[Android-tools-devel] removing src:android-tools

Ximin Luo infinity0 at debian.org
Thu Feb 18 01:00:29 UTC 2016

> Hi Hans,
> Yeah they should "provide" those packages for the transition.
> Also I remember someone has added another program into
> src:android-tools which needs to build a bunch of "device" version of
> liblog, libcutils, adb and other stuff. I think we may need to plan
> for the future, where our packages will build both "host" and "device"
> libraries and programs.

That is in git but was never released (I guess because he thought it wasn't the effort to do another repack of the upstream "source" tarball). But I think all of this stuff is already covered by your excellent new packaging, so now we can just forget about it. :)

One extra thing though - we should update the android-tools source package to be a dummy transitional package (for each of the binary packages), so that people already have it installed have a good upgrade path.


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