[3dprinter-general] Talk proposal for the Barcelona miniDebconf

Bas Wijnen wijnen at debian.org
Fri Jan 24 22:26:26 UTC 2014

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 06:10:21PM +0100, Elena ``of Valhalla'' wrote:
> I've just submitted a proposal for a talk on 3d printing at the
> miniDebconf_ Barcelona this March.
> .. _miniDebconf: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianWomen/Projects/MiniDebconf-Women/2014

Cool!  A very nice approach to getting more women involved, too.

> If the talk gets accepted my plan is to start talking about the various
> Free software available to be used in 3d printing, from modelling to 
> printer control and everything in between.
> Whether the talk gets accepted or not, I would like to document 
> the first part (available software for every step of the 3d printing 
> workflow) on a wiki page for end users.

That would be very useful indeed.

> If anybody has comments, suggestions, etc. I would be glad to read it.

While not ready for end users yet, I can "leak" that I am almost ready
to release an alpha version of my new printer controlling software.[1]
This consists of firmware for arduino-based boards (Ramps and Melzi are
tested; others should work) and a server running on the machine it's
connected to.  The server provides a web site and a Python interface for
scripting (actually a websocket interface, but I've written Python code
to use it).

This scripting interface is particularly powerful, and allows a level of
control over the printer that no other host software gives you.

Feel free to ignore all this entirely, but if you want to be the first
to talk about it, you can be. ;-)


[1] Strictly speaking, it's already released, but I didn't tell anyone
yet: https://github.com/mtu-most/most-reprap
And there are still some problems which need to be solved.
It requires some modules from https://github.com/wijnen/.
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