- *     var html = Autolinker.link( "Test google.com", {
-- *         replaceFn : function( match ) {
-- *             var tag = match.buildTag();  // returns an {@link Autolinker.HtmlTag} instance
-- *             tag.setAttr( 'rel', 'nofollow' );
-- *
-- *             return tag;
-- *         }
-- *     } );
-- *
-- *     // generated html:
-- *     //   Test <a href="http://google.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">google.com</a>
-- */
--Autolinker.AnchorTagBuilder = Autolinker.Util.extend( Object, {
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} newWindow
--	 * @inheritdoc Autolinker#newWindow
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Object} truncate
--	 * @inheritdoc Autolinker#truncate
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} className
--	 * @inheritdoc Autolinker#className
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @constructor
--	 * @param {Object} [cfg] The configuration options for the AnchorTagBuilder instance, specified in an Object (map).
--	 */
--	constructor : function( cfg ) {
--		cfg = cfg || {};
--		this.newWindow = cfg.newWindow;
--		this.truncate = cfg.truncate;
--		this.className = cfg.className;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Generates the actual anchor (<a>) tag to use in place of the
--	 * matched text, via its `match` object.
--	 *
--	 * @param {Autolinker.match.Match} match The Match instance to generate an
--	 *   anchor tag from.
--	 * @return {Autolinker.HtmlTag} The HtmlTag instance for the anchor tag.
--	 */
--	build : function( match ) {
--		return new Autolinker.HtmlTag( {
--			tagName   : 'a',
--			attrs     : this.createAttrs( match ),
--			innerHtml : this.processAnchorText( match.getAnchorText() )
--		} );
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Creates the Object (map) of the HTML attributes for the anchor (<a>)
--	 *   tag being generated.
--	 *
--	 * @protected
--	 * @param {Autolinker.match.Match} match The Match instance to generate an
--	 *   anchor tag from.
--	 * @return {Object} A key/value Object (map) of the anchor tag's attributes.
--	 */
--	createAttrs : function( match ) {
--		var attrs = {
--			'href' : match.getAnchorHref()  // we'll always have the `href` attribute
--		};
--		var cssClass = this.createCssClass( match );
--		if( cssClass ) {
--			attrs[ 'class' ] = cssClass;
--		}
--		if( this.newWindow ) {
--			attrs[ 'target' ] = "_blank";
--			attrs[ 'rel' ] = "noopener noreferrer";
--		}
--		if( this.truncate ) {
--			if( this.truncate.length && this.truncate.length < match.getAnchorText().length ) {
--				attrs[ 'title' ] = match.getAnchorHref();
--			}
--		}
--		return attrs;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Creates the CSS class that will be used for a given anchor tag, based on
--	 * the `matchType` and the {@link #className} config.
--	 *
--	 * Example returns:
--	 *
--	 * - ""                                      // no {@link #className}
--	 * - "myLink myLink-url"                     // url match
--	 * - "myLink myLink-email"                   // email match
--	 * - "myLink myLink-phone"                   // phone match
--	 * - "myLink myLink-hashtag"                 // hashtag match
--	 * - "myLink myLink-mention myLink-twitter"  // mention match with Twitter service
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {Autolinker.match.Match} match The Match instance to generate an
--	 *   anchor tag from.
--	 * @return {String} The CSS class string for the link. Example return:
--	 *   "myLink myLink-url". If no {@link #className} was configured, returns
--	 *   an empty string.
--	 */
--	createCssClass : function( match ) {
--		var className = this.className;
--		if( !className ) {
--			return "";
--		} else {
--			var returnClasses = [ className ],
--				cssClassSuffixes = match.getCssClassSuffixes();
--			for( var i = 0, len = cssClassSuffixes.length; i < len; i++ ) {
--				returnClasses.push( className + '-' + cssClassSuffixes[ i ] );
--			}
--			return returnClasses.join( ' ' );
--		}
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Processes the `anchorText` by truncating the text according to the
--	 * {@link #truncate} config.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {String} anchorText The anchor tag's text (i.e. what will be
--	 *   displayed).
--	 * @return {String} The processed `anchorText`.
--	 */
--	processAnchorText : function( anchorText ) {
--		anchorText = this.doTruncate( anchorText );
--		return anchorText;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Performs the truncation of the `anchorText` based on the {@link #truncate}
--	 * option. If the `anchorText` is longer than the length specified by the
--	 * {@link #truncate} option, the truncation is performed based on the
--	 * `location` property. See {@link #truncate} for details.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {String} anchorText The anchor tag's text (i.e. what will be
--	 *   displayed).
--	 * @return {String} The truncated anchor text.
--	 */
--	doTruncate : function( anchorText ) {
--		var truncate = this.truncate;
--		if( !truncate || !truncate.length ) return anchorText;
--		var truncateLength = truncate.length,
--			truncateLocation = truncate.location;
--		if( truncateLocation === 'smart' ) {
--			return Autolinker.truncate.TruncateSmart( anchorText, truncateLength );
--		} else if( truncateLocation === 'middle' ) {
--			return Autolinker.truncate.TruncateMiddle( anchorText, truncateLength );
--		} else {
--			return Autolinker.truncate.TruncateEnd( anchorText, truncateLength );
--		}
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlParser
-- * @extends Object
-- *
-- * An HTML parser implementation which simply walks an HTML string and returns an array of
-- * {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode HtmlNodes} that represent the basic HTML structure of the input string.
-- *
-- * Autolinker uses this to only link URLs/emails/mentions within text nodes, effectively ignoring / "walking
-- * around" HTML tags.
-- */
--Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlParser = Autolinker.Util.extend( Object, {
--	/**
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} htmlRegex
--	 *
--	 * The regular expression used to pull out HTML tags from a string. Handles namespaced HTML tags and
--	 * attribute names, as specified by http://www.w3.org/TR/html-markup/syntax.html.
--	 *
--	 * Capturing groups:
--	 *
--	 * 1. The "!DOCTYPE" tag name, if a tag is a <!DOCTYPE> tag.
--	 * 2. If it is an end tag, this group will have the '/'.
--	 * 3. If it is a comment tag, this group will hold the comment text (i.e.
--	 *    the text inside the `<!--` and `-->`.
--	 * 4. The tag name for a tag without attributes (other than the <!DOCTYPE> tag)
--	 * 5. The tag name for a tag with attributes (other than the <!DOCTYPE> tag)
--	 */
--	htmlRegex : (function() {
--		var commentTagRegex = /!--([\s\S]+?)--/,
--		    tagNameRegex = /[0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z:]*/,
--		    attrNameRegex = /[^\s"'>\/=\x00-\x1F\x7F]+/,   // the unicode range accounts for excluding control chars, and the delete char
--		    attrValueRegex = /(?:"[^"]*?"|'[^']*?'|[^'"=<>`\s]+)/, // double quoted, single quoted, or unquoted attribute values
--		    nameEqualsValueRegex = attrNameRegex.source + '(?:\\s*=\\s*' + attrValueRegex.source + ')?';  // optional '=[value]'
--		return new RegExp( [
--			// for <!DOCTYPE> tag. Ex: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">)
--			'(?:',
--				'<(!DOCTYPE)',  // *** Capturing Group 1 - If it's a doctype tag
--					// Zero or more attributes following the tag name
--					'(?:',
--						'\\s+',  // one or more whitespace chars before an attribute
--						// Either:
--						// A. attr="value", or
--						// B. "value" alone (To cover example doctype tag: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">)
--						'(?:', nameEqualsValueRegex, '|', attrValueRegex.source + ')',
--					')*',
--				'>',
--			')',
--			'|',
--			// All other HTML tags (i.e. tags that are not <!DOCTYPE>)
--			'(?:',
--				'<(/)?',  // Beginning of a tag or comment. Either '<' for a start tag, or '</' for an end tag.
--				          // *** Capturing Group 2: The slash or an empty string. Slash ('/') for end tag, empty string for start or self-closing tag.
--					'(?:',
--						commentTagRegex.source,  // *** Capturing Group 3 - A Comment Tag's Text
--						'|',
--						// Handle tag without attributes.
--						// Doing this separately from a tag that has attributes
--						// to fix a regex time complexity issue seen with the
--						// example in https://github.com/gregjacobs/Autolinker.js/issues/172
--						'(?:',
--							// *** Capturing Group 4 - The tag name for a tag without attributes
--							'(' + tagNameRegex.source + ')',
--							'\\s*/?',  // any trailing spaces and optional '/' before the closing '>'
--						')',
--						'|',
--						// Handle tag with attributes
--						// Doing this separately from a tag with no attributes
--						// to fix a regex time complexity issue seen with the
--						// example in https://github.com/gregjacobs/Autolinker.js/issues/172
--						'(?:',
--							// *** Capturing Group 5 - The tag name for a tag with attributes
--							'(' + tagNameRegex.source + ')',
--							'\\s+',  // must have at least one space after the tag name to prevent ReDoS issue (issue #172)
--							// Zero or more attributes following the tag name
--							'(?:',
--								'(?:\\s+|\\b)',        // any number of whitespace chars before an attribute. NOTE: Using \s* here throws Chrome into an infinite loop for some reason, so using \s+|\b instead
--								nameEqualsValueRegex,  // attr="value" (with optional ="value" part)
--							')*',
--							'\\s*/?',  // any trailing spaces and optional '/' before the closing '>'
--						')',
--					')',
--				'>',
--			')'
--		].join( "" ), 'gi' );
--	} )(),
--	/**
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} htmlCharacterEntitiesRegex
--	 *
--	 * The regular expression that matches common HTML character entities.
--	 *
--	 * Ignoring & as it could be part of a query string -- handling it separately.
--	 */
--	htmlCharacterEntitiesRegex: /( | |<|<|>|>|"|"|')/gi,
--	/**
--	 * Parses an HTML string and returns a simple array of {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode HtmlNodes}
--	 * to represent the HTML structure of the input string.
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} html The HTML to parse.
