[3dprinter-general] Cura 5.0 dependency mess fixes

Gregor Riepl onitake at gmail.com
Wed Mar 29 01:39:11 BST 2023


I found the nasty bug that was causing FTBFS issues and fixed it.
It was actually in libnest2d, in the cmake script that was reintroduced 
after upstream removed it.

Bug report https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1032930 is 
adjusted accordingly.

Christoph: Could you release libnest2d 5.0.0-2 when you have time?
After this package version is in experimental, we'll also need a rebuild 
of pynest2d (to get Python 3.11 support) and cura-engine (because it has 
outdated dependencies).

I also pushed a small fix for the Lintian override to the cura-engine 
repo, feel free to release that as well.

pynest2d reports another Lintian error that I don't know how to fix:
E: python3-pynest2d: custom-library-search-path RUNPATH 

And last but not least, I feel a bit frustrated with upstream's choice 
to buy into jFrog and switch to the Conda build and dependency 
management system. There's no provision for Conda in Debian yet, and I 
currently don't have an idea or motivation on how we can make it work 
with Debian. That means I'll probably stop working on Cura packaging for 
the time being. I'll try to fix bugs in Cura 5.0 and help get it back 
into shape, but the future of later versions in Debian is uncertain - at 
least as far as I'm concerned.

See you,

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