Log da reunião 24/01/2017 - DebConf18

Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana phls at softwarelivre.org
Wed Jan 25 02:44:52 UTC 2017


Ontem (24/01/27) tivemos uma primeira reunião vir IRC com o pessoal do "DebConf Committee" e dos times das cidades candidatas Curitiba e Hsinchu.
Foi uma reunião para o pessoal se conhecer "ao vivo" porque até agora as conversas haviam acontecido basicamente pela lista de discussão e para que o pessoal do comitê pudesse fazer perguntas.

Os logs estão aqui:

Foram feitas várias perguntas (abaixo) que nós respondemos lá na hora mas que agora vamos elaborar melhor e colocar no BID.

A reunião de decisão deverá acontecer no dia 15 de fevereiro às 13:00h pelo horário de Brasília (15:00 UTC).

As perguntas foram as seguintes:

you're mostly living in curibata atm, right?

<DLange_dc> do you have anybody from the Porto Alegre team still?
Essa pergunta foi por causa da DebConf4

<highvoltage_dc> are you close to UTFPR?

<highvoltage_dc> Have any of you participated in organisation of any recent DebConfs?

<h01ger_dc> FISL was never in curitiba?

<DLange_dc> could you tell us what each of you do within the bid team (who's responsible for finance, food, venue relations?)

<cate_dc> Could you tell also about orga not here.  We noticed also for dc16 and dc17, that IRC is not more so used by "new" people

<h01ger_dc> so, you have "experts on the team"? (except valessio for art ;)

<lucas_dc> you mentioned minidebconf: how big/mini was that? can you describe the format (days, rooms, attendees)

<h01ger_dc> btw, did the 2016 minidebconf have videos?

<OdyX_dc> So, both teams; how good do you understand the process, its stakeholders, and its consequences ?

<cate_dc> To the two teams: how well are welcomed foreign in our country?

<OdyX_dc> To the two teams: if the other team wins for DebConf 18, would you run for DebConf 19? If not, what makes winning 2018 so different from winning 2019 ?

<cate_dc> what about crime rate? risk of pickpocket? (I'm thinking also on venue, for our laptops and gadgets)

<cate_dc> hmm.... some difficult question... how stable are your governments/institutions?
<h01ger_dc> cate_dc: right, there was something happening in brazil last year…

<DLange_dc> to Curitiba: how many hotels would we need for 300 people? Are there large ones close by?
<DLange_dc> how far from the venue?
<h01ger_dc> could we fit in one hotel? would we claim one? or would we be disttributed over 2-3
<DLange_dc> so <1 km?

<h01ger_dc> "Network connectivity
<h01ger_dc> UTFPR has a excellent link"
<h01ger_dc> what does that mean? 1mbit?
<h01ger_dc> whats excellent link in brazil? 100mbit? 1gigabit? 10gb?
<h01ger_dc> please amend the wiki with that info. for now i'll assume 5mbit ;-p
* h01ger_dc also wonders about the venues, whether we can put up our own cables

<cate_dc> Is international food available near the venue (some attendees are picky)? 

<cate_dc> How easy it is to travel in your country with family (and children)? (dc16 was difficult)


Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana (phls)
Curitiba - Brasil
Curador de Software Livre da Campus Party Brasil 2017 (CPBR10)
Membro da Comunidade Curitiba Livre
Fone: +55 (41) 99198-1897
Site: http://www.phls.com.br
GNU/Linux user: 228719  GPG ID: 0443C450

MiniDebConf Curitiba 2017 - 17 a 19 de março

Apoie a campanha pela igualdade de gênero #HeForShe (#ElesPorElas)  

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