--	 * @return {Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode[]}
--	 */
--	parse : function( html ) {
--		var htmlRegex = this.htmlRegex,
--		    currentResult,
--		    lastIndex = 0,
--		    textAndEntityNodes,
--		    nodes = [];  // will be the result of the method
--		while( ( currentResult = htmlRegex.exec( html ) ) !== null ) {
--			var tagText = currentResult[ 0 ],
--			    commentText = currentResult[ 3 ], // if we've matched a comment
--			    tagName = currentResult[ 1 ] || currentResult[ 4 ] || currentResult[ 5 ],  // The <!DOCTYPE> tag (ex: "!DOCTYPE"), or another tag (ex: "a" or "img")
--			    isClosingTag = !!currentResult[ 2 ],
--			    offset = currentResult.index,
--			    inBetweenTagsText = html.substring( lastIndex, offset );
--			// Push TextNodes and EntityNodes for any text found between tags
--			if( inBetweenTagsText ) {
--				textAndEntityNodes = this.parseTextAndEntityNodes( lastIndex, inBetweenTagsText );
--				nodes.push.apply( nodes, textAndEntityNodes );
--			}
--			// Push the CommentNode or ElementNode
--			if( commentText ) {
--				nodes.push( this.createCommentNode( offset, tagText, commentText ) );
--			} else {
--				nodes.push( this.createElementNode( offset, tagText, tagName, isClosingTag ) );
--			}
--			lastIndex = offset + tagText.length;
--		}
--		// Process any remaining text after the last HTML element. Will process all of the text if there were no HTML elements.
--		if( lastIndex < html.length ) {
--			var text = html.substring( lastIndex );
--			// Push TextNodes and EntityNodes for any text found between tags
--			if( text ) {
--				textAndEntityNodes = this.parseTextAndEntityNodes( lastIndex, text );
--				// Note: the following 3 lines were previously:
--				//   nodes.push.apply( nodes, textAndEntityNodes );
--				// but this was causing a "Maximum Call Stack Size Exceeded"
--				// error on inputs with a large number of html entities.
--				textAndEntityNodes.forEach( function( node ) {
--					nodes.push( node );
--				} );
--			}
--		}
--		return nodes;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Parses text and HTML entity nodes from a given string. The input string
--	 * should not have any HTML tags (elements) within it.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {Number} offset The offset of the text node match within the
--	 *   original HTML string.
--	 * @param {String} text The string of text to parse. This is from an HTML
--	 *   text node.
--	 * @return {Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode[]} An array of HtmlNodes to
--	 *   represent the {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.TextNode TextNodes} and
--	 *   {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.EntityNode EntityNodes} found.
--	 */
--	parseTextAndEntityNodes : function( offset, text ) {
--		var nodes = [],
--		    textAndEntityTokens = Autolinker.Util.splitAndCapture( text, this.htmlCharacterEntitiesRegex );  // split at HTML entities, but include the HTML entities in the results array
--		// Every even numbered token is a TextNode, and every odd numbered token is an EntityNode
--		// For example: an input `text` of "Test "this" today" would turn into the
--		//   `textAndEntityTokens`: [ 'Test ', '"', 'this', '"', ' today' ]
--		for( var i = 0, len = textAndEntityTokens.length; i < len; i += 2 ) {
--			var textToken = textAndEntityTokens[ i ],
--			    entityToken = textAndEntityTokens[ i + 1 ];
--			if( textToken ) {
--				nodes.push( this.createTextNode( offset, textToken ) );
--				offset += textToken.length;
--			}
--			if( entityToken ) {
--				nodes.push( this.createEntityNode( offset, entityToken ) );
--				offset += entityToken.length;
--			}
--		}
--		return nodes;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Factory method to create an {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.CommentNode CommentNode}.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {Number} offset The offset of the match within the original HTML
--	 *   string.
--	 * @param {String} tagText The full text of the tag (comment) that was
--	 *   matched, including its <!-- and -->.
--	 * @param {String} commentText The full text of the comment that was matched.
--	 */
--	createCommentNode : function( offset, tagText, commentText ) {
--		return new Autolinker.htmlParser.CommentNode( {
--			offset : offset,
--			text   : tagText,
--			comment: Autolinker.Util.trim( commentText )
--		} );
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Factory method to create an {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.ElementNode ElementNode}.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {Number} offset The offset of the match within the original HTML
--	 *   string.
--	 * @param {String} tagText The full text of the tag (element) that was
--	 *   matched, including its attributes.
--	 * @param {String} tagName The name of the tag. Ex: An <img> tag would
--	 *   be passed to this method as "img".
--	 * @param {Boolean} isClosingTag `true` if it's a closing tag, false
--	 *   otherwise.
--	 * @return {Autolinker.htmlParser.ElementNode}
--	 */
--	createElementNode : function( offset, tagText, tagName, isClosingTag ) {
--		return new Autolinker.htmlParser.ElementNode( {
--			offset  : offset,
--			text    : tagText,
--			tagName : tagName.toLowerCase(),
--			closing : isClosingTag
--		} );
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Factory method to create a {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.EntityNode EntityNode}.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {Number} offset The offset of the match within the original HTML
--	 *   string.
--	 * @param {String} text The text that was matched for the HTML entity (such
--	 *   as '&nbsp;').
--	 * @return {Autolinker.htmlParser.EntityNode}
--	 */
--	createEntityNode : function( offset, text ) {
--		return new Autolinker.htmlParser.EntityNode( { offset: offset, text: text } );
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Factory method to create a {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.TextNode TextNode}.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {Number} offset The offset of the match within the original HTML
--	 *   string.
--	 * @param {String} text The text that was matched.
--	 * @return {Autolinker.htmlParser.TextNode}
--	 */
--	createTextNode : function( offset, text ) {
--		return new Autolinker.htmlParser.TextNode( { offset: offset, text: text } );
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @abstract
-- * @class Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode
-- *
-- * Represents an HTML node found in an input string. An HTML node is one of the
-- * following:
-- *
-- * 1. An {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.ElementNode ElementNode}, which represents
-- *    HTML tags.
-- * 2. A {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.CommentNode CommentNode}, which represents
-- *    HTML comments.
-- * 3. A {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.TextNode TextNode}, which represents text
-- *    outside or within HTML tags.
-- * 4. A {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.EntityNode EntityNode}, which represents
-- *    one of the known HTML entities that Autolinker looks for. This includes
-- *    common ones such as &quot; and &nbsp;
-- */
--Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode = Autolinker.Util.extend( Object, {
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Number} offset (required)
--	 *
--	 * The offset of the HTML node in the original text that was parsed.
--	 */
--	offset : undefined,
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} text (required)
--	 *
--	 * The text that was matched for the HtmlNode.
--	 *
--	 * - In the case of an {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.ElementNode ElementNode},
--	 *   this will be the tag's text.
--	 * - In the case of an {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.CommentNode CommentNode},
--	 *   this will be the comment's text.
--	 * - In the case of a {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.TextNode TextNode}, this
--	 *   will be the text itself.
--	 * - In the case of a {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.EntityNode EntityNode},
--	 *   this will be the text of the HTML entity.
--	 */
--	text : undefined,
--	/**
--	 * @constructor
--	 * @param {Object} cfg The configuration properties for the Match instance,
--	 * specified in an Object (map).
--	 */
--	constructor : function( cfg ) {
--		Autolinker.Util.assign( this, cfg );
--		if( this.offset == null ) throw new Error( '`offset` cfg required' );
--		if( this.text == null ) throw new Error( '`text` cfg required' );
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns a string name for the type of node that this class represents.
--	 *
--	 * @abstract
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getType : Autolinker.Util.abstractMethod,
--	/**
--	 * Retrieves the {@link #offset} of the HtmlNode. This is the offset of the
--	 * HTML node in the original string that was parsed.
--	 *
--	 * @return {Number}
--	 */
--	getOffset : function() {
--		return this.offset;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Retrieves the {@link #text} for the HtmlNode.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getText : function() {
--		return this.text;
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.htmlParser.CommentNode
-- * @extends Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode
-- *
-- * Represents an HTML comment node that has been parsed by the
-- * {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlParser}.
-- *
-- * See this class's superclass ({@link Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode}) for more
-- * details.
-- */
--Autolinker.htmlParser.CommentNode = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode, {
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} comment (required)
--	 *
--	 * The text inside the comment tag. This text is stripped of any leading or
--	 * trailing whitespace.
--	 */
--	comment : '',
--	/**
--	 * Returns a string name for the type of node that this class represents.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getType : function() {
--		return 'comment';
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the comment inside the comment tag.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getComment : function() {
--		return this.comment;
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.htmlParser.ElementNode
-- * @extends Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode
-- *
-- * Represents an HTML element node that has been parsed by the {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlParser}.
-- *
-- * See this class's superclass ({@link Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode}) for more
-- * details.
-- */
--Autolinker.htmlParser.ElementNode = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode, {
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} tagName (required)
--	 *
--	 * The name of the tag that was matched.
--	 */
--	tagName : '',
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} closing (required)
--	 *
--	 * `true` if the element (tag) is a closing tag, `false` if its an opening
--	 * tag.
--	 */
--	closing : false,
--	/**
--	 * Returns a string name for the type of node that this class represents.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getType : function() {
--		return 'element';
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the HTML element's (tag's) name. Ex: for an <img> tag,
--	 * returns "img".
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getTagName : function() {
--		return this.tagName;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Determines if the HTML element (tag) is a closing tag. Ex: <div>
--	 * returns `false`, while </div> returns `true`.
--	 *
--	 * @return {Boolean}
--	 */
--	isClosing : function() {
--		return this.closing;
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.htmlParser.EntityNode
-- * @extends Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode
-- *
-- * Represents a known HTML entity node that has been parsed by the {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlParser}.
-- * Ex: '&nbsp;', or '&amp#160;' (which will be retrievable from the {@link #getText}
-- * method.
-- *
-- * Note that this class will only be returned from the HtmlParser for the set of
-- * checked HTML entity nodes  defined by the {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlParser#htmlCharacterEntitiesRegex}.
-- *
-- * See this class's superclass ({@link Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode}) for more
-- * details.
-- */
--Autolinker.htmlParser.EntityNode = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode, {
--	/**
--	 * Returns a string name for the type of node that this class represents.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getType : function() {
--		return 'entity';
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.htmlParser.TextNode
-- * @extends Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode
-- *
-- * Represents a text node that has been parsed by the {@link Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlParser}.
-- *
-- * See this class's superclass ({@link Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode}) for more
-- * details.
-- */
--Autolinker.htmlParser.TextNode = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.htmlParser.HtmlNode, {
--	/**
--	 * Returns a string name for the type of node that this class represents.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getType : function() {
--		return 'text';
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @abstract
-- * @class Autolinker.match.Match
-- *
-- * Represents a match found in an input string which should be Autolinked. A Match object is what is provided in a
-- * {@link Autolinker#replaceFn replaceFn}, and may be used to query for details about the match.
