[Android-tools-devel] getting the gradle-android plugin packaged

Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at at.or.at
Mon Oct 19 08:51:59 UTC 2015

I'm reviving the discussion of the remaining dependencies for getting the
gradle-android plugin included.  I think the issue below is the last blocker:

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: Packaging of lombok
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 17:32:43 +0200
From: Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans at at.or.at>
Organization: @||@
To: Komal Sukhani <komaldsukhani at gmail.com>, Markus Koschany <apo at gambaru.de>,
殷啟聰 <seamlikok at gmail.com>

What is with these java projects with their circular dependencies?  Its quite
frustrating!  It sounds like either way you need to start with packaging
0.8.4, so that's the way to start.  Then if v0.10.8 is required,
lombok.patcher can be added as needed.


Komal Sukhani:
> Hi all,
> lombok-ast is causing more problems than I thought (Its because uploader
> has used all
> libraries from his repository in this package). lombok-ast is dependent on
> lombok v0.10.8
> which in-turn is dependent on lombok.patcher v0.6, but for building
> lombok.patcher, lombok
> is required. Now, we have a circular dependency.
> I have got two solutions for this:
> 1. Use lombok v0.8.4 instead of lombok v0.10.8, which doesn't require
> lombok.patcher.
>     But lombok-ast is using some class files which are added in higher
> version of lombok.
> 2. First package lombok v0.8.4  then start with packaging of lombok.patcher
> v0.6. Finally
>     using lombok.patcher v0.6, create package for lombok v0.10.8.
> I think first option would be less time consuming, just I need to, if
> possible, remove dependency
> on those classes.
> What do you suggest?
> Komal Sukhani

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