[Debian-zh-dev] htdocs didn't correspond with CVS ...

Ming Hua minghua@rice.edu
Sat, 15 May 2004 15:16:10 -0500

On Sun, May 16, 2004 at 12:55:37AM +1200, Carlos Liu wrote:
> Ming,

Hi Carlos,

> Please check the setting. I add d-i-manual/manual_translation.html
> into htdocs (CVS repository), but I couldn't read it at
> http://chinese.alioth.debian.org/d-i-manual/manual_translation.html

Sorry I wasn't clear.  The webpages are in CVS control, however it's not
automatic.  After checking in your pages in CVS, you'll need to do
    $ cvs update -d
in /var/lib/gforge/chroot/home/groups/chinese/htdocs (make a symlink to
make life easier) to make the real pages on web server update with the

I know this is a little unnecessarily complicated.  If you know some
cron magic to update them from CVS automatically, please tell me.

> Finally, I created the directory and copied the file to
> /var/lib/gforge/chroot/home/groups/chinese/htdocs, then it worked.

I've made the cvs update, now your old pages are in d-i-manual.carlos.
There seems to be a little difference between the current page and the
one in CVS, I'll leave it to you to sort it out.

I also noticed there was some permission problems in htdocs/.  I've
changed everything I noticed, and you should be able to change any pages
you want now (maybe you want a new link on the home page?).  If you find
new problems, please let me know.  Also, I think we should set umask to
002 when dealing with htdocs/ for now until a better way is found.


We used to think that if we know one, we know two, because one and one are
two.  We are finding that we must learn a great deal more about ``and''.
                                                  --- Sir Arthur Eddington