[Blends-commit] r3438 - in /projects/med/tags: 0.8.9/debian/control 1.6/debian/control

tille at users.alioth.debian.org tille at users.alioth.debian.org
Sat Jun 23 12:59:14 UTC 2012

Author: tille
Date: Sat Jun 23 12:59:14 2012
New Revision: 3438

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/blends/?sc=1&rev=3438
Inject more "real" control files, for older versions we need to fake these because the build process went differently and the control file was not part of the source


Added: projects/med/tags/0.8.9/debian/control
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/blends/projects/med/tags/0.8.9/debian/control?rev=3438&op=file
--- projects/med/tags/0.8.9/debian/control (added)
+++ projects/med/tags/0.8.9/debian/control Sat Jun 23 12:59:14 2012
@@ -1,0 +1,89 @@
+Source: debian-med
+Section: misc
+Priority: extra
+Maintainer: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
+Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>= 4), cdd-dev (>= 0.3.9)
+Standards-Version: 3.6.1
+Package: med-common
+Architecture: all
+Depends: adduser, debconf (>= 1.2), menu (>= 2.1.14), cdd-common (>= 0.3.9)
+Description: Debian-Med Project common package
+ This package builds the basic infra structure of all med-* packages.
+ .
+ This package provides some files which are common to all med-* packages.
+ Moreover it introduces a method to handle system users in a group
+ med (easily adaptable to junior by setting view variables) using
+ debconf.  This could be valuable for other internal projects.
+Package: med-bio
+Architecture: all
+Depends: med-common (= 0.8.9), blast2, boxshade, bugsx, fastdnaml, fastlink, garlic, ghemical, hmmer, loki, ncbi-epcr, ncbi-tools-bin, ncbi-tools-x11, njplot, pymol, r-cran-qtl, rasmol, readseq, tigr-glimmer, tree-puzzle
+Suggests: clustalw, clustalw-mpi, clustalx, molphy, phylip, seaview, treetool
+Description: Debian-Med micro-biology packages
+ This meta package will install micro-biology related Debian packages
+ for use in medical research.
+Package: med-bio-dev
+Architecture: all
+Depends: med-common (= 0.8.9), bioperl, libncbi6-dev, libvibrant6-dev, mcl
+Suggests: biomode, r-base
+Description: Debian-Med packages for development of micro-biology applications
+ This meta package will install Debian packages which might be helpful
+ for development of applications for micro-biological research.
+Package: med-cms
+Architecture: all
+Depends: med-common (= 0.8.9), zope-zms
+Description: Debian-Med content management systems
+ This meta package will install packages which are useful to build a
+ content management system for medical care.
+Package: med-dent
+Architecture: all
+Depends: med-common (= 0.8.9), debconf (>= 1.2), debianutils (>= 2.6.2), mozilla-browser | www-browser
+Description: Debian-Med package for dental practice client
+ This meta package will configure your system to act as client for the
+ OdontoLinux server which provides a system for managing a dental practice.
+Package: med-imaging
+Architecture: all
+Depends: med-common (= 0.8.9), ctn, ctsim, medcon, minc-tools, paul, xmedcon
+Suggests: imagemagick
+Description: Debian-Med imaging packages
+ This meta package will install Debian packages which might be useful in medical
+ image processing.
+Package: med-imaging-dev
+Architecture: all
+Depends: med-common (= 0.8.9), ctn-dev, libgtkimreg-dev, libmdc2-dev, libminc0-dev
+Description: Debian-Med packages for medical image development
+ This meta package will install Debian packages which might be useful 
+ for developing applications for medical image processing.
+Package: med-pharmacy
+Architecture: all
+Depends: med-common (= 0.8.9), chemtool
+Description: Debian-Med packages for pharmaceutical research
+ This meta package contains dependencies for a
+ collection of software and documentation which is useful for
+ pharmaceutical research.
+Package: med-physics
+Architecture: all
+Depends: med-common (= 0.8.9), octave, paw++, r-base
+Suggests: paw-demos
+Recommends: paw
+Description: Debian-Med packages for medical physicists
+ This meta package contains dependencies for a
+ collection of software and documentation which is useful for
+ medical physicists in radiation oncology, diagnostics imaging
+ and related fields.
+Package: med-tools
+Architecture: all
+Depends: med-common (= 0.8.9), mencal
+Description: Debian-Med several tools
+ This meta package will install tools for several purposes in health care.
