[Babel-users] Babeld 1.9.1 in OpenWrt + documentation

Rich Brown richb.hanover at gmail.com
Sat Aug 31 14:13:18 BST 2019

Hi Baptiste,

I'm delighted to see babeld enter the OpenWrt mainline. This is a great day indeed - the culmination of a huge amount of work.

I agree that documentation is an important piece of the entire product. And the OpenWrt wiki page still needs work, even though I bet that every word there is true.

My biggest concern is that it's missing an introductory section that gives a motivation for using babeld. The text needs to help the new reader answer, "Does babeld offer something for me?" Other questions... "Why should I care? Why would I use babeld? What situations/configurations would benefit from babeld, and how would my life be better? Why choose babeld in preference to those other mesh-y packages such as Open-Mesh, OLSR, B.A.T.M.A.N?"

That section doesn't need to be long: two or three paragraphs is probably enough. In fact, shorter is better. I am happy to help with wordsmithing, but I don't know enough about babel/babeld to get started...

Best regards,


PS I checked the babel home page at https://www.irif.fr/~jch/software/babel/ in hopes of finding such a description. It, too, could benefit from a description like this.

> From: Baptiste Jonglez <baptiste at bitsofnetworks.org>
> Subject: [Babel-users] Babeld 1.9.1 in OpenWrt + documentation
> Date: August 31, 2019 at 6:43:02 AM EDT
> To: babel-users at lists.alioth.debian.org
> Hello,
> I am happy to announce that babeld 1.9.1 has been added to OpenWrt [1] and
> will even be part of the upcoming OpenWrt release (19.07) [2,3].
> It is a good opportunity to remind about the "babeld on OpenWrt"
> documentation:
>    https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/services/babeld
> This documentation describes how to configure babeld in depth, including
> lots of examples.  It may even be useful outside of OpenWrt.
> If you have an interesting babeld setup and want to share your
> configuration as example, please do so!  In particular, I couldn't
> document a realistic source-specific routing setup because I don't use
> this feature.
> Thanks,
> Baptiste
> [1] https://github.com/openwrt-routing/packages/pull/506
> [2] https://github.com/openwrt-routing/packages/pull/505
> [3] https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/19.07-SNAPSHOT/packages/mips_24kc/routing/
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