[Android-tools-devel] Fwd: google-android-sdk-docs-installer

Mouaad Aallam mouaad at aallam.com
Mon Jul 11 17:15:57 UTC 2016

I updated the other installer packages to use the same mechanism as

I will start to try next to unify the packages mirroring choosing procedure
and start to make some platform packages as we discussed before.

*Mouaad Aallam*

On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 4:06 PM, Mouaad Aallam <mouaad at aallam.com> wrote:

> Default: is using http://dl.google.com, it should use
>> https://dl.google.com
> Oops ! :D fix[1]
> [1]:
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/android-tools/google-android-sdk-docs-installer.git/commit/?id=2cea79c05c4d21468875ed6ced21ee10ce001ee5
>> Other than that, it looks good.  Combined with the global conf file in
>> /etc/default/, I think this approach would be great to have in all the
>> google-android-* packages.
>  I will introduce the same changes to other packages first, then i will
> start try making this in a global way.
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