[3dprinter-general] Talk proposal for the Barcelona miniDebconf

Elena ``of Valhalla'' elena.valhalla at gmail.com
Fri Jan 24 17:10:21 UTC 2014


I've just submitted a proposal for a talk on 3d printing at the
miniDebconf_ Barcelona this March.

.. _miniDebconf: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianWomen/Projects/MiniDebconf-Women/2014

If the talk gets accepted my plan is to start talking about the various
Free software available to be used in 3d printing, from modelling to 
printer control and everything in between.

My original plan included talking about the status of this sofware 
in Debian, the fact that it was mostly under ITP but not available yet, 
and that there was a mostly unknown team that was going to work on it 
and could use being noticed and some help.

I'm glad to notice that this second part of the plan is going to 
be dropped in favour of being able to speak of what the team is 
doing, how it is working and the basics that people need to know if 
they want to join/help.

Whether the talk gets accepted or not, I would like to document 
the first part (available software for every step of the 3d printing 
workflow) on a wiki page for end users.

If anybody has comments, suggestions, etc. I would be glad to read it.

Elena ``of Valhalla''

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