[Android-tools-devel] Update of android-platform-tools-base

Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at at.or.at
Tue Sep 6 18:51:55 UTC 2016

All of the android SDK tools and Android Studio itself expect the
standard layout of everything under a folder declared in ANDROID_HOME.
For the Debian packages, ANDROID_HOME=/usr/lib/android-sdk
(/opt/android-sdk is a common location for manually installed SDK
packages).  $ANDROID_HOME/docs is the standard location for the SDK docs.

That said, I think that the docs could still be installed into
/usr/share/doc/android-sdk, then /usr/lib/android-sdk/docs can be a
symlink to it.  That seems to be the best Debian-ish solution off the
top of my head.


Markus Koschany:
> Hi Kai-Chung,
> I'm about to upload android-platform-tools-base to unstable but I
> stumbled about the Lintian warning
>  libgradle-android-plugin-java-doc: image-file-in-usr-lib
> Why do you install the documentation into /usr/lib/android-sdk/...
> and not to /usr/share/doc/android-sdk ?
> The latter would be architecture-independent according to the FHS while
> the former is not. Are there any specific reasons?
> Regards,
> Markus
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