-- *
-- * For example:
-- *
-- *     var input = "...";  // string with URLs, Email Addresses, and Mentions (Twitter, Instagram)
-- *
-- *     var linkedText = Autolinker.link( input, {
-- *         replaceFn : function( match ) {
-- *             console.log( "href = ", match.getAnchorHref() );
-- *             console.log( "text = ", match.getAnchorText() );
-- *
-- *             switch( match.getType() ) {
-- *                 case 'url' :
-- *                     console.log( "url: ", match.getUrl() );
-- *
-- *                 case 'email' :
-- *                     console.log( "email: ", match.getEmail() );
-- *
-- *                 case 'mention' :
-- *                     console.log( "mention: ", match.getMention() );
-- *             }
-- *         }
-- *     } );
-- *
-- * See the {@link Autolinker} class for more details on using the {@link Autolinker#replaceFn replaceFn}.
-- */
--Autolinker.match.Match = Autolinker.Util.extend( Object, {
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Autolinker.AnchorTagBuilder} tagBuilder (required)
--	 *
--	 * Reference to the AnchorTagBuilder instance to use to generate an anchor
--	 * tag for the Match.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} matchedText (required)
--	 *
--	 * The original text that was matched by the {@link Autolinker.matcher.Matcher}.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Number} offset (required)
--	 *
--	 * The offset of where the match was made in the input string.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @constructor
--	 * @param {Object} cfg The configuration properties for the Match
--	 *   instance, specified in an Object (map).
--	 */
--	constructor : function( cfg ) {
--		if( cfg.tagBuilder == null ) throw new Error( '`tagBuilder` cfg required' );
--		if( cfg.matchedText == null ) throw new Error( '`matchedText` cfg required' );
--		if( cfg.offset == null ) throw new Error( '`offset` cfg required' );
--		this.tagBuilder = cfg.tagBuilder;
--		this.matchedText = cfg.matchedText;
--		this.offset = cfg.offset;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns a string name for the type of match that this class represents.
--	 *
--	 * @abstract
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getType : Autolinker.Util.abstractMethod,
--	/**
--	 * Returns the original text that was matched.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getMatchedText : function() {
--		return this.matchedText;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Sets the {@link #offset} of where the match was made in the input string.
--	 *
--	 * A {@link Autolinker.matcher.Matcher} will be fed only HTML text nodes,
--	 * and will therefore set an original offset that is relative to the HTML
--	 * text node itself. However, we want this offset to be relative to the full
--	 * HTML input string, and thus if using {@link Autolinker#parse} (rather
--	 * than calling a {@link Autolinker.matcher.Matcher} directly), then this
--	 * offset is corrected after the Matcher itself has done its job.
--	 *
--	 * @param {Number} offset
--	 */
--	setOffset : function( offset ) {
--		this.offset = offset;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the offset of where the match was made in the input string. This
--	 * is the 0-based index of the match.
--	 *
--	 * @return {Number}
--	 */
--	getOffset : function() {
--		return this.offset;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the anchor href that should be generated for the match.
--	 *
--	 * @abstract
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getAnchorHref : Autolinker.Util.abstractMethod,
--	/**
--	 * Returns the anchor text that should be generated for the match.
--	 *
--	 * @abstract
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getAnchorText : Autolinker.Util.abstractMethod,
--	/**
--	 * Returns the CSS class suffix(es) for this match.
--	 *
--	 * A CSS class suffix is appended to the {@link Autolinker#className} in
--	 * the {@link Autolinker.AnchorTagBuilder} when a match is translated into
--	 * an anchor tag.
--	 *
--	 * For example, if {@link Autolinker#className} was configured as 'myLink',
--	 * and this method returns `[ 'url' ]`, the final class name of the element
--	 * will become: 'myLink myLink-url'.
--	 *
--	 * The match may provide multiple CSS class suffixes to be appended to the
--	 * {@link Autolinker#className} in order to facilitate better styling
--	 * options for different match criteria. See {@link Autolinker.match.Mention}
--	 * for an example.
--	 *
--	 * By default, this method returns a single array with the match's
--	 * {@link #getType type} name, but may be overridden by subclasses.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String[]}
--	 */
--	getCssClassSuffixes : function() {
--		return [ this.getType() ];
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Builds and returns an {@link Autolinker.HtmlTag} instance based on the
--	 * Match.
--	 *
--	 * This can be used to easily generate anchor tags from matches, and either
--	 * return their HTML string, or modify them before doing so.
--	 *
--	 * Example Usage:
--	 *
--	 *     var tag = match.buildTag();
--	 *     tag.addClass( 'cordova-link' );
--	 *     tag.setAttr( 'target', '_system' );
--	 *
--	 *     tag.toAnchorString();  // <a href="http://google.com" class="cordova-link" target="_system">Google</a>
--	 */
--	buildTag : function() {
--		return this.tagBuilder.build( this );
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.match.Email
-- * @extends Autolinker.match.Match
-- *
-- * Represents a Email match found in an input string which should be Autolinked.
-- *
-- * See this class's superclass ({@link Autolinker.match.Match}) for more details.
-- */
--Autolinker.match.Email = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.match.Match, {
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} email (required)
--	 *
--	 * The email address that was matched.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @constructor
--	 * @param {Object} cfg The configuration properties for the Match
--	 *   instance, specified in an Object (map).
--	 */
--	constructor : function( cfg ) {
--		Autolinker.match.Match.prototype.constructor.call( this, cfg );
--		if( !cfg.email ) throw new Error( '`email` cfg required' );
--		this.email = cfg.email;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns a string name for the type of match that this class represents.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getType : function() {
--		return 'email';
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the email address that was matched.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getEmail : function() {
--		return this.email;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the anchor href that should be generated for the match.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getAnchorHref : function() {
--		return 'mailto:' + this.email;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the anchor text that should be generated for the match.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getAnchorText : function() {
--		return this.email;
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.match.Hashtag
-- * @extends Autolinker.match.Match
-- *
-- * Represents a Hashtag match found in an input string which should be
-- * Autolinked.
-- *
-- * See this class's superclass ({@link Autolinker.match.Match}) for more
-- * details.
-- */
--Autolinker.match.Hashtag = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.match.Match, {
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} serviceName
--	 *
--	 * The service to point hashtag matches to. See {@link Autolinker#hashtag}
--	 * for available values.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} hashtag (required)
--	 *
--	 * The Hashtag that was matched, without the '#'.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @constructor
--	 * @param {Object} cfg The configuration properties for the Match
--	 *   instance, specified in an Object (map).
--	 */
--	constructor : function( cfg ) {
--		Autolinker.match.Match.prototype.constructor.call( this, cfg );
--		// TODO: if( !serviceName ) throw new Error( '`serviceName` cfg required' );
--		if( !cfg.hashtag ) throw new Error( '`hashtag` cfg required' );
--		this.serviceName = cfg.serviceName;
--		this.hashtag = cfg.hashtag;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the type of match that this class represents.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getType : function() {
--		return 'hashtag';
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the configured {@link #serviceName} to point the Hashtag to.
--	 * Ex: 'facebook', 'twitter'.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getServiceName : function() {
--		return this.serviceName;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the matched hashtag, without the '#' character.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getHashtag : function() {
--		return this.hashtag;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the anchor href that should be generated for the match.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getAnchorHref : function() {
--		var serviceName = this.serviceName,
--		    hashtag = this.hashtag;
--		switch( serviceName ) {
--			case 'twitter' :
--				return 'https://twitter.com/hashtag/' + hashtag;
--			case 'facebook' :
--				return 'https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/' + hashtag;
--			case 'instagram' :
--				return 'https://instagram.com/explore/tags/' + hashtag;
--			default :  // Shouldn't happen because Autolinker's constructor should block any invalid values, but just in case.
--				throw new Error( 'Unknown service name to point hashtag to: ', serviceName );
--		}
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the anchor text that should be generated for the match.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getAnchorText : function() {
--		return '#' + this.hashtag;
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.match.Phone
-- * @extends Autolinker.match.Match
-- *
-- * Represents a Phone number match found in an input string which should be
-- * Autolinked.
-- *
-- * See this class's superclass ({@link Autolinker.match.Match}) for more
-- * details.
-- */
--Autolinker.match.Phone = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.match.Match, {
--	/**
--	 * @protected
--	 * @property {String} number (required)
--	 *
--	 * The phone number that was matched, without any delimiter characters.
--	 *
--	 * Note: This is a string to allow for prefixed 0's.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @protected
--	 * @property  {Boolean} plusSign (required)
--	 *
--	 * `true` if the matched phone number started with a '+' sign. We'll include
--	 * it in the `tel:` URL if so, as this is needed for international numbers.
--	 *
--	 * Ex: '+1 (123) 456 7879'
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @constructor
--	 * @param {Object} cfg The configuration properties for the Match
--	 *   instance, specified in an Object (map).
--	 */
--	constructor : function( cfg ) {
--		Autolinker.match.Match.prototype.constructor.call( this, cfg );
--		if( !cfg.number ) throw new Error( '`number` cfg required' );
--		if( cfg.plusSign == null ) throw new Error( '`plusSign` cfg required' );
--		this.number = cfg.number;
--		this.plusSign = cfg.plusSign;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns a string name for the type of match that this class represents.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getType : function() {
--		return 'phone';
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the phone number that was matched as a string, without any
--	 * delimiter characters.
--	 *
--	 * Note: This is a string to allow for prefixed 0's.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getNumber: function() {
--		return this.number;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the anchor href that should be generated for the match.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getAnchorHref : function() {
--		return 'tel:' + ( this.plusSign ? '+' : '' ) + this.number;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the anchor text that should be generated for the match.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getAnchorText : function() {
--		return this.matchedText;
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.match.Mention
-- * @extends Autolinker.match.Match
-- *
-- * Represents a Mention match found in an input string which should be Autolinked.
-- *
-- * See this class's superclass ({@link Autolinker.match.Match}) for more details.
-- */
--Autolinker.match.Mention = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.match.Match, {
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} serviceName
--	 *
--	 * The service to point mention matches to. See {@link Autolinker#mention}
--	 * for available values.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} mention (required)
--	 *
--	 * The Mention that was matched, without the '@' character.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @constructor
--	 * @param {Object} cfg The configuration properties for the Match
--	 *   instance, specified in an Object (map).
--	 */
--	constructor : function( cfg ) {
--		Autolinker.match.Match.prototype.constructor.call( this, cfg );
--		if( !cfg.serviceName ) throw new Error( '`serviceName` cfg required' );
--		if( !cfg.mention ) throw new Error( '`mention` cfg required' );
--		this.mention = cfg.mention;
--		this.serviceName = cfg.serviceName;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the type of match that this class represents.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getType : function() {
--		return 'mention';
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the mention, without the '@' character.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getMention : function() {
--		return this.mention;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the configured {@link #serviceName} to point the mention to.
