[Babel-users] [babel] source sub-tlv

Matthieu Boutier boutier at irif.fr
Wed May 31 16:22:14 UTC 2017

> That's reasonable, although slightly confusing.  (Call that (1).)

6126 says "send a full dump".  What is confusing about sending a full
dump ? :p

>  3. Send a non-specific wildcard request for non-specific routes,
>     a source-specific wildcard request for source-specific routes, etc.

(I found his one is confusing.)

> I support (3).  Last time I spoke to him, Toke supported (4).  I am
> opposed to (2).  I can live with (1).

I support (1).  I'm not so uncomfortable with (3) because nothing prevent
me to send back a full dump on any wildcard request.


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