[Debian-zh-dev] New Mandarin localization contributor

Ke Zhang ke at kezh.org
Sun Apr 14 14:03:59 BST 2024

Hi all,

I'm a Debian user and am interested in helping with translating. My 
partner is a DD and can help me with some basics but I'd like to make 
connections with people who specifically work on translations. I plan to 
start by reviewing and revising Fei Ding's draft translation of Debian 
Policy. Could anyone let me know what the process you use for 
translation is? For instance, will there be someone reviewing the work, 
or do people work independently?

In the past I've translated analytic philosophy into Mandarin. (check it 
out here https://book.douban.com/subject/35709190/  if you are 
interested :))


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