[Debconfsubs-team] Ping ! Greetings and first questions on project :)

Rui Branco - DebianPT ruipb at debianpt.org
Wed Sep 27 20:49:27 UTC 2017

Ping !!!

Just to say hi, after a very long time away from l10n (pt coordenation 
team) business (due to professional reasons), I manage to arrange time 
to come back and try to help in everyway I can.
Starting on alioth projects, I begin to thank you to have me on your 
team, specially Alberto ;).

As a first question, I realized that my alioth login don't give me 
access to "our" Project Home Page pointing to 
https://debconfsubs.alioth.debian.org/ , is it normal ? It's "dead as 
dead" ? :)

As a personal heading course and since I'm compiling useful information 
to Portuguese translation volunteers newcomers, I stopped at a very nice 
presentation from Francesca and Laura at Mini-debconf-barcelona 2014 
(l10n workshop). Therefore I was willing to work on english subtitles 
and later PT subtitles. Meanwhile I checked out the project git 
(anonymously) , and saw that there is no subtitles for this 
presentation. So its seems peaceful starting from here.

Again thank you from having me here and I promise to do my best to shake 
a little bit :)

Cheers all,

Best regards,
Rui Branco - DebianPT (debianpt.org)
IRC:_ruipb_  at OFTC servers

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