--	 * Ex: 'instagram', 'twitter'.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getServiceName : function() {
--		return this.serviceName;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the anchor href that should be generated for the match.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getAnchorHref : function() {
--		switch( this.serviceName ) {
--			case 'twitter' :
--				return 'https://twitter.com/' + this.mention;
--			case 'instagram' :
--				return 'https://instagram.com/' + this.mention;
--			default :  // Shouldn't happen because Autolinker's constructor should block any invalid values, but just in case.
--				throw new Error( 'Unknown service name to point mention to: ', this.serviceName );
--		}
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the anchor text that should be generated for the match.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getAnchorText : function() {
--		return '@' + this.mention;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the CSS class suffixes that should be used on a tag built with
--	 * the match. See {@link Autolinker.match.Match#getCssClassSuffixes} for
--	 * details.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String[]}
--	 */
--	getCssClassSuffixes : function() {
--		var cssClassSuffixes = Autolinker.match.Match.prototype.getCssClassSuffixes.call( this ),
--		    serviceName = this.getServiceName();
--		if( serviceName ) {
--			cssClassSuffixes.push( serviceName );
--		}
--		return cssClassSuffixes;
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.match.Url
-- * @extends Autolinker.match.Match
-- *
-- * Represents a Url match found in an input string which should be Autolinked.
-- *
-- * See this class's superclass ({@link Autolinker.match.Match}) for more details.
-- */
--Autolinker.match.Url = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.match.Match, {
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} url (required)
--	 *
--	 * The url that was matched.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {"scheme"/"www"/"tld"} urlMatchType (required)
--	 *
--	 * The type of URL match that this class represents. This helps to determine
--	 * if the match was made in the original text with a prefixed scheme (ex:
--	 * 'http://www.google.com'), a prefixed 'www' (ex: 'www.google.com'), or
--	 * was matched by a known top-level domain (ex: 'google.com').
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} protocolUrlMatch (required)
--	 *
--	 * `true` if the URL is a match which already has a protocol (i.e.
--	 * 'http://'), `false` if the match was from a 'www' or known TLD match.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} protocolRelativeMatch (required)
--	 *
--	 * `true` if the URL is a protocol-relative match. A protocol-relative match
--	 * is a URL that starts with '//', and will be either http:// or https://
--	 * based on the protocol that the site is loaded under.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Object} stripPrefix (required)
--	 *
--	 * The Object form of {@link Autolinker#cfg-stripPrefix}.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} stripTrailingSlash (required)
--	 * @inheritdoc Autolinker#cfg-stripTrailingSlash
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} decodePercentEncoding (required)
--	 * @inheritdoc Autolinker#cfg-decodePercentEncoding
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @constructor
--	 * @param {Object} cfg The configuration properties for the Match
--	 *   instance, specified in an Object (map).
--	 */
--	constructor : function( cfg ) {
--		Autolinker.match.Match.prototype.constructor.call( this, cfg );
--		if( cfg.urlMatchType !== 'scheme' && cfg.urlMatchType !== 'www' && cfg.urlMatchType !== 'tld' ) throw new Error( '`urlMatchType` cfg must be one of: "scheme", "www", or "tld"' );
--		if( !cfg.url ) throw new Error( '`url` cfg required' );
--		if( cfg.protocolUrlMatch == null ) throw new Error( '`protocolUrlMatch` cfg required' );
--		if( cfg.protocolRelativeMatch == null ) throw new Error( '`protocolRelativeMatch` cfg required' );
--		if( cfg.stripPrefix == null ) throw new Error( '`stripPrefix` cfg required' );
--		if( cfg.stripTrailingSlash == null ) throw new Error( '`stripTrailingSlash` cfg required' );
--		if( cfg.decodePercentEncoding == null ) throw new Error( '`decodePercentEncoding` cfg required' );
--		this.urlMatchType = cfg.urlMatchType;
--		this.url = cfg.url;
--		this.protocolUrlMatch = cfg.protocolUrlMatch;
--		this.protocolRelativeMatch = cfg.protocolRelativeMatch;
--		this.stripPrefix = cfg.stripPrefix;
--		this.stripTrailingSlash = cfg.stripTrailingSlash;
--		this.decodePercentEncoding = cfg.decodePercentEncoding;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} schemePrefixRegex
--	 *
--	 * A regular expression used to remove the 'http://' or 'https://' from
--	 * URLs.
--	 */
--	schemePrefixRegex: /^(https?:\/\/)?/i,
--	/**
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} wwwPrefixRegex
--	 *
--	 * A regular expression used to remove the 'www.' from URLs.
--	 */
--	wwwPrefixRegex: /^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?/i,
--	/**
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} protocolRelativeRegex
--	 *
--	 * The regular expression used to remove the protocol-relative '//' from the {@link #url} string, for purposes
--	 * of {@link #getAnchorText}. A protocol-relative URL is, for example, "//yahoo.com"
--	 */
--	protocolRelativeRegex : /^\/\//,
--	/**
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {Boolean} protocolPrepended
--	 *
--	 * Will be set to `true` if the 'http://' protocol has been prepended to the {@link #url} (because the
--	 * {@link #url} did not have a protocol)
--	 */
--	protocolPrepended : false,
--	/**
--	 * Returns a string name for the type of match that this class represents.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getType : function() {
--		return 'url';
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns a string name for the type of URL match that this class
--	 * represents.
--	 *
--	 * This helps to determine if the match was made in the original text with a
--	 * prefixed scheme (ex: 'http://www.google.com'), a prefixed 'www' (ex:
--	 * 'www.google.com'), or was matched by a known top-level domain (ex:
--	 * 'google.com').
--	 *
--	 * @return {"scheme"/"www"/"tld"}
--	 */
--	getUrlMatchType : function() {
--		return this.urlMatchType;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the url that was matched, assuming the protocol to be 'http://' if the original
--	 * match was missing a protocol.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getUrl : function() {
--		var url = this.url;
--		// if the url string doesn't begin with a protocol, assume 'http://'
--		if( !this.protocolRelativeMatch && !this.protocolUrlMatch && !this.protocolPrepended ) {
--			url = this.url = 'http://' + url;
--			this.protocolPrepended = true;
--		}
--		return url;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the anchor href that should be generated for the match.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getAnchorHref : function() {
--		var url = this.getUrl();
--		return url.replace( /&/g, '&' );  // any &'s in the URL should be converted back to '&' if they were displayed as & in the source html
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Returns the anchor text that should be generated for the match.
--	 *
--	 * @return {String}
--	 */
--	getAnchorText : function() {
--		var anchorText = this.getMatchedText();
--		if( this.protocolRelativeMatch ) {
--			// Strip off any protocol-relative '//' from the anchor text
--			anchorText = this.stripProtocolRelativePrefix( anchorText );
--		}
--		if( this.stripPrefix.scheme ) {
--			anchorText = this.stripSchemePrefix( anchorText );
--		}
--		if( this.stripPrefix.www ) {
--			anchorText = this.stripWwwPrefix( anchorText );
--		}
--		if( this.stripTrailingSlash ) {
--			anchorText = this.removeTrailingSlash( anchorText );  // remove trailing slash, if there is one
--		}
--		if( this.decodePercentEncoding ) {
--			anchorText = this.removePercentEncoding( anchorText);
--		}
--		return anchorText;
--	},
--	// ---------------------------------------
--	// Utility Functionality
--	/**
--	 * Strips the scheme prefix (such as "http://" or "https://") from the given
--	 * `url`.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {String} url The text of the anchor that is being generated, for
--	 *   which to strip off the url scheme.
--	 * @return {String} The `url`, with the scheme stripped.
--	 */
--	stripSchemePrefix : function( url ) {
--		return url.replace( this.schemePrefixRegex, '' );
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Strips the 'www' prefix from the given `url`.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {String} url The text of the anchor that is being generated, for
--	 *   which to strip off the 'www' if it exists.
--	 * @return {String} The `url`, with the 'www' stripped.
--	 */
--	stripWwwPrefix : function( url ) {
--		return url.replace( this.wwwPrefixRegex, '$1' );  // leave any scheme ($1), it one exists
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Strips any protocol-relative '//' from the anchor text.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {String} text The text of the anchor that is being generated, for which to strip off the
--	 *   protocol-relative prefix (such as stripping off "//")
--	 * @return {String} The `anchorText`, with the protocol-relative prefix stripped.
--	 */
--	stripProtocolRelativePrefix : function( text ) {
--		return text.replace( this.protocolRelativeRegex, '' );
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Removes any trailing slash from the given `anchorText`, in preparation for the text to be displayed.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {String} anchorText The text of the anchor that is being generated, for which to remove any trailing
--	 *   slash ('/') that may exist.
--	 * @return {String} The `anchorText`, with the trailing slash removed.
--	 */
--	removeTrailingSlash : function( anchorText ) {
--		if( anchorText.charAt( anchorText.length - 1 ) === '/' ) {
--			anchorText = anchorText.slice( 0, -1 );
--		}
--		return anchorText;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Decodes percent-encoded characters from the given `anchorText`, in preparation for the text to be displayed.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {String} anchorText The text of the anchor that is being generated, for which to decode any percent-encoded characters.
--	 * @return {String} The `anchorText`, with the percent-encoded characters decoded.
--	 */
--	removePercentEncoding : function( anchorText ) {
--		try {
--			return decodeURIComponent( anchorText
--				.replace( /%22/gi, '"' )
--				.replace( /%26/gi, '&' )
--				.replace( /%27/gi, ''')
--				.replace( /%3C/gi, '<' )
--				.replace( /%3E/gi, '>' )
--			 );
--		} catch (e) {
--			// Invalid escape sequence.
--			return anchorText;
--		}
--	}
--} );
--// To update with the latest TLD list, run `gulp update-tld-list`
--/*global Autolinker */
--Autolinker.tldRegex = /(?:xn--vermgensberatung-pwb|xn--vermgensberater-ctb|xn--clchc0ea0b2g2a9gcd|xn--w4r85el8fhu5dnra|northwesternmutual|travelersinsurance|vermögensberatung|xn--3oq18vl8pn36a|xn--5su34j936bgsg|xn--bck1b9a5dre4c|xn--mgbai9azgqp6j|xn--mgberp4a5d4ar|xn--xkc2dl3a5ee0h|vermögensberater|xn--fzys8d69uvgm|xn--mgba7c0bbn0a|xn--xkc2al3hye2a|americanexpress|kerryproperties|sandvikcoromant|xn--i1b6b1a6a2e|xn--kcrx77d1x4a|xn--lgbbat1ad8j|xn--mgba3a4f16a|xn--mgbc0a9azcg|xn--nqv7fs00 [...]
