[Boxer-devel] Error message: No package avoidance

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Sun Jan 17 05:07:20 UTC 2016

Quoting Stephan Foley (2016-01-17 09:03:47)
> Hello all, I am trying to run boxer on Jessie and get the following
> error message:
>      No package avoidance resolved at
> /usr/share/perl5/Boxer/Task/Serialize.pm line 129.
> Please explain.

That's a harmless warning: Boxer computes packages to include and 
packages to avoid - and warns that the node it was fed produced zero 
packages to avoid.  When I started development of Boxer (the version now 
in stable Debian) I tested with a relatively large blend composition 
(Debian for Parliamentarians) where it was suspicious if that list came 
out empty - but later I put together smaller blends and realized that 
the warning was confusing and instead applied a check in the build rules 
for the debian-parl blend specifically.

...but even though above warning in itself is harmless, it indicates 
other problems: Boxer in stable by default produces a preseed file with 
too many details hardcoded for that initial debian-parl blend - 
including inclusion of the Xfce desktop which you definitely don't want 
here :-)

I have now backported recent Boxer and related packages, and made them 
available at an unofficial package repository you can add to 
/etc/sources.list like this:

  deb http://debian.jones.dk/ jessie devel

I won't promise to keep that backport updated as we move forward: best 
is if you can setup a Debian testing or Debian unstable environment for 
development use.

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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