[Babel-users] time for feedback (Babel authentication goes I-D)

Denis Ovsienko infrastation at yandex.ru
Mon Aug 20 15:46:33 UTC 2012

Hello, list.

As some of you remember, in late May I suggested a sketch of a Babel authentication mechanism, intending to develop it into a more formal specification later. A prototype implementation became available in early June, the next step was writing a proper specification. That's what I've been busy doing for last two months, and today I would like to share the result, which is the very first (00) version of the Babel authentication Internet-Draft (I-D):


The document is just 40 pages long. Just to remind, the "draft" relates to the publication series, not necessary to the document quality. This I-D hopefully incorporates all the background, technical information and justification necessary to understand, implement and use this authentication mechanism. I am basically asking to show where I am wrong in this assumption. I need your feedback and reviews to understand how much finished it is.

Is there anything that is written really bad? Anything that should be added or removed? Feedback of first-time readers is even more welcome. If you understand Babel but not the authentication, that's not a problem, the I-D is self-contained. It's not? Let everyone know! Please send your comments to the mailing list.


Special notes to Juliusz.

1. Section 4.1 was written to address the encoding concerns, tell me if it does this job. May be some of the arguments didn't make it from my head to the paper, I will fix it then.

2. The current document works off the current "no IANA registry" situation. If you prefer creating an IANA registry for Babel TLV types, let me know and I will update the document respectively. I can post a draft registry description, if you want.

    Denis Ovsienko

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