[Aptitude-devel] Your opinion about a documentation patch, please

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo manuel.montezelo at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 13:45:59 UTC 2012


2012/3/20 Christian PERRIER <bubulle at debian.org>:
>> However I don't know if there are unpleasant consequences about this,
>> like e.g. the need for all translators to update their help file and
>> man page for little benefit, that will outweight adding the patches.
> Sorry, I missed your original message (I mostly overread
> aptitude-devel from the summary of topics in mutt).

(There was no previous message about this topic.  I sent to the list
and you another message with special request for you, but it's about
other bug report -- and no rush).

> Don't worry too much about help.txt translation. There are few of
> these and the fact that it is not gettext'ed doesn't help anyway.
> And the overall translation status of aptitude is not great anyway
> (because this is a giant work for all of us)...so a few more fuzzy
> string in the manpage translation shouldn't scare you..:-)

Independently of this change, if it's easy to convert it to a more
translator-friendly format, we can try (maybe not for the upcoming
0.6.6 but for next).


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