[Babel-users] Bucket full, dropping packet

Matthieu Boutier boutier at pps.univ-paris-diderot.fr
Fri Dec 11 17:47:53 UTC 2015

> And it seems that babeld on the node that generated the offending
> packets is using 90% CPU. The whole network seems to have become
> unstable after these strange packets have been received.

Did you know where does this version comes from?  Is there a packet's version, or whatever?

It's really strange that an "Update" message could fail.  After a quick look at the code, I think it should fail at line 513.  Could you see if changing

                    goto fail;

to something like

                if(!have_v4_nh) {
                    fprintf("Don't have v4 nexthop.");
                    goto fail;

confirm this hypothesis?


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