[Blends-commit] r2292 - blends/trunk/webtools

Debian Pure Blends Subversion Commit noreply at alioth.debian.org
Wed Jul 28 13:59:39 UTC 2010

Author: tille
Date: Wed Jul 28 13:59:37 2010
New Revision: 2292
URL: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/blends?rev=2292&view=rev

Seek for updatable packages to be able to send mail to the relevant mailing list

   blends/trunk/webtools/new_upstream.py   (contents, props changed)

Modified: blends/trunk/webtools/blendstasktools.py
URL: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/blends/blends/trunk/webtools/blendstasktools.py?rev=2292&view=diff&r1=2292&r2=2291&p1=blends/trunk/webtools/blendstasktools.py&p2=blends/trunk/webtools/blendstasktools.py
--- blends/trunk/webtools/blendstasktools.py	(original)
+++ blends/trunk/webtools/blendstasktools.py	Wed Jul 28 13:59:37 2010
@@ -569,10 +569,10 @@
             self.properties['pkg-url'] = 'http://ftp-master.debian.org/new/%s_%s.html' % (row['source'], row['version'])
             for prop in PROPERTIES:
                 self.properties[prop] = row[prop]
-            self.desc['en']['short'] = MarkupString(unicode(row['description'], 'utf-8'), self.pkg, 'ShortDesc - New')
+            self.desc['en']['short'] = MarkupString(to_unicode(row['description']), self.pkg, 'ShortDesc - New')
             self.desc['en']['long']  = Markup(render_longdesc(row['long_description'].splitlines()))
             (_name, _url) = email.Utils.parseaddr(row['maintainer'])
-            self.responsible = '<a href="mailto:%s">%s</a>' % (_url, unicode(_name, 'utf-8'))
+            self.responsible = '<a href="mailto:%s">%s</a>' % (_url, to_unicode(_name))
             print "The package %s is not yet in Debian but it is just in the new queue. (Task %s)" % (self.pkg, self.taskname)
@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@
                         self.component = 'non-free'
                 self.component = curs.fetchone()[0]
-	# Debian Edu contains packages from main/debian-installer
+        # Debian Edu contains packages from main/debian-installer
         if self.component == 'main/debian-installer':
                 self.component = 'main'
         self.properties['license'] = license_in_component[self.component]
@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@
             self.desc['en']['long']  = Markup(render_longdesc(to_unicode(row['long_description']).splitlines()))
             (_name, _url) = email.Utils.parseaddr(row['maintainer'])
             self.properties['maintainer'] = to_unicode(row['maintainer'])
-            self.responsible = '<a href="mailto:%s">%s</a>' % (_url, unicode(_name, 'utf-8'))
+            self.responsible = '<a href="mailto:%s">%s</a>' % (_url, to_unicode(_name))
         if self.properties.has_key('source'):
             query = "EXECUTE src_vcs ('%s')" % (self.properties['source'])
@@ -736,7 +736,7 @@
             query = "EXECUTE query_get_latest_uploader ('%s')" % (self.src)
-                changed = unicode(curs.fetchone()[0], 'utf-8')
+                changed = to_unicode(curs.fetchone()[0])
 	    except TypeError, err:
                 changed = None
                 print "Query '%s' does not result in a valid changed entry (%s)" % (query, err)
@@ -877,6 +877,23 @@
             ret[task] = list
         return ret
+    def GetUpdatablePackages(self, dependencystatus=[]):
+        # List of Updatable packages: sourcepkg, version, upstream version
+        ret = {}
+        use_dependencystatus = GetDependencies2Use(dependencystatus, 'experimental')
+        for task in self.metapackagekeys:
+            tdeps = self.tasks[task]
+            list = []
+            for dep in use_dependencystatus:
+                for tdep in tdeps.dependencies[dep]:
+            	    if tdep.outdated != {}:
+            		# versionen sind geordnete Liste ---v--- letztes wird gebraucht
+                	list.append((tdep.pkg, tdep.version[-1]['version'], tdep.outdated['version']))
+            if list:
+        	ret[task] = list
+        return ret
     def GetNamesAndSourceDict(self, dependencystatus=()):
         # For the bugs pages we need not only the binary package names but the
         # source package as well to be able to link to the QA page
@@ -1111,7 +1128,7 @@
                     if curs.rowcount > 0:
                         row = RowDictionaries(curs)[0]
                         (_name, _url) = email.Utils.parseaddr(row['maintainer'])
-                        self.responsible = '<a href="mailto:%s">%s</a>' % (_url, unicode(_name, 'utf-8'))
+                        self.responsible = '<a href="mailto:%s">%s</a>' % (_url, to_unicode(_name))
                     # if an English description was found chances are good that we are seeking for other languages
                     # as well
@@ -1125,14 +1142,13 @@
                             lang = row['language']
                             self.metapkg.desc[lang] = {}
-                                # short = unicode(row['description'],'utf-8')
-                                short = row['description']
-                                self.metapkg.desc[lang]['short'] = MarkupString(unicode(short, 'utf-8'), \
+                                short = to_unicode(row['description'])
+                                self.metapkg.desc[lang]['short'] = MarkupString(to_unicode(short), \
                                                   self.metapkg.PrintedName, 'taskShortDesc - ' + lang)
                             except UnicodeEncodeError, err:
                                 print >> stderr, "===> UnicodeDecodeError in metapackage %s (lang='%s'): '%s'; ErrTxt: %s" % \
                                     (self.metapkg.pkg, lang, row['description'], err)
-                                short = unicode(row['description'],'latin1')
+                                short = to_unicode(row['description'],'latin1')
                                 self.metapkg.desc[lang]['short'] = MarkupString(short, \
                                                   self.metapkg.PrintedName, 'taskShortDesc - ' + lang)
@@ -1362,12 +1378,6 @@
                         # Only update use description from task file if not known from official package
                         if dep.desc['en'] == {}:
                             (short, long) = SplitDescription(to_unicode(stanza['pkg-description']))
-                            # If here would be used
-                            #    unicode(long, 'utf-8')
-                            # this would lead to TypeError problems - and in the end it does not prevent
-                            # failures like
-                            #    pkgLongDesc UnicodeDecodeError in tinyheb (lang='en'): 'debug-string';
-                            #    ErrTxt: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc2 in position 108: ordinal not in range(128)
                             dep.desc['en']['short'] = short
                             dep.desc['en']['long']  = long
@@ -1558,7 +1568,7 @@
     def __init__(self, bug):
         self.bug      = bug['id']
-	self.summary  = unicode(bug['title'], 'utf-8')
+	self.summary  = to_unicode(bug['title'])
 	self.severity = bug['severity']
         query = "EXECUTE bugs_query_tags (%i)" % self.bug

