[Babel-users] Babel news

Juliusz Chroboczek jch at pps.univ-paris-diderot.fr
Thu Mar 12 14:07:32 UTC 2015


1. Our paper on source-specific routing in Babel has been accepted.
Congratulations to Matthieu.  If you need to cite it, it is now

   Matthieu Boutier and Juliusz Chroboczek.  Source-specific routing.  To
   appear in Proc. IFIP Networking 2015.  2015.

Camera-ready is due on 18 March, so if you have any tweaks to suggest,
speak now or forever hold your peace.

2. The IESG has voted to accept draft-chroboczek-babel-extension-mechanism,
which will therefore become an RFC at some point in the hopefully near
future.  The friendly reviewers have made a number of smart comments (I'm
particularly impressed with Adrian Farrell's comments), so I'll be
submitting a new version pretty soon.

This means that I'm going to lose control of Babel -- any new codepoints
for extension TLVs and sub-TLVs are going to be assigned by IANA.  This is
a good thing.  (There will be a bunch of codepoints for private extensions.)

3. The merge of the source-specific code into mainline babeld is not
proceeding, because I'm a lazy bum.  Matthieu is trying to bully me into
getting down to work, let's wish him good luck.

-- Juliusz

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