[Android-tools-devel] replicant SDK into Debian

Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at guardianproject.info
Thu Feb 25 22:19:25 UTC 2016

Hey Paul,

Also, I don't know how closely you follow our Android Tools work in
Debian.  We've gotten a substantial chunk in already, and are getting
close to actually building apps with only Debian packages.  The big
missing bit is the 'platform', i.e. ANDROID_HOME/platforms/android-20.
I think this is the bit where we should probably package the Replicant
source directly, and label it as such.  It would be great if you could
advise us on how you put together the Replicant SDK, and how we should
be including the platforms in Debian.

(and off topic, here's the issue to track the filtering idea we talked
about at FOSDEM):


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