[Aptitude-devel] Bug#654938: aptitude gets uncaught exception by keypress in search box

Götz Hoffart goetz at hoffart.de
Sat Dec 12 15:42:17 UTC 2015

On Sat, 12 Dec 2015 15:17:10 +0000 "Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo" <manuel.montezelo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Control: tags -1 + unreproducible moreinfo help
> Hi Goetz,
> 2012-01-06 23:02 Goetz Hoffart:
> >Package: aptitude
> >Version: 0.6.3-3.2+squeeze1
> >Severity: normal
> >
> >
> >When using 'aptitude' within an SSH session initiated within "iTerm.app"
> >(Mac OS X program) and I press /^u ("/", "^", "u"), it crashes:
> >
> >	Uncaught exception: Unable to read from stdin: Success
> >
> >If I press "/", "^", "Space", "u" instead all works fine. This crash only
> >happens with iTerm, not with the standard Terminal.app.
> >
> >But keypresses of what kind ever shouldn't lead to an uncaught exception,
> >IMO.
> Thanks for the report.
> Can you (or any other user with the same combination of tools) still
> reproduce this with recent versions?

Yes. Still happens/crashed with the now newest OS X (10.11.2), newest iTerm (2.1.4) and both of aptitude of Debian 6.0.10 LTS _and_ aptitude of Debian 7.9. I can reproduce this, like described. No ‚screen‘ or ‚tmux‘ involved, but it crashes also within screen.

> I wonder if it's something specific about that program, or locales.

If I can help with further details, please instruct me.


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