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @abstract
-- * @class Autolinker.matcher.Matcher
-- *
-- * An abstract class and interface for individual matchers to find matches in
-- * an input string with linkified versions of them.
-- *
-- * Note that Matchers do not take HTML into account - they must be fed the text
-- * nodes of any HTML string, which is handled by {@link Autolinker#parse}.
-- */
--Autolinker.matcher.Matcher = Autolinker.Util.extend( Object, {
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Autolinker.AnchorTagBuilder} tagBuilder (required)
--	 *
--	 * Reference to the AnchorTagBuilder instance to use to generate HTML tags
--	 * for {@link Autolinker.match.Match Matches}.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @constructor
--	 * @param {Object} cfg The configuration properties for the Matcher
--	 *   instance, specified in an Object (map).
--	 */
--	constructor : function( cfg ) {
--		if( !cfg.tagBuilder ) throw new Error( '`tagBuilder` cfg required' );
--		this.tagBuilder = cfg.tagBuilder;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Parses the input `text` and returns the array of {@link Autolinker.match.Match Matches}
--	 * for the matcher.
--	 *
--	 * @abstract
--	 * @param {String} text The text to scan and replace matches in.
--	 * @return {Autolinker.match.Match[]}
--	 */
--	parseMatches : Autolinker.Util.abstractMethod
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.matcher.Email
-- * @extends Autolinker.matcher.Matcher
-- *
-- * Matcher to find email matches in an input string.
-- *
-- * See this class's superclass ({@link Autolinker.matcher.Matcher}) for more details.
-- */
--Autolinker.matcher.Email = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.matcher.Matcher, {
--	/**
--	 * The regular expression to match email addresses. Example match:
--	 *
--	 *     person at place.com
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} matcherRegex
--	 */
--	matcherRegex : (function() {
--		var alphaNumericChars = Autolinker.RegexLib.alphaNumericCharsStr,
--			specialCharacters = '!#$%&\'*+\\-\\/=?^_`{|}~',
--			restrictedSpecialCharacters = '\\s"(),:;<>@\\[\\]',
--			validCharacters = alphaNumericChars + specialCharacters,
--			validRestrictedCharacters = validCharacters + restrictedSpecialCharacters,
--		    emailRegex = new RegExp( '(?:[' + validCharacters + '](?:[' + validCharacters + ']|\\.(?!\\.|@))*|\\"[' + validRestrictedCharacters + '.]+\\")@'),
--			domainNameRegex = Autolinker.RegexLib.domainNameRegex,
--			tldRegex = Autolinker.tldRegex;  // match our known top level domains (TLDs)
--		return new RegExp( [
--			emailRegex.source,
--			domainNameRegex.source,
--			'\\.', tldRegex.source   // '.com', '.net', etc
--		].join( "" ), 'gi' );
--	} )(),
--	/**
--	 * @inheritdoc
--	 */
--	parseMatches : function( text ) {
--		var matcherRegex = this.matcherRegex,
--		    tagBuilder = this.tagBuilder,
--		    matches = [],
--		    match;
--		while( ( match = matcherRegex.exec( text ) ) !== null ) {
--			var matchedText = match[ 0 ];
--			matches.push( new Autolinker.match.Email( {
--				tagBuilder  : tagBuilder,
--				matchedText : matchedText,
--				offset      : match.index,
--				email       : matchedText
--			} ) );
--		}
--		return matches;
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.matcher.Hashtag
-- * @extends Autolinker.matcher.Matcher
-- *
-- * Matcher to find Hashtag matches in an input string.
-- */
--Autolinker.matcher.Hashtag = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.matcher.Matcher, {
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {String} serviceName
--	 *
--	 * The service to point hashtag matches to. See {@link Autolinker#hashtag}
--	 * for available values.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * The regular expression to match Hashtags. Example match:
--	 *
--	 *     #asdf
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} matcherRegex
--	 */
--	matcherRegex : new RegExp( '#[_' + Autolinker.RegexLib.alphaNumericCharsStr + ']{1,139}', 'g' ),
--	/**
--	 * The regular expression to use to check the character before a username match to
--	 * make sure we didn't accidentally match an email address.
--	 *
--	 * For example, the string "asdf at asdf.com" should not match "@asdf" as a username.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} nonWordCharRegex
--	 */
--	nonWordCharRegex : new RegExp( '[^' + Autolinker.RegexLib.alphaNumericCharsStr + ']' ),
--	/**
--	 * @constructor
--	 * @param {Object} cfg The configuration properties for the Match instance,
--	 *   specified in an Object (map).
--	 */
--	constructor : function( cfg ) {
--		Autolinker.matcher.Matcher.prototype.constructor.call( this, cfg );
--		this.serviceName = cfg.serviceName;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * @inheritdoc
--	 */
--	parseMatches : function( text ) {
--		var matcherRegex = this.matcherRegex,
--		    nonWordCharRegex = this.nonWordCharRegex,
--		    serviceName = this.serviceName,
--		    tagBuilder = this.tagBuilder,
--		    matches = [],
--		    match;
--		while( ( match = matcherRegex.exec( text ) ) !== null ) {
--			var offset = match.index,
--			    prevChar = text.charAt( offset - 1 );
--			// If we found the match at the beginning of the string, or we found the match
--			// and there is a whitespace char in front of it (meaning it is not a '#' char
--			// in the middle of a word), then it is a hashtag match.
--			if( offset === 0 || nonWordCharRegex.test( prevChar ) ) {
--				var matchedText = match[ 0 ],
--				    hashtag = match[ 0 ].slice( 1 );  // strip off the '#' character at the beginning
--				matches.push( new Autolinker.match.Hashtag( {
--					tagBuilder  : tagBuilder,
--					matchedText : matchedText,
--					offset      : offset,
--					serviceName : serviceName,
--					hashtag     : hashtag
--				} ) );
--			}
--		}
--		return matches;
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.matcher.Phone
-- * @extends Autolinker.matcher.Matcher
-- *
-- * Matcher to find Phone number matches in an input string.
-- *
-- * See this class's superclass ({@link Autolinker.matcher.Matcher}) for more
-- * details.
-- */
--Autolinker.matcher.Phone = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.matcher.Matcher, {
--	/**
--	 * The regular expression to match Phone numbers. Example match:
--	 *
--	 *     (123) 456-7890
--	 *
--	 * This regular expression has the following capturing groups:
--	 *
--	 * 1. The prefixed '+' sign, if there is one.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} matcherRegex
--	 */
--    matcherRegex : /(?:(\+)?\d{1,3}[-\040.]?)?\(?\d{3}\)?[-\040.]?\d{3}[-\040.]?\d{4}([,;]*[0-9]+#?)*/g,    
--    // ex: (123) 456-7890, 123 456 7890, 123-456-7890, +18004441234,,;,10226420346#, 
--    // +1 (800) 444 1234, 10226420346#, 1-800-444-1234,1022,64,20346#
--	/**
--	 * @inheritdoc
--	 */
--	parseMatches: function(text) {
--		var matcherRegex = this.matcherRegex,
--			tagBuilder = this.tagBuilder,
--			matches = [],
--			match;
--		while ((match = matcherRegex.exec(text)) !== null) {
--			// Remove non-numeric values from phone number string
--			var matchedText = match[0],
--				cleanNumber = matchedText.replace(/[^0-9,;#]/g, ''), // strip out non-digit characters exclude comma semicolon and #
--				plusSign = !!match[1]; // match[ 1 ] is the prefixed plus sign, if there is one
--			if (this.testMatch(match[2]) && this.testMatch(matchedText)) {
--    			matches.push(new Autolinker.match.Phone({
--    				tagBuilder: tagBuilder,
--    				matchedText: matchedText,
--    				offset: match.index,
--    				number: cleanNumber,
--    				plusSign: plusSign
--    			}));
--            }
--		}
--		return matches;
--	},
--	testMatch: function(text) {
--		return /\D/.test(text);
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.matcher.Mention
-- * @extends Autolinker.matcher.Matcher
-- *
-- * Matcher to find/replace username matches in an input string.
-- */
--Autolinker.matcher.Mention = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.matcher.Matcher, {
--	/**
--	 * Hash of regular expression to match username handles. Example match:
--	 *
--	 *     @asdf
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {Object} matcherRegexes
--	 */
--	matcherRegexes : {
--		"twitter": new RegExp( '@[_' + Autolinker.RegexLib.alphaNumericCharsStr + ']{1,20}', 'g' ),
--		"instagram": new RegExp( '@[_.' + Autolinker.RegexLib.alphaNumericCharsStr + ']{1,50}', 'g' )
--	},
--	/**
--	 * The regular expression to use to check the character before a username match to
--	 * make sure we didn't accidentally match an email address.
--	 *
--	 * For example, the string "asdf at asdf.com" should not match "@asdf" as a username.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} nonWordCharRegex
--	 */
--	nonWordCharRegex : new RegExp( '[^' + Autolinker.RegexLib.alphaNumericCharsStr + ']' ),
--	/**
--	 * @constructor
--	 * @param {Object} cfg The configuration properties for the Match instance,
--	 *   specified in an Object (map).
--	 */
--	constructor : function( cfg ) {
--		Autolinker.matcher.Matcher.prototype.constructor.call( this, cfg );
--		this.serviceName = cfg.serviceName;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * @inheritdoc
--	 */
--	parseMatches : function( text ) {
--		var matcherRegex = this.matcherRegexes[this.serviceName],
--		    nonWordCharRegex = this.nonWordCharRegex,
--		    serviceName = this.serviceName,
--		    tagBuilder = this.tagBuilder,
--		    matches = [],
--		    match;
--		if (!matcherRegex) {
--			return matches;
--		}
--		while( ( match = matcherRegex.exec( text ) ) !== null ) {
--			var offset = match.index,
--			    prevChar = text.charAt( offset - 1 );
--			// If we found the match at the beginning of the string, or we found the match
--			// and there is a whitespace char in front of it (meaning it is not an email
--			// address), then it is a username match.
--			if( offset === 0 || nonWordCharRegex.test( prevChar ) ) {
--				var matchedText = match[ 0 ].replace(/\.+$/g, ''), // strip off trailing .
