[Babel-users] Verify ETX route metric

Jehan Tremback jehan.tremback at gmail.com
Tue May 24 04:46:07 UTC 2016

Sorry, the diagram should be:

(A)--2--(B)--3--(C)--1--(D) = 6

(A)----------5----------(D) = 6

On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 7:28 PM, Jehan Tremback <jehan.tremback at gmail.com>

> We are trying to mitigate one of the issues described in RFC6126:
> > As defined in this document, Babel is a completely insecure protocol. Any
> attacker can attract data traffic by advertising routes with a low metric.
> We're concerned about this mostly because a node could advertise a low
> metric, attract traffic, and then charge for it. One avenue we've thought
> about is to run the link cost calculation end to end across the entire
> route to a given destination. This could give a "second opinion" of what
> the metric to that destination should be. This could be used as a way to
> detect nodes that are cheating.
> For example:
> if
> (A)--2--(B)--3--(C)--1--(D) = 5
> then
> (A)----------5----------(D) = 5
> A performs the link cost calculation between herself and D to find out if
> B or C are cheating. Have you thought about this at all? What's your
> opinion?
> -Jehan
> On Sun, May 22, 2016 at 11:16 PM, Juliusz Chroboczek <
> jch at pps.univ-paris-diderot.fr> wrote:
>> > This is more a theoretical than practical question right now, but is it
>> > possible for a node to verify the ETX metrics of its neighbors? That is,
>> > compute the ETX between myself and a given destination, and use it to
>> confirm
>> > that the additive ETX metric to that destination computed by the
>> neighbor is
>> > correct.
>> Could you please explain?  I'm not sure I'm following you.
>> -- Juliusz
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