[Android-tools-devel] Seventh Android Tools Team Monthly Meeting

Samyak Jain samyak.jn11 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 29 05:26:28 BST 2021

Hello all!

I hope everyone is safe and doing well. (It's scary out there these days)

Nevertheless, The last Thursday of this month is about to knock on the
doorstep. Hence, the time for the meet \0/
More precisely, the seventh monthly meeting is scheduled for April 29,
14:00 UTC (Thursday).

Please acknowledge by replying to the same thread who all will be joining
us for the monthly meeting. Some major agendas involving dealing with
Gradle, kotlin, et al. (It will be great to have people from the
#debian-java team as well, so we can discuss some of the issues). There has
been some great progress in the field of kotlin.

And, feel free to add agendas to the same thread. The meeting will be at
#debian-android-tools on OFTC.

Those who are joining us for the first time, join #debian-android-tools on
OFTC. In case of
any queries, please feel free to mail back or tag me on the channel. :D

Hope to see you all there at the meeting. :)

Thanks and regards
Samyak Jain
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