[Debconf-devel] Bug#771847: debconf: [INTL:es] Updated program translation to Spanish

Christian PERRIER bubulle at debian.org
Wed Dec 3 05:52:43 UTC 2014

Quoting Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña (jfs at debian.org):
> Package: debconf
> Version: 1.5.54
> Severity: wishlist
> Tags: l10n patch
> Please find attached an updated translation of this program
> into Spanish.
> Thanks for including it in your next package upload,

Hello Javier,

It seems that a fuzzy marker is left:

> Javier
> #: ../dpkg-reconfigure:99
> #, fuzzy
> msgid ""
> "Usage: dpkg-reconfigure [options] packages\n"
> "  -u,  --unseen-only\t\tShow only not yet seen questions.\n"
> "       --default-priority\tUse default priority instead of low.\n"
> "       --force\t\t\tForce reconfiguration of broken packages.\n"
> "       --no-reload\t\tDo not reload templates. (Use with caution.)"
> msgstr ""
> "Modo de uso: dpkg-reconfigure [opciones] paquetes\n"
> "  -u,  --unseen-only\t\tMostrar sólo las preguntas que no se han mostrado aún.\n"
> "       --default-priority\tUtilizar la prioridad por omisión en lugar de la más baja.\n"
> "       --force\t\t\tFuerza la reconfiguración de los paquetes rotos.\n"
> "       --no-reload\t\tNo recarga las plantillas (utilizar con precaución)."

My poor Spanish skills lead me to think that the translation is indeed
correct, but I prefer asking first. If you confirm, no need to resend
the translation: I'll just remove the fuzzy marker.

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