+ Currently it just depends from mencal.

Added: projects/med/tags/1.6/debian/control
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/blends/projects/med/tags/1.6/debian/control?rev=3438&op=file
--- projects/med/tags/1.6/debian/control (added)
+++ projects/med/tags/1.6/debian/control Sat Jun 23 12:59:14 2012
@@ -1,0 +1,184 @@
+# This file is autogenerated via make -f debian/rules dist.  Do not edit!
+Source: debian-med
+Section: misc
+Priority: extra
+Maintainer: Debian Med Packaging Team <debian-med-packaging at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+DM-Upload-Allowed: yes
+Uploaders: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
+Build-Depends-Indep: blends-dev (>= 0.6.12)
+Standards-Version: 3.8.4
+Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/blends/projects/med/trunk/debian-med/?rev=0&sc=0
+Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/blends/projects/med/trunk/debian-med/
+Package: med-tasks
+Architecture: all
+Depends: tasksel
+Description: Debian Med tasks for tasksel
+ This package provides Debian Med tasks in tasksel.
+ .
+ These tasks are described in detail at
+ http://debian-med.alioth.debian.org/tasks/
+Package: med-config
+Architecture: all
+Depends: adduser, ${misc:Depends}, menu, blends-common (>= 0.6.12)
+Conflicts: med-common
+Replaces: med-common
+Provides: med-common
+Description: Debian Med Project config package
+ This package provides the basic infrastructure of all med-* packages and is
+ needed by them.
+ .
+ This package provides some files which are common to all med-* packages.
+ Moreover it introduces a method to handle system users in a group
+ med using debconf.
+ .
+ Other packages in Debian Med Project are:
+ .
+  * med-bio         for biological research
+  * med-bio-dev     for developing applications in biological research
+  * med-cms         for publicating a medical site on the internet
+  * med-epi         for epidemiology
+  * med-imaging     for image processing
+  * med-imaging-dev for developing applications for image processing
+  * med-pharmacy    for pharmaceutical research
+  * med-physics     for radiation oncology, diagnostic imaging, related fields
+  * med-practice    for general practitioners
+  * med-tools       contains miscellaneous tools
+  * med-typesetting depends from useful tools for typesetting
+ .
+ Note: All these packages are so called metapackages. This means they are not
+ executable programs, but only links to other packages. This way you will
+ conveniently get all the non-commercial medical software which is available
+ for Debian GNU/Linux.
+Package: med-bio
+Architecture: all
+Depends: med-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), med-config (= ${binary:Version})
+Recommends: adun.app, alien-hunter, altree, amap-align, autodock, ballview, blast2, boxshade, bwa, dialign, dialign-tx, embassy-domainatrix, embassy-domalign, embassy-domsearch, emboss, exonerate, fastdnaml, fastlink, gamgi, garlic, gdpc, gff2aplot, gff2ps, ghemical, glam2, gromacs, hmmer, infernal, kalign, last-align, loki, mafft, maq, massxpert, melting, mipe, mummer, muscle, mustang, ncbi-epcr, ncbi-tools-bin, ncbi-tools-x11, njplot, perlprimer, phyml, plasmidomics, plink, poa, primer3, probcons, proda, pymol, r-bioc-hilbertvis, r-cran-qtl, r-other-bio3d, r-other-mott-happy, rasmol, readseq, rnahybrid, samtools, seaview, sibsim4, sigma-align, sim4, ssake, staden-io-lib-utils, t-coffee, theseus, tigr-glimmer, tree-puzzle | tree-ppuzzle, treeviewx, velvet, wise
