[Android-tools-devel] package: android support m2 repository installer

Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at at.or.at
Mon Jul 4 07:39:41 UTC 2016

Mouaad Aallam:
>> I committed a couple of minor fixes and uploaded this to ftp-masters.
>> Now it just needs to pass the NEW queue, and it'll be in Debian!  We can
>> upload another version of the package with any updates you do.
>> .hc
> Great ! Thanks :)
> Quick quastion, new commits should be under new changelong ? or same one ?

The debian/changelog is where the package version is set.  So each
section of the changelog represents what changes are included in a given
package version.  Once a version is uploaded, then its time for a new
version in debian/changelog.  For this, I think we can just use 33.1,
33.2, etc.


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