[Android-tools-devel] Code Review

Chirayu Desai chirayudesai1 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 7 12:14:09 UTC 2016

Hello everyone,

This topic was recently brought up on IRC (#debian-mobile), and a good
easy to setup workflow was suggested by Hans [1].
We also discussed using gerrit [2] (what upstream uses), however it's
setup and maintenance won't be an easy task, so it seems best to look
for an alternative workflow for now.

I have went ahead and forked all repos under android-tools on
git.debian.org to my personal gitlab account [3]. They follow the
naming scheme debian_android-tools_<actual name>
I have pushed all branches from git.debian.org under alioth/, and have
also pushed the tags as-is.
I plan to push any changes I do here, and then ask for a review before
it gets pushed to git.debian.org.

To sum this up, the workflow can be:
developer A pushes to his own fork on github/gitlab/etc
developers B, C, & so on have each other's forks as remotes along with upstream.
another developer (not A) can review the patch and then push it to
upstream if it looks good.

Alternatively, it can be used for staging / collaboration apart from
just code reviews.

Chirayu Desai

[1]: https://guardianproject.info/2013/11/21/a-tag-team-git-workflow-that-incorporates-auditing/
[2]: https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/intro-quick.html
[3]: https://gitlab.com/dashboard/projects

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