[Android-tools-devel] GSoC 2016 Week 5 & 6: Android SDK Tools in Debian

Chirayu Desai chirayudesai1 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 3 20:46:41 UTC 2016

Hello everyone,

There has been a lot happening in the past two weeks.
This e-mail is being sent from a hacklab at DebConf :)

I had exams during week 5, and in the start of week 6.
I flew out for DebConf on the day the exams ended, and have been here since.

It has been a wonderful experience here, I have attended a few talks
already and there's a lot more in the next week.
There is also going to be a talk on our project, by Kai-Chung Yan, looking
forward to that.

Apart from that, I have tried to be active on the mailing list,
contributing to discussions about how to continue the project. I have
barely been able to do any coding, but I've tried to look at bugs / read
documentation and other code as much as I can.

I've been talking to people at DebConf about our project, and everybody
I've talked to so far are really excited about the Android SDK in Debian.
That was very encouraging.

I'll be at DebConf all week, and get back home mid next week (taking a halt
in between) - I'll resume working full time after that.

Chirayu Desai
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