Added: blends/trunk/webtools/new_upstream.py
--- (empty file)
+++ blends/trunk/webtools/new_upstream.py	Wed Jul 28 13:59:37 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Check for packages of Blend which are not up to date and send
+# E-Mail to Blend developer list
+from sys import argv, exit, stderr
+from blendstasktools import Tasks
+if len(argv) <= 1:
+	print >>stderr, "Usage: %s <Blend name>\n       The <Blend name> needs a matching config file webconf/<Blend name>.conf"\
+                        % argv[0]
+	exit(-1)
+tasks  = Tasks(argv[1])
+if tasks.data['pkglist'] == '':
+	print >>stderr, "Config file webconf/%s.conf is lacking pkglist field." % (argv[1])
+	exit(-1)
+packages = tasks.GetUpdatablePackages(dependencystatus=['official_high', 'official_low', 'non-free', 'experimental'])
+for task in packages.keys():
+	print "Updatable packages in Task", task
+	for pkg_v_o in packages[task]:
+		print "   %s: Highest version in Debian is %s; Upstream has %s" % ( pkg_v_o )
+# Perhaps we should also send a mail to pts at qa.debian.org
+#     keyword %(pkg) %(list) = bts bts-control upload-source katie-other summary default cvs ddtp derivatives contact
+# to make sure the mailing list gets full information about packages including new upstream etc
+# see http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/resources.html#pkg-tracking-system

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