[Babel-users] ANNOUNCE: Babel-S update

Matthieu Boutier boutier at pps.univ-paris-diderot.fr
Sat Dec 14 10:31:20 UTC 2013

Dear all,

There is many changes in the source-sensitive version of babeld
since the last announce. Recall that the code is available at:

    git clone -b source-specific git://git.wifi.pps.univ-paris-diderot.fr/babels.git


- configuration:

    - filter: you can filter source-specific routes using "src-ip", "src-eq",
        "src-le", "src-ge".  It works as "ip", "eq", etc.

    - importing specific routes: now, this is done via filters.  Instead of
        using "allow", just use "src-specific <prefix>".  This can be done
        either in the "redistribute" or "in" filters.

        For example, in order to redistribute all v4 routes as specific to, use

            redistribute src-specific

        Be worry when using it in the "in" filter... You will found details and
        more examples in the manpages.

- implementation:

    - IPV6-SUBTREES: Since Linux 3.10.12, source-sensitive routing tables can be
        used as we expected.  If you compile the code with '-D IPV6_SUBTREES',
        it will use the native netlink API instead of using multiple routing
        tables with rules over it.  Of course, the IPv4 part of the code is let

        The best solution would be to check it dynamically.  If someone knows
        how to do that...

    - requests: Source-specific request messages are implemented.

- other:

    Many bugs have been fixed, especially for the interoperability and TLV
    compression mechanism.

Best regards,

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