--				    mention = matchedText.slice( 1 );  // strip off the '@' character at the beginning
--				matches.push( new Autolinker.match.Mention( {
--					tagBuilder    : tagBuilder,
--					matchedText   : matchedText,
--					offset        : offset,
--					serviceName   : serviceName,
--					mention       : mention
--				} ) );
--			}
--		}
--		return matches;
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * @class Autolinker.matcher.Url
-- * @extends Autolinker.matcher.Matcher
-- *
-- * Matcher to find URL matches in an input string.
-- *
-- * See this class's superclass ({@link Autolinker.matcher.Matcher}) for more details.
-- */
--Autolinker.matcher.Url = Autolinker.Util.extend( Autolinker.matcher.Matcher, {
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Object} stripPrefix (required)
--	 *
--	 * The Object form of {@link Autolinker#cfg-stripPrefix}.
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} stripTrailingSlash (required)
--	 * @inheritdoc Autolinker#stripTrailingSlash
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @cfg {Boolean} decodePercentEncoding (required)
--	 * @inheritdoc Autolinker#decodePercentEncoding
--	 */
--	/**
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} matcherRegex
--	 *
--	 * The regular expression to match URLs with an optional scheme, port
--	 * number, path, query string, and hash anchor.
--	 *
--	 * Example matches:
--	 *
--	 *     http://google.com
--	 *     www.google.com
--	 *     google.com/path/to/file?q1=1&q2=2#myAnchor
--	 *
--	 *
--	 * This regular expression will have the following capturing groups:
--	 *
--	 * 1.  Group that matches a scheme-prefixed URL (i.e. 'http://google.com').
--	 *     This is used to match scheme URLs with just a single word, such as
--	 *     'http://localhost', where we won't double check that the domain name
--	 *     has at least one dot ('.') in it.
--	 * 2.  Group that matches a 'www.' prefixed URL. This is only matched if the
--	 *     'www.' text was not prefixed by a scheme (i.e.: not prefixed by
--	 *     'http://', 'ftp:', etc.)
--	 * 3.  A protocol-relative ('//') match for the case of a 'www.' prefixed
--	 *     URL. Will be an empty string if it is not a protocol-relative match.
--	 *     We need to know the character before the '//' in order to determine
--	 *     if it is a valid match or the // was in a string we don't want to
--	 *     auto-link.
--	 * 4.  Group that matches a known TLD (top level domain), when a scheme
--	 *     or 'www.'-prefixed domain is not matched.
--	 * 5.  A protocol-relative ('//') match for the case of a known TLD prefixed
--	 *     URL. Will be an empty string if it is not a protocol-relative match.
--	 *     See #3 for more info.
--	 */
--	matcherRegex : (function() {
--		var schemeRegex = /(?:[A-Za-z][-.+A-Za-z0-9]*:(?![A-Za-z][-.+A-Za-z0-9]*:\/\/)(?!\d+\/?)(?:\/\/)?)/,  // match protocol, allow in format "http://" or "mailto:". However, do not match the first part of something like 'link:http://www.google.com' (i.e. don't match "link:"). Also, make sure we don't interpret 'google.com:8000' as if 'google.com' was a protocol here (i.e. ignore a trailing port number in this regex)
--		    wwwRegex = /(?:www\.)/,                  // starting with 'www.'
--		    domainNameRegex = Autolinker.RegexLib.domainNameRegex,
--		    tldRegex = Autolinker.tldRegex,  // match our known top level domains (TLDs)
--		    alphaNumericCharsStr = Autolinker.RegexLib.alphaNumericCharsStr,
--		    // Allow optional path, query string, and hash anchor, not ending in the following characters: "?!:,.;"
--		    // http://blog.codinghorror.com/the-problem-with-urls/
--		    urlSuffixRegex = new RegExp( '[/?#](?:[' + alphaNumericCharsStr + '\\-+&@#/%=~_()|\'$*\\[\\]?!:,.;\u2713]*[' + alphaNumericCharsStr + '\\-+&@#/%=~_()|\'$*\\[\\]\u2713])?' );
--		return new RegExp( [
--			'(?:', // parens to cover match for scheme (optional), and domain
--				'(',  // *** Capturing group $1, for a scheme-prefixed url (ex: http://google.com)
--					schemeRegex.source,
--					domainNameRegex.source,
--				')',
--				'|',
--				'(',  // *** Capturing group $2, for a 'www.' prefixed url (ex: www.google.com)
--					'(//)?',  // *** Capturing group $3 for an optional protocol-relative URL. Must be at the beginning of the string or start with a non-word character (handled later)
--					wwwRegex.source,
--					domainNameRegex.source,
--				')',
--				'|',
--				'(',  // *** Capturing group $4, for known a TLD url (ex: google.com)
--					'(//)?',  // *** Capturing group $5 for an optional protocol-relative URL. Must be at the beginning of the string or start with a non-word character (handled later)
--					domainNameRegex.source + '\\.',
--					tldRegex.source,
--					'(?![-' + alphaNumericCharsStr + '])', // TLD not followed by a letter, behaves like unicode-aware \b
--				')',
--			')',
--			'(?::[0-9]+)?', // port
--			'(?:' + urlSuffixRegex.source + ')?'  // match for path, query string, and/or hash anchor - optional
--		].join( "" ), 'gi' );
--	} )(),
--	/**
--	 * A regular expression to use to check the character before a protocol-relative
--	 * URL match. We don't want to match a protocol-relative URL if it is part
--	 * of another word.
--	 *
--	 * For example, we want to match something like "Go to: //google.com",
--	 * but we don't want to match something like "abc//google.com"
--	 *
--	 * This regular expression is used to test the character before the '//'.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @type {RegExp} wordCharRegExp
--	 */
--	wordCharRegExp : new RegExp( '[' + Autolinker.RegexLib.alphaNumericCharsStr + ']' ),
--	/**
--	 * The regular expression to match opening parenthesis in a URL match.
--	 *
--	 * This is to determine if we have unbalanced parenthesis in the URL, and to
--	 * drop the final parenthesis that was matched if so.
--	 *
--	 * Ex: The text "(check out: wikipedia.com/something_(disambiguation))"
--	 * should only autolink the inner "wikipedia.com/something_(disambiguation)"
--	 * part, so if we find that we have unbalanced parenthesis, we will drop the
--	 * last one for the match.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp}
--	 */
--	openParensRe : /\(/g,
--	/**
--	 * The regular expression to match closing parenthesis in a URL match. See
--	 * {@link #openParensRe} for more information.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp}
--	 */
--	closeParensRe : /\)/g,
--	/**
--	 * @constructor
--	 * @param {Object} cfg The configuration properties for the Match instance,
--	 *   specified in an Object (map).
--	 */
--	constructor : function( cfg ) {
--		Autolinker.matcher.Matcher.prototype.constructor.call( this, cfg );
--		if( cfg.stripPrefix == null ) throw new Error( '`stripPrefix` cfg required' );
--		if( cfg.stripTrailingSlash == null ) throw new Error( '`stripTrailingSlash` cfg required' );
--		this.stripPrefix = cfg.stripPrefix;
--		this.stripTrailingSlash = cfg.stripTrailingSlash;
--		this.decodePercentEncoding = cfg.decodePercentEncoding;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * @inheritdoc
--	 */
--	parseMatches : function( text ) {
--		var matcherRegex = this.matcherRegex,
--		    stripPrefix = this.stripPrefix,
--		    stripTrailingSlash = this.stripTrailingSlash,
--		    decodePercentEncoding = this.decodePercentEncoding,
--		    tagBuilder = this.tagBuilder,
--		    matches = [],
--		    match;
--		while( ( match = matcherRegex.exec( text ) ) !== null ) {
--			var matchStr = match[ 0 ],
--			    schemeUrlMatch = match[ 1 ],
--			    wwwUrlMatch = match[ 2 ],
--			    wwwProtocolRelativeMatch = match[ 3 ],
--			    //tldUrlMatch = match[ 4 ],  -- not needed at the moment
--			    tldProtocolRelativeMatch = match[ 5 ],
--			    offset = match.index,
--			    protocolRelativeMatch = wwwProtocolRelativeMatch || tldProtocolRelativeMatch,
--				prevChar = text.charAt( offset - 1 );
--			if( !Autolinker.matcher.UrlMatchValidator.isValid( matchStr, schemeUrlMatch ) ) {
--				continue;
--			}
--			// If the match is preceded by an '@' character, then it is either
--			// an email address or a username. Skip these types of matches.
--			if( offset > 0 && prevChar === '@' ) {
--				continue;
--			}
--			// If it's a protocol-relative '//' match, but the character before the '//'
--			// was a word character (i.e. a letter/number), then we found the '//' in the
--			// middle of another word (such as "asdf//asdf.com"). In this case, skip the
--			// match.
--			if( offset > 0 && protocolRelativeMatch && this.wordCharRegExp.test( prevChar ) ) {
--				continue;
--			}
--			if( /\?$/.test(matchStr) ) {
--				matchStr = matchStr.substr(0, matchStr.length-1);
--			}
--			// Handle a closing parenthesis at the end of the match, and exclude
--			// it if there is not a matching open parenthesis in the match
--			// itself.
--			if( this.matchHasUnbalancedClosingParen( matchStr ) ) {
--				matchStr = matchStr.substr( 0, matchStr.length - 1 );  // remove the trailing ")"
--			} else {
--				// Handle an invalid character after the TLD
--				var pos = this.matchHasInvalidCharAfterTld( matchStr, schemeUrlMatch );
--				if( pos > -1 ) {
--					matchStr = matchStr.substr( 0, pos ); // remove the trailing invalid chars
--				}
--			}
--			var urlMatchType = schemeUrlMatch ? 'scheme' : ( wwwUrlMatch ? 'www' : 'tld' ),
--			    protocolUrlMatch = !!schemeUrlMatch;
--			matches.push( new Autolinker.match.Url( {
--				tagBuilder            : tagBuilder,
--				matchedText           : matchStr,
--				offset                : offset,
--				urlMatchType          : urlMatchType,
--				url                   : matchStr,
--				protocolUrlMatch      : protocolUrlMatch,
--				protocolRelativeMatch : !!protocolRelativeMatch,
--				stripPrefix           : stripPrefix,
--				stripTrailingSlash    : stripTrailingSlash,
--				decodePercentEncoding : decodePercentEncoding,
--			} ) );
--		}
--		return matches;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Determines if a match found has an unmatched closing parenthesis. If so,
--	 * this parenthesis will be removed from the match itself, and appended
--	 * after the generated anchor tag.
--	 *
--	 * A match may have an extra closing parenthesis at the end of the match
--	 * because the regular expression must include parenthesis for URLs such as
--	 * "wikipedia.com/something_(disambiguation)", which should be auto-linked.
