[Babel-users] How should an AHCP server configure it's ip address?

Kenneth Finnegan kennethfinnegan2007 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 11 02:01:15 UTC 2012

> I can see the following solutions:
> 1. "mode client-server", as described above (what you called "configure-
>    self");
> 2. make ahcpd skip the two first adresses of its range, rather than
>    just the first one;
> 3. add an "exclude" address to the ahcpd configuration, allowing ahcpd
>    to skip part of the range;
> 4. change the config file format to be "first-last" rather than
>    "first/plen", allowing for more flexible (non-power-of-two)
>    allocations;
> 5. obsolete IPv4, and make everyone use IPv6 and AHCPv0.

Got it.  I think most of my issue was just not grokking some of
ahcpd's behavior.  Now that it makes sense, I'll be happy with the
current model; just wasn't used to netmasks not mattering (via babel).
 I would suspect some people would like option 4, but I certainly
wouldn't want it at the cost of loosing first/plen; I much prefer the
newer format, so I'm indifferent.

Working my way down to the nit-pick laundry list from my notes:
* ahcpd doesn't appear to have a default config file location, which
is understandable. It did make this really confusing though:
http://man.cx/ahcpd%288%29  An old copy of the man page claiming it
uses /etc/babeld.conf?
* ahcpd has the same empty file parse error as Antoine Beaupré caught
in babeld. (touch empty.conf; ahcpd -c empty.conf wlan0)
* The usage instructions printed in program is missing the -d and -t
options, and a space "[-c filename]interface..."
* It doesn't log conf syntax errors to file when started -D, but only
prints it to stderr.

I think that takes care of my show stopper though.  Now I just need to
debug my wifi chipset issues, and write an init.d script to make it
all automatic.

Thanks for the help and great software.

Kenneth Finnegan

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