[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/en/ITIL/Support" by AlexanderAlemayhu

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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/en/ITIL/Support" page has been changed by AlexanderAlemayhu:

  There are many reasons to have an overview of the equipment. One of the main reasons is to keep track of how many machines are in operation, the number of machines that are not in use and the number of machines in repair. Another reason is planning on upgrades It is both the amount of.............?
- === Construction management ===
+ === Build management ===
  A variety of applications in addition to browser and office suite are beeing installed in schools. Educational programs for learning, additional programs in the browser, and programs for multimedia are needed. The systems also have network setup and changed settings in specific programs. If you have many servers and perhaps thousands of clients quickly reveals quickly the need for effective tools for deployment. Such tools are standard in Debian Edu.
- Construction management is about getting installed the required software packages, services and proper settings both of individual programs and data network. Many people have heard about so called "images". One installs operating system and all the programs needed. And adjust the network. Then use a image program to make a copy of the one installed at your hard drive. This is then copied at the other computers.
+ Build management is about getting installed the required software packages, services and proper settings both of individual programs and data network. Many people have heard about so called "images". One installs operating system and all the programs needed. And adjust the network. Then use a image program to make a copy of the one installed at your hard drive. This is then copied at the other computers.
  It is not necessary to build so-called "images" or disk images you can call it in Norwegian. Debian Edu is based on Debian which has an excellent package management system. One does not in any way to compile applications as this is preassembled and can be installed directly from the Internet. one must have in order is wanted changes to the default setup of Debian Edu or the main program archive in use. Then you make one or more scripts running on different machines to get everything installed and set up.
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  ||Prioritization of the release:||Check if necessary decisions are made before a change or upgrade should be unrolled.||
  ||Central program archives (DSL)||Ensure that the appropriate software packages to be installed are in place in the central program archive.||
  ||Configuration database||Be sure to have in place all configuration files. This applies both to those who are in use, and the new ones supplied in systems to be changed or updated.||
- ||Construction management||All scripts and systems used to unroll or create disk images must be in place.||
+ ||Build management||All scripts and systems used to unroll or create disk images must be in place.||
  ||Testing||First, run trials on test equipment. When this works without any problems, it can be tested at a school. The school must be fully informed about, and fully in on trying out new software. When one is sure that everything works, you can upgrade for all.||
  ||Back up solution||Even with extensive testing, new releases may go wrong. Therefore it is essential to have a fallback. The easiest solution is to spare have the old installation with data on a separate server machine. Such a machine can be plugged in if the change or upgrade does not work.||
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   * Debian tools for central program archives (DSL)
   * Database for configurations and hardware (subversion setup files, spreadsheets detailing all hardware with physical location)
-  * System for construction management
+  * Build management (the system which builds Debian packages)
   * Hardware for testing and backup solution
  === Relations to other processes ===
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   * Debian tools for central program archives (DSL)
   * Database for configurations and hardware (subversion setup files, spreadsheets detailing all hardware with physical location)
-  * System for construction management
+  * Build management (the system which builds Debian packages)
   * Hardware for testing and backup solution
   * Request Tracker
   * System for monitoring (Munin)

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