[Android-tools-devel] replicant SDK into Debian

Paul Kocialkowski paulk at replicant.us
Sun Apr 24 12:58:18 UTC 2016

Hi there, looks like I forgot to answer this in due time.

Le jeudi 25 février 2016 à 23:19 +0100, Hans-Christoph Steiner a écrit :
> Also, I don't know how closely you follow our Android Tools work in
> Debian.  We've gotten a substantial chunk in already, and are getting
> close to actually building apps with only Debian packages.

Well, I've been a user of it, so one could say I've been following it, to some

> The big missing bit is the 'platform', i.e. ANDROID_HOME/platforms/android-20.
> I think this is the bit where we should probably package the Replicant
> source directly, and label it as such.  It would be great if you could
> advise us on how you put together the Replicant SDK, and how we should
> be including the platforms in Debian.

Well, you might as well want to package the upstream AOSP SDK and remove the
encouragements to install and use proprietary software from it, in a way similar
to what Replicant does. I'm a bit attached to see upstream go in Debian, instead
of Replicant.

Note that Replicant doesn't move forward as fast as upstream, so it's probably
better to keep track with AOSP for this reason, too.

Paul Kocialkowski, Replicant developer

Replicant is a fully free Android distribution running on several
devices, a free software mobile operating system putting the emphasis on
freedom and privacy/security.

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