--	 *
--	 * However, an extra parenthesis *will* be included when the URL itself is
--	 * wrapped in parenthesis, such as in the case of "(wikipedia.com/something_(disambiguation))".
--	 * In this case, the last closing parenthesis should *not* be part of the
--	 * URL itself, and this method will return `true`.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {String} matchStr The full match string from the {@link #matcherRegex}.
--	 * @return {Boolean} `true` if there is an unbalanced closing parenthesis at
--	 *   the end of the `matchStr`, `false` otherwise.
--	 */
--	matchHasUnbalancedClosingParen : function( matchStr ) {
--		var lastChar = matchStr.charAt( matchStr.length - 1 );
--		if( lastChar === ')' ) {
--			var openParensMatch = matchStr.match( this.openParensRe ),
--			    closeParensMatch = matchStr.match( this.closeParensRe ),
--			    numOpenParens = ( openParensMatch && openParensMatch.length ) || 0,
--			    numCloseParens = ( closeParensMatch && closeParensMatch.length ) || 0;
--			if( numOpenParens < numCloseParens ) {
--				return true;
--			}
--		}
--		return false;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Determine if there's an invalid character after the TLD in a URL. Valid
--	 * characters after TLD are ':/?#'. Exclude scheme matched URLs from this
--	 * check.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {String} urlMatch The matched URL, if there was one. Will be an
--	 *   empty string if the match is not a URL match.
--	 * @param {String} schemeUrlMatch The match URL string for a scheme
--	 *   match. Ex: 'http://yahoo.com'. This is used to match something like
--	 *   'http://localhost', where we won't double check that the domain name
--	 *   has at least one '.' in it.
--	 * @return {Number} the position where the invalid character was found. If
--	 *   no such character was found, returns -1
--	 */
--	matchHasInvalidCharAfterTld : function( urlMatch, schemeUrlMatch ) {
--		if( !urlMatch ) {
--			return -1;
--		}
--		var offset = 0;
--		if ( schemeUrlMatch ) {
--			offset = urlMatch.indexOf(':');
--			urlMatch = urlMatch.slice(offset);
--		}
--		var alphaNumeric = Autolinker.RegexLib.alphaNumericCharsStr;
--		var re = new RegExp("^((.?\/\/)?[-." + alphaNumeric + "]*[-" + alphaNumeric + "]\\.[-" + alphaNumeric + "]+)");
--		var res = re.exec( urlMatch );
--		if ( res === null ) {
--			return -1;
--		}
--		offset += res[1].length;
--		urlMatch = urlMatch.slice(res[1].length);
--		if (/^[^-.A-Za-z0-9:\/?#]/.test(urlMatch)) {
--			return offset;
--		}
--		return -1;
--	}
--} );
--/*global Autolinker */
--/*jshint scripturl:true */
-- * @private
-- * @class Autolinker.matcher.UrlMatchValidator
-- * @singleton
-- *
-- * Used by Autolinker to filter out false URL positives from the
-- * {@link Autolinker.matcher.Url UrlMatcher}.
-- *
-- * Due to the limitations of regular expressions (including the missing feature
-- * of look-behinds in JS regular expressions), we cannot always determine the
-- * validity of a given match. This class applies a bit of additional logic to
-- * filter out any false positives that have been matched by the
-- * {@link Autolinker.matcher.Url UrlMatcher}.
-- */
--Autolinker.matcher.UrlMatchValidator = {
--	/**
--	 * Regex to test for a full protocol, with the two trailing slashes. Ex: 'http://'
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} hasFullProtocolRegex
--	 */
--	hasFullProtocolRegex : /^[A-Za-z][-.+A-Za-z0-9]*:\/\//,
--	/**
--	 * Regex to find the URI scheme, such as 'mailto:'.
--	 *
--	 * This is used to filter out 'javascript:' and 'vbscript:' schemes.
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} uriSchemeRegex
--	 */
--	uriSchemeRegex : /^[A-Za-z][-.+A-Za-z0-9]*:/,
--	/**
--	 * Regex to determine if at least one word char exists after the protocol (i.e. after the ':')
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} hasWordCharAfterProtocolRegex
--	 */
--	hasWordCharAfterProtocolRegex : new RegExp(":[^\\s]*?[" + Autolinker.RegexLib.alphaCharsStr + "]"),
--	/**
--	 * Regex to determine if the string is a valid IP address
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @property {RegExp} ipRegex
--	 */
--	ipRegex: /[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?\.[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?\.[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?\.[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?(:[0-9]*)?\/?$/,
--	/**
--	 * Determines if a given URL match found by the {@link Autolinker.matcher.Url UrlMatcher}
--	 * is valid. Will return `false` for:
--	 *
--	 * 1) URL matches which do not have at least have one period ('.') in the
--	 *    domain name (effectively skipping over matches like "abc:def").
--	 *    However, URL matches with a protocol will be allowed (ex: 'http://localhost')
--	 * 2) URL matches which do not have at least one word character in the
--	 *    domain name (effectively skipping over matches like "git:1.0").
--	 * 3) A protocol-relative url match (a URL beginning with '//') whose
--	 *    previous character is a word character (effectively skipping over
--	 *    strings like "abc//google.com")
--	 *
--	 * Otherwise, returns `true`.
--	 *
--	 * @param {String} urlMatch The matched URL, if there was one. Will be an
--	 *   empty string if the match is not a URL match.
--	 * @param {String} protocolUrlMatch The match URL string for a protocol
--	 *   match. Ex: 'http://yahoo.com'. This is used to match something like
--	 *   'http://localhost', where we won't double check that the domain name
--	 *   has at least one '.' in it.
--	 * @return {Boolean} `true` if the match given is valid and should be
--	 *   processed, or `false` if the match is invalid and/or should just not be
--	 *   processed.
--	 */
--	isValid : function( urlMatch, protocolUrlMatch ) {
--		if(
--			( protocolUrlMatch && !this.isValidUriScheme( protocolUrlMatch ) ) ||
--			this.urlMatchDoesNotHaveProtocolOrDot( urlMatch, protocolUrlMatch ) ||    // At least one period ('.') must exist in the URL match for us to consider it an actual URL, *unless* it was a full protocol match (like 'http://localhost')
--			(this.urlMatchDoesNotHaveAtLeastOneWordChar( urlMatch, protocolUrlMatch ) && // At least one letter character must exist in the domain name after a protocol match. Ex: skip over something like "git:1.0"
--			   !this.isValidIpAddress( urlMatch )) || // Except if it's an IP address
--			this.containsMultipleDots( urlMatch )
--		) {
--			return false;
--		}
--		return true;
--	},
--	isValidIpAddress : function ( uriSchemeMatch ) {
--		var newRegex = new RegExp(this.hasFullProtocolRegex.source + this.ipRegex.source);
--		var uriScheme = uriSchemeMatch.match( newRegex );
--		return uriScheme !== null;
--	},
--	containsMultipleDots : function ( urlMatch ) {
--		return urlMatch.indexOf("..") > -1;
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Determines if the URI scheme is a valid scheme to be autolinked. Returns
--	 * `false` if the scheme is 'javascript:' or 'vbscript:'
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {String} uriSchemeMatch The match URL string for a full URI scheme
--	 *   match. Ex: 'http://yahoo.com' or 'mailto:a at a.com'.
--	 * @return {Boolean} `true` if the scheme is a valid one, `false` otherwise.
--	 */
--	isValidUriScheme : function( uriSchemeMatch ) {
--		var uriScheme = uriSchemeMatch.match( this.uriSchemeRegex )[ 0 ].toLowerCase();
--		return ( uriScheme !== 'javascript:' && uriScheme !== 'vbscript:' );
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Determines if a URL match does not have either:
--	 *
--	 * a) a full protocol (i.e. 'http://'), or
--	 * b) at least one dot ('.') in the domain name (for a non-full-protocol
--	 *    match).
--	 *
--	 * Either situation is considered an invalid URL (ex: 'git:d' does not have
--	 * either the '://' part, or at least one dot in the domain name. If the
--	 * match was 'git:abc.com', we would consider this valid.)
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {String} urlMatch The matched URL, if there was one. Will be an
--	 *   empty string if the match is not a URL match.
--	 * @param {String} protocolUrlMatch The match URL string for a protocol
--	 *   match. Ex: 'http://yahoo.com'. This is used to match something like
--	 *   'http://localhost', where we won't double check that the domain name
--	 *   has at least one '.' in it.
--	 * @return {Boolean} `true` if the URL match does not have a full protocol,
--	 *   or at least one dot ('.') in a non-full-protocol match.
--	 */
--	urlMatchDoesNotHaveProtocolOrDot : function( urlMatch, protocolUrlMatch ) {
--		return ( !!urlMatch && ( !protocolUrlMatch || !this.hasFullProtocolRegex.test( protocolUrlMatch ) ) && urlMatch.indexOf( '.' ) === -1 );
--	},
--	/**
--	 * Determines if a URL match does not have at least one word character after
--	 * the protocol (i.e. in the domain name).
--	 *
--	 * At least one letter character must exist in the domain name after a
--	 * protocol match. Ex: skip over something like "git:1.0"
--	 *
--	 * @private
--	 * @param {String} urlMatch The matched URL, if there was one. Will be an
--	 *   empty string if the match is not a URL match.
--	 * @param {String} protocolUrlMatch The match URL string for a protocol
--	 *   match. Ex: 'http://yahoo.com'. This is used to know whether or not we
--	 *   have a protocol in the URL string, in order to check for a word
--	 *   character after the protocol separator (':').
--	 * @return {Boolean} `true` if the URL match does not have at least one word
--	 *   character in it after the protocol, `false` otherwise.
--	 */
--	urlMatchDoesNotHaveAtLeastOneWordChar : function( urlMatch, protocolUrlMatch ) {
--		if( urlMatch && protocolUrlMatch ) {
--			return !this.hasWordCharAfterProtocolRegex.test( urlMatch );
--		} else {
--			return false;
--		}
--	}
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * A truncation feature where the ellipsis will be placed at the end of the URL.
-- *
-- * @param {String} anchorText
-- * @param {Number} truncateLen The maximum length of the truncated output URL string.
-- * @param {String} ellipsisChars The characters to place within the url, e.g. "..".
-- * @return {String} The truncated URL.
