[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/en/ITIL/Support" by AlexanderAlemayhu

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Sat Apr 11 15:31:00 UTC 2015

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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/en/ITIL/Support" page has been changed by AlexanderAlemayhu:

  Previously, enquiries were written in paper logbooks. Today software is used to record the enquiries. In English, this is called "Request Tracker". It is crucial for operations to log enquiries. This is basically for error handling, user requests, and prioritization of the various incidents. Log entries are important to prevent recurring errors. Because operational events are periodically reviewed, an assessment of fixes and priorities can be made. The log also provides a basis for improving the service by debugging problem services and applications based on what users perceive as problematic.
- Thus the log of requests is a basic and necessary tool both for users and the service desk. There are several freely available systems for logging requests with good documentation <ref>RT Essentials: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/rtessentials/chapter/index.html
+ Thus the log of requests is a basic and necessary tool both for users and the service desk. There are several freely available systems for logging requests with good documentation <<FootNote(RT Essentials: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/rtessentials/chapter/index.html
- </ref>. Skolelinux Drift uses RT <ref>RT Essentials: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/rtessentials/chapter/index.html
+ )>>. Skolelinux Drift uses RT <<FootNote(RT Essentials: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/rtessentials/chapter/index.html
- </ref> to handle requests.
+ )>> to handle requests.
  One important thing when starting up support is not to get too tough a start. Do not try to achieve everything at once; bet rather on "quick wins" that keep the user informed, and aim for quick response times. It is also important to clarify who the service desk should forward events to, if they can not solve the issue themselves. The support desk must also check whether there will be disruptions for the user. This makes it quick and easy to give feedback.
@@ -547, +547 @@

  === Feasibility study ===
+ < FIXME>
  === Determine current situation ===
  Health check

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