[Amavisd-new-debian-devel] RFH: amavisd-new CVS almost ready for unstable

Brian May bam at snoopy.apana.org.au
Tue Dec 27 22:23:32 UTC 2005

>>>>> "Henrique" == Henrique de Moraes Holschuh <hmh at debian.org> writes:

    Henrique> It is tagged, and I am running it.  It will be uploaded
    Henrique> to unstable before new years, unless someone speaks up.
    Henrique> I am not going to change much more, other than trying to
    Henrique> deal with the conffile deletion stuff below IF I find
    Henrique> out a perfect solution.

Sounds good. Sorry for not assisting more, my schedule seems to be
busy an unpredictable at present.

    Henrique> 1. For some reason, dpkg is NOT deleting removed
    Henrique> conffiles, this means you get a whole crapload of them
    Henrique> inside /etc/amavis that you have to clean up manually.

IIRC, dpkg doesn't support automatically deleting of conffiles, ever.

I don't think a perfect solution exists, because the sysadmin may want
to keep the old files as a reference...
Brian May <bam at snoopy.apana.org.au>

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