-- */
--Autolinker.truncate.TruncateEnd = function(anchorText, truncateLen, ellipsisChars){
--	return Autolinker.Util.ellipsis( anchorText, truncateLen, ellipsisChars );
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * Date: 2015-10-05
-- * Author: Kasper Søfren <soefritz at gmail.com> (https://github.com/kafoso)
-- *
-- * A truncation feature, where the ellipsis will be placed in the dead-center of the URL.
-- *
-- * @param {String} url             A URL.
-- * @param {Number} truncateLen     The maximum length of the truncated output URL string.
-- * @param {String} ellipsisChars   The characters to place within the url, e.g. "..".
-- * @return {String} The truncated URL.
-- */
--Autolinker.truncate.TruncateMiddle = function(url, truncateLen, ellipsisChars){
--  if (url.length <= truncateLen) {
--    return url;
--  }
--  var ellipsisLengthBeforeParsing;
--  var ellipsisLength;
--  if(ellipsisChars == null) {
--    ellipsisChars = '…';
--    ellipsisLengthBeforeParsing = 8;
--    ellipsisLength = 3;
--  } else {
--    ellipsisLengthBeforeParsing = ellipsisChars.length;
--    ellipsisLength = ellipsisChars.length;
--  }
--  var availableLength = truncateLen - ellipsisLength;
--  var end = "";
--  if (availableLength > 0) {
--    end = url.substr((-1)*Math.floor(availableLength/2));
--  }
--  return (url.substr(0, Math.ceil(availableLength/2)) + ellipsisChars + end).substr(0, availableLength + ellipsisLengthBeforeParsing);
--/*global Autolinker */
-- * Date: 2015-10-05
-- * Author: Kasper Søfren <soefritz at gmail.com> (https://github.com/kafoso)
-- *
-- * A truncation feature, where the ellipsis will be placed at a section within
-- * the URL making it still somewhat human readable.
-- *
-- * @param {String} url						 A URL.
-- * @param {Number} truncateLen		 The maximum length of the truncated output URL string.
-- * @param {String} ellipsisChars	 The characters to place within the url, e.g. "...".
-- * @return {String} The truncated URL.
-- */
--Autolinker.truncate.TruncateSmart = function(url, truncateLen, ellipsisChars){
--	var ellipsisLengthBeforeParsing;
--	var ellipsisLength;
--	if(ellipsisChars == null) {
--		ellipsisChars = '…';
--		ellipsisLength = 3;
--		ellipsisLengthBeforeParsing = 8;
--	} else {
--		ellipsisLength = ellipsisChars.length;
--		ellipsisLengthBeforeParsing = ellipsisChars.length;
--	}
--	var parse_url = function(url){ // Functionality inspired by PHP function of same name
--		var urlObj = {};
--		var urlSub = url;
--		var match = urlSub.match(/^([a-z]+):\/\//i);
--		if (match) {
--			urlObj.scheme = match[1];
--			urlSub = urlSub.substr(match[0].length);
--		}
--		match = urlSub.match(/^(.*?)(?=(\?|#|\/|$))/i);
--		if (match) {
--			urlObj.host = match[1];
--			urlSub = urlSub.substr(match[0].length);
--		}
--		match = urlSub.match(/^\/(.*?)(?=(\?|#|$))/i);
--		if (match) {
--			urlObj.path = match[1];
--			urlSub = urlSub.substr(match[0].length);
--		}
--		match = urlSub.match(/^\?(.*?)(?=(#|$))/i);
--		if (match) {
--			urlObj.query = match[1];
--			urlSub = urlSub.substr(match[0].length);
--		}
--		match = urlSub.match(/^#(.*?)$/i);
--		if (match) {
--			urlObj.fragment = match[1];
--			//urlSub = urlSub.substr(match[0].length);  -- not used. Uncomment if adding another block.
--		}
--		return urlObj;
--	};
--	var buildUrl = function(urlObj){
--		var url = "";
--		if (urlObj.scheme && urlObj.host) {
--			url += urlObj.scheme + "://";
--		}
--		if (urlObj.host) {
--			url += urlObj.host;
--		}
--		if (urlObj.path) {
--			url += "/" + urlObj.path;
--		}
--		if (urlObj.query) {
--			url += "?" + urlObj.query;
--		}
--		if (urlObj.fragment) {
--			url += "#" + urlObj.fragment;
--		}
--		return url;
--	};
--	var buildSegment = function(segment, remainingAvailableLength){
--		var remainingAvailableLengthHalf = remainingAvailableLength/ 2,
--				startOffset = Math.ceil(remainingAvailableLengthHalf),
--				endOffset = (-1)*Math.floor(remainingAvailableLengthHalf),
--				end = "";
--		if (endOffset < 0) {
--			end = segment.substr(endOffset);
--		}
--		return segment.substr(0, startOffset) + ellipsisChars + end;
--	};
--	if (url.length <= truncateLen) {
--		return url;
--	}
--	var availableLength = truncateLen - ellipsisLength;
--	var urlObj = parse_url(url);
--	// Clean up the URL
--	if (urlObj.query) {
--		var matchQuery = urlObj.query.match(/^(.*?)(?=(\?|\#))(.*?)$/i);
--		if (matchQuery) {
--			// Malformed URL; two or more "?". Removed any content behind the 2nd.
--			urlObj.query = urlObj.query.substr(0, matchQuery[1].length);
--			url = buildUrl(urlObj);
--		}
--	}
--	if (url.length <= truncateLen) {
--		return url;
--	}
--	if (urlObj.host) {
--		urlObj.host = urlObj.host.replace(/^www\./, "");
--		url = buildUrl(urlObj);
--	}
--	if (url.length <= truncateLen) {
--		return url;
--	}
--	// Process and build the URL
--	var str = "";
--	if (urlObj.host) {
--		str += urlObj.host;
--	}
--	if (str.length >= availableLength) {
--		if (urlObj.host.length == truncateLen) {
--			return (urlObj.host.substr(0, (truncateLen - ellipsisLength)) + ellipsisChars).substr(0, availableLength + ellipsisLengthBeforeParsing);
--		}
--		return buildSegment(str, availableLength).substr(0, availableLength + ellipsisLengthBeforeParsing);
--	}
--	var pathAndQuery = "";
--	if (urlObj.path) {
--		pathAndQuery += "/" + urlObj.path;
--	}
--	if (urlObj.query) {
--		pathAndQuery += "?" + urlObj.query;
--	}
--	if (pathAndQuery) {
--		if ((str+pathAndQuery).length >= availableLength) {
--			if ((str+pathAndQuery).length == truncateLen) {
--				return (str + pathAndQuery).substr(0, truncateLen);
--			}
--			var remainingAvailableLength = availableLength - str.length;
--			return (str + buildSegment(pathAndQuery, remainingAvailableLength)).substr(0, availableLength + ellipsisLengthBeforeParsing);
--		} else {
--			str += pathAndQuery;
--		}
--	}
--	if (urlObj.fragment) {
--		var fragment = "#"+urlObj.fragment;
--		if ((str+fragment).length >= availableLength) {
--			if ((str+fragment).length == truncateLen) {
--				return (str + fragment).substr(0, truncateLen);
--			}
--			var remainingAvailableLength2 = availableLength - str.length;
--			return (str + buildSegment(fragment, remainingAvailableLength2)).substr(0, availableLength + ellipsisLengthBeforeParsing);
--		} else {
--			str += fragment;
--		}
--	}
--	if (urlObj.scheme && urlObj.host) {
--		var scheme = urlObj.scheme + "://";
--		if ((str+scheme).length < availableLength) {
--			return (scheme + str).substr(0, truncateLen);
--		}
--	}
--	if (str.length <= truncateLen) {
--		return str;
--	}
--	var end = "";
--	if (availableLength > 0) {
--		end = str.substr((-1)*Math.floor(availableLength/2));
--	}
--	return (str.substr(0, Math.ceil(availableLength/2)) + ellipsisChars + end).substr(0, availableLength + ellipsisLengthBeforeParsing);
--return Autolinker;
---- a/docs/dist/Autolinker.min.js
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-- * Autolinker.js
-- * 1.6.0
-- *
-- * Copyright(c) 2017 Gregory Jacobs <greg at greg-jacobs.com>
-- * MIT License
-- *
-- * https://github.com/gregjacobs/Autolinker.js
-- */
--!function(e,t){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define([],t):"object"==typeof exports?module.exports=t():e.Autolinker=t()}(this,function(){var e=function(t){t=t||{},this.version=e.version,this.urls=this.normalizeUrlsCfg(t.urls),this.email="boolean"!=typeof t.email||t.email,this.phone="boolean"!=typeof t.phone||t.phone,this.hashtag=t.hashtag||!1,this.mention=t.mention||!1,this.newWindow="boolean"!=typeof t.newWindow||t.newWindow,this.stripPrefix=this.normalizeStripPrefixCfg(t.stripP [...]
--}}),e.matcher.UrlMatchValidator={hasFullProtocolRegex:/^[A-Za-z][-.+A-Za-z0-9]*:\/\//,uriSchemeRegex:/^[A-Za-z][-.+A-Za-z0-9]*:/,hasWordCharAfterProtocolRegex:new RegExp(":[^\\s]*?["+e.RegexLib.alphaCharsStr+"]"),ipRegex:/[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?\.[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?\.[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?\.[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?(:[0-9]*)?\/?$/,isValid:function(e,t){return!(t&&!this.isValidUriScheme(t)||this.urlMatchDoesNotHaveProtocolOrDot(e,t)||this.urlMatchDoesNotHaveAtLeastOneWordChar(e,t)&&!this.isValidIpAddress(e)| [...]
-\ No newline at end of file
---- a/src/matcher/TldRegex.js
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
--// To update with the latest TLD list, run `gulp update-tld-list`
--/*global Autolinker */
--Autolinker.tldRegex = /(?:xn--vermgensberatung-pwb|xn--vermgensberater-ctb|xn--clchc0ea0b2g2a9gcd|xn--w4r85el8fhu5dnra|northwesternmutual|travelersinsurance|vermögensberatung|xn--3oq18vl8pn36a|xn--5su34j936bgsg|xn--bck1b9a5dre4c|xn--mgbai9azgqp6j|xn--mgberp4a5d4ar|xn--xkc2dl3a5ee0h|vermögensberater|xn--fzys8d69uvgm|xn--mgba7c0bbn0a|xn--xkc2al3hye2a|americanexpress|kerryproperties|sandvikcoromant|xn--i1b6b1a6a2e|xn--kcrx77d1x4a|xn--lgbbat1ad8j|xn--mgba3a4f16a|xn--mgbc0a9azcg|xn--nqv7fs00 [...]
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
deleted file mode 100644
index 3455af3..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-autolinker.git

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