[3dprinter-general] Cura 5.0 dependency mess fixes

Christoph Berg myon at debian.org
Wed Mar 29 22:18:15 BST 2023

Re: Gregor Riepl
> I found the nasty bug that was causing FTBFS issues and fixed it.
> It was actually in libnest2d, in the cmake script that was reintroduced
> after upstream removed it.


The whole business of naming packages in cmake with upper or lower
case seems to be quite confused in the cura packages. Or at least I
had the impression that we have to change that everywhere. But
admittedly I have very little insight there.

> Christoph: Could you release libnest2d 5.0.0-2 when you have time?
> After this package version is in experimental, we'll also need a rebuild of
> pynest2d (to get Python 3.11 support) and cura-engine (because it has
> outdated dependencies).

Since it's broken in bookworm as well, I uploaded to unstable now.
Once that has built there, I'll have a look what else needs to be

> I also pushed a small fix for the Lintian override to the cura-engine repo,
> feel free to release that as well.

(Haven't checked that yet)

> pynest2d reports another Lintian error that I don't know how to fix:
> E: python3-pynest2d: custom-library-search-path RUNPATH
> /usr/lib/python3.11/config-3.11-x86_64-linux-gnu
> [usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pynest2d.cpython-311-x86_64-linux-gnu.so]

Ideally that would be fixed within cmake, but if everything else
fails, there's `chrpath -d` and similar hammers.

> And last but not least, I feel a bit frustrated with upstream's choice to
> buy into jFrog and switch to the Conda build and dependency management
> system. There's no provision for Conda in Debian yet, and I currently don't
> have an idea or motivation on how we can make it work with Debian. That
> means I'll probably stop working on Cura packaging for the time being. I'll
> try to fix bugs in Cura 5.0 and help get it back into shape, but the future
> of later versions in Debian is uncertain - at least as far as I'm concerned.

Understandable. The whole stack seems a big mess :(


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