[Aptitude-devel] How to include translation information in repository?

David Kalnischkies kalnischkies+debian at gmail.com
Mon Sep 10 16:50:00 BST 2012

On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 2:36 PM, Gaurav Kumar <gauravphoenix at gmail.com> wrote:
> I think this list may be more suitable to answer below question.

The aptitude development list isn't that much better of a choice then the
previous. How about contacting the creator of the tool you use to create
the indexes rather than the creator of the tools which end up downloading
and using them? (and even that is wrong, as the downloading and parsing
 bit is handled by the folks at deity at lists.debian.org)

> I am looking for documentation on how to go about including TranslationIndex

Forget about this file. It is not needed anymore and anything APT-based will
not use it from wheezy onwards (and it wasn't really used in squeeze).
The information included in this file is now in the usual central location:
The Release file (You might need to instruct your tool to include it).

> and other language related files in repository.

Translation-en can be created at the time the Packages files are created.
Just watch out for an option talking about long descriptions. Thats the one
to flip to get the long descriptions separated into Translation-en.
The other Translation-* files are translations of the Translation-en file,
so no automatic process (of course).

Best regards

David Kalnischkies

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