+Suggests: acedb-other, acedb-other-belvu, acedb-other-dotter, act, agdbnet, amos-assembler, amoscmp, arb, artemis, asap, autodocktools, axparafit, axpcoords, bambus, beast-mcmc, big-blast, bio-mauve, blixem, bowtie, btk-core, cactus, caftools, cap3, cd-hit, cdna-db, clustalw, clustalw-mpi, clustalx, cluster3, coalesce, codonw, compclust, contralign, coot, copycat, crossbow, cytoscape, das-proserver, dazzle, decipher, dotter, dotur, ecell, elph, embassy-phylip, emboss-explorer, emboss-kaptain, est-db, estferret, estscan, exalt, excavator, fasta, fastx-toolkit, figaro, finex, fluctuate, forester, galaxy, gbioseq, gbrowse, genesplicer, genetrack, genezilla, genographer, glimmerhmm, gmv, grogui, haploview, hawkeye, hexamer, jalview, jigsaw, jmol, jstreeview, jtreeview, kempbasu, lagan, lamarc, logomat-m, lucy, mage2tab, martj, mauvealigner, maxd, melting-gui, meme, mesquite, migrate, minimus, mira, mirbase, molekel, molphy, mozilla-biofox, mrbayes, msatfinder, mummergpu, murasaki, mview, ncbi-tools++, ncoils, ngila, obo-edit, oligoarrayaux, omegamap, operondb, paml, partigene, patman, pdb2pqr, pfaat, pftools, phagefinder, phpphylotree, phylip, phylographer, phylowin, populations, prank, proalign, profit, prot4est, pyrophosphate-tools, qtlcart, r-ape, r-other-genabel, raster3d, raxml, rbs-finder, recombine, repeatfinder, reputer, roche454ace2caf, rose, rosetta, seq-gen, seqan-apps, sequenceconverter.app, smile, spice, splitstree, ssaha, tacg, taverna, taxinspector, tetra, tigr-assembler, tm-align, trace2dbest, tracetuner, transtermhp, treebuilder3d, treeplot, treevolve, trnascan-se, twain, uniprime, vienna-rna, wgs-assembler
+Description: Debian Med micro-biology packages
+ This metapackage will install Debian packages related to molecular biology,
+ structural biology and bioinformatics for use in life sciences.
+Package: med-bio-dev
+Architecture: all
+Depends: med-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), med-config (= ${binary:Version})
+Recommends: bioperl, bioperl-run, biosquid, libace-perl, libajax6-dev, libbio-graphics-perl, libbio-mage-perl, libbio-primerdesigner-perl, libbio-ruby, libbiojava-java, libgenome-1.3-0-dev, libgo-perl, libncbi6-dev, libnucleus6-dev, libqsearch-dev, libsrf-dev, libstaden-read-dev, libtfbs-perl, libvibrant6-dev, mcl, octave-bioinfo, python-biopython, r-cran-genetics, r-cran-haplo.stats, seqan-dev
+Suggests: bioclipse, bioconductor, libajax5-dev, libbio-das-perl, libbio-mage-utils-perl, libbiococoa-dev, libgff-perl, libmems-1.5-1, libnucleus5-dev, libsbml1, limma, r-cran-rocr
+Description: Debian Med packages for development of micro-biology applications
+ This metapackage will install Debian packages which might be helpful
+ for development of applications for micro-biological research.
+Package: med-epi
+Architecture: all
+Depends: med-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), med-config (= ${binary:Version})
+Recommends: epigrass, r-cran-diagnosismed, r-cran-epi, r-cran-epibasix, r-cran-epicalc, r-cran-epir, r-cran-epitools
+Suggests: netepi-analysis, netepi-collection, r-cran-msm, r-cran-surveillance
+Description: Debian Med epidemiology related packages
+ This metapackage will install tools that are useful in epidemiological
+ research.  Several packages making use of the GNU R data language for
+ statistical investigation.  It might be a good idea to read the paper
+ "A short introduction to R for Epidemiology" at
+ http://staff.pubhealth.ku.dk/%7Ebxc/Epi/R-intro.pdf
+Package: med-imaging
+Architecture: all
+Depends: med-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), med-config (= ${binary:Version})
+Recommends: aeskulap, amide, ctn, ctsim, dcmtk, dicom3tools, dicomnifti, dicomscope, fslview, gwyddion, imagej, libgdcm-tools, lipsia, medcon, minc-tools, nifti-bin, odin, pixelmed-java, python-mvpa, python-nifti, python-nipy, python-nipype, slicer, sofa-apps, via-bin, xmedcon
+Suggests: afni, bioimagesuite, blox, brainvisa, caret, cdmedicpacs, conquest-dicom-server, dcm4che, devide, dicom4j, drjekyll, ecg2png, fiji, fsl, imagemagick, imview, invesalius, kradview, libvista2, loci-bio-formats, maris, mesa-test-tools, micromanager, mni-autoreg, mni-n3, mrisim, opendicom.net, openelectrophy, opensourcepacs, piano, pixelmed, pngquant, stir, visit
+Description: Debian Med imaging packages
+ This metapackage will install Debian packages which might be useful in
+ medical image processing.
+ .
