[Babel-users] client to client communication using babel protocol

Casper Meijn caspermeijn at gmail.com
Sun Feb 15 12:05:12 UTC 2015

Hello Sachin,

I am in no way an expert with babeld, but I will try to answer your

The problem you want to solve is to automatic generate routes to 'normal'
clients (clients without any additional software installed). babeld doesn't
solve this problem for you. babeld will automatic generate a path to known
addresses. There are two ways that babeld finds addresses: (1) the
addresses of the babeld node and (2) routes added to the kernel by a other
program then babeld.

You are looking for a tool to create a route to your client. The easiest
way to do that is use the standard functionality of home routers. These use
DHCP to configure their clients to use a specific subnet and they create a
static route to the subnet. babeld could redistribute this route to the
other nodes. The backdraw of this method is that your lose the roaming
effect of running babeld on the clients.

I have previously searched for a tool to create routes to 'normal' clients,
but I have no such thing. I have created a prototype which abuses the ARP
protocol to find the clients and then install a route to this client. This
method worked and I have been willing to create a real application to do
this, but I have not found the time yet.

For now I just install babeld on the clients to achieve roaming in my

Regards Casper

2015-02-13 2:53 GMT+01:00 sachin madhusudhana <sachin.gkf at gmail.com>:

> The clients are not running on babeld...how can i configure the routes?
> On Feb 10, 2015 2:14 AM, "Juliusz Chroboczek" <
> jch at pps.univ-paris-diderot.fr> wrote:
>> > Consider I have three routers R1,R2,R3. Each of them are configured
>> with an ad
>> > hoc network and an access point respectively. The ssid of the of the ad
>> hoc
>> > network of all the routers be mesh and that of the access points be
>> C0,C1,C2.
>> > The router is running on babel protocol on wireless interface. So when a
>> > client say laptop connects to the access point C0 and another laptop
>> connect
>> > to C2 then can C0 and C2 communicate with each other at 2 hops without
>> any
>> > configuration of babel?
>> Are the clients running Babel?
>> If so, then everything should happen automatically.
>> If not, then the routers will be able to communicate between themselves
>> (they're running Babel), but you will need some additional mechanism to
>> route packets towards the clients.
>> Please read "redistribution" in the Babel manual page and in the Babel
>> FAQ.
>> Once you have done that, please come back and tell us more about your
>> setup.
>> -- Juliusz
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