[Blend-tinker-devel] news about box, boxer, and solidbox

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Fri Sep 6 11:46:24 BST 2019

Hi all,

Here's some random news on projects related to the Solidbox project.

"box" - developer-only project to pre-build user-friendly Debian systems 
for tiny boxes - had a new release v1.0rc6 yesterday. Improvements 
include helper script "box-add-solidbox" to apply the few pieces 
developed so far of Solidbox (essentially enabling Sagan), and an 
improved install guide at the website: https://box.redpill.dk/

"Boxer" - administration tool for composing Debian systems - has had 
several releases recently, mainly generalizing classes and tweaks 
evolved from the "box" project.

"Solidbox" has gained some developer interest at Debconf in July in 
Curitiba, Brazil.  We are now 7 people hanging out at the #tinker irc 
channel on OFTC.net, and 4 new subscribers to this mailinglist at 
- welcome to all new ones, both those concretely contributing and those 
curiously observing!

We've made progress on some concrete tasks needed for Solidbox - listed 
at https://wiki.debian.org/Solidbox/Tasks - mainly in sensing and 

I understand that the project is still quite confusingly (dis)organized, 
and I apologixe for that.  Please don't hesitate to ask questions: 
Raising questions is a big help in pointing out what needs 

if you have questions but worry that you will look like a fool if asking 
here in public, then feel free to ask me privately and I will make sure 
to a) not laugh at you and b) try improve documentation/communication 
without mentioning your name.

Thanks for the interest - I am super excited,

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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