[Aptitude-devel] old bug - new maintainers... #137771

Faheem Mitha faheem at faheem.info
Thu Mar 29 07:41:19 UTC 2012

Hi Daniel,

On Thu, 29 Mar 2012, Daniel Hartwig wrote:

> On 28 March 2012 22:46, Faheem Mitha <faheem at faheem.info> wrote:

>> I've been following the resurgence of aptitude development with 
>> interest. After Daniel's long time sterling work on aptitude, it seems 
>> he has decided to retire from aptitude development. Anyone know the 
>> story there?

> Right now I would consider him to be missing in action, rather than retired :-)

> No idea what the story is.  As far as I am aware he has never responded 
> to any of our queries back in November.

That's a little odd. Maybe try again?

>> I'm just writing regarding Debian bug #137771 ( 
>> http://bugs.debian.org/137771 ), which just enjoyed its 10 year 
>> anniversary. :-)

>> I don't know how difficult it is to fix, but it is not an insignificant bug.
>> Is anyone planning to take a look at it? Comments?

> Been aware of this issue with holds since I began working on aptitude.
> At the moment I have not given it a thorough look as my focus has
> been on getting multi-arch working.

> It's age and significance does intimidate me a bit.  There is also the
> matter that aptitude somewhat "interprets" dpkg states on startup to
> determine what, if any, changes and how they should incorporate in to
> it's internal state model.

> Be assured that this one will not be left alone -- I am always mindful
> of it when looking at related areas of the code.

Ok. It might require coordination with apt to fix. Since Daniel never 
fixed it, I wonder whether it is very hard to fix, or whether he just 
never took the time.

                                                       Regards, Faheem

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