+ It installs several packages supporting DICOM (Digital Imaging and
+ Communications in Medicine) which is the de-facto standard for medical
+ image management. The standard defines data structures and services for
+ the exchange of medical images and related information. The latest release
+ has been published in 2008 and consists of 18 parts.
+ .
+ For more information, you can visit the NEMA homepage
+ http://medical.nema.org/ .
+ .
+ The status of the official DICOM base standard plus all the
+ supplements and correction items are summarized at David Clunie's webpage:
+ http://www.dclunie.com/dicom-status/status.html
+ where you'll find direct links to the most recent yearly edition
+ ftp://medical.nema.org/medical/dicom/2008/ .
+Package: med-imaging-dev
+Architecture: all
+Depends: med-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), med-config (= ${binary:Version})
+Recommends: cimg-dev, ctn-dev, libcv-dev, libgdcm2-dev, libinsighttoolkit3-dev, libmdc2-dev, libminc-dev, libnifti1-dev, libteem1-dev, libvia-dev, libvolpack1-dev, libvxl1-dev, odin, python-mvpa, python-nipy, python-nipype
+Suggests: gmic, igstk-examples, insighttoolkit3-examples, libigstk3-dev, libmni-perllib-perl, libnifti-doc, libvista2-dev, libvtk5, python-libavg, rumba
+Description: Debian Med packages for medical image development
+ This metapackage will install Debian packages which might be useful
+ for developing applications for medical image processing.
+Package: med-pharmacy
+Architecture: all
+Depends: med-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), med-config (= ${binary:Version})
+Recommends: chemtool
+Description: Debian Med packages for pharmaceutical research
+ This metapackage contains dependencies for a
+ collection of software and documentation which is useful for
+ pharmaceutical research.
+Package: med-physics
+Architecture: all
+Depends: med-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), med-config (= ${binary:Version})
+Recommends: octave3.2, paw, paw++, r-base | r-base-core
+Suggests: biosig, gate, paw-demos
+Description: Debian Med packages for medical physicists
+ This metapackage contains dependencies for a
+ collection of software and documentation which is useful for
+ medical physicists in radiation oncology, diagnostics imaging
+ and related fields.
+Package: med-practice
+Architecture: all
+Depends: med-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), med-config (= ${binary:Version})
+Recommends: aeskulap, edfbrowser, gnumed-client, gnumed-server, libchipcard-tools, r-cran-medadherence
+Suggests: clearhealth, elementalclinic, elexis, freeb, freemed, libctapimkt0, medintux, mirrormed, mirth, openemr, openpms, openrep, proteus, resmedicinae, sqlclinic, tinyheb
+Description: Debian Med packages for practice management
+ This metapackage contains dependencies for a collection of software
+ which might be helpful for practitioners to manage their practice.
+Package: med-psychology
+Architecture: all
+Depends: med-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), med-config (= ${binary:Version})
+Recommends: praat, psignifit, psychopy, python-pyepl, r-cran-foreign, r-cran-psy
+Suggests: miscpsycho, psych, psychometric, psychotree, psyphy, visionegg
+Description: Debian Med packages for psychology
+ This metapackage contains dependencies for a collection of software
+ which might be helpful for psychological research.
+Package: med-statistics
+Architecture: all
+Depends: med-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), med-config (= ${binary:Version})
+Recommends: r-cran-qvalue, r-cran-randomforest
+Suggests: science-statistics
+Description: Debian Med statistics
+ This metapackage will install packages which are helpful to do statistics
+ with a special focus on tasks in medical care.
+Package: med-tools
+Architecture: all
+Depends: med-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), med-config (= ${binary:Version})
+Recommends: cycle, edfbrowser, hunspell-de-med, mencal, pondus, quitcount, wgerman-medical, workrave
+Suggests: cl-pubmed, hunspell-en-med, linuxorg-pcal, mssstest, python-clips
+Description: Debian Med several tools
+ This metapackage will install tools for several purposes in health care.
+ Currently it contains some simple programs for Personal Health.
+Package: med-typesetting
+Architecture: all
+Depends: med-tasks (= ${binary:Version}), med-config (= ${binary:Version})
+Recommends: texlive-latex-extra, texlive-science
+Suggests: bibus, kbibtex
+Description: Debian Med support for typesetting and publishing
+ This metapackage will install Debian packages that might be helpful
+ for typesetting and publishing in medical care and structural
+ biology.

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