[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/en/ITIL/Support" by AlexanderAlemayhu

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Tue Apr 21 22:45:40 UTC 2015

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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/en/ITIL/Support" page has been changed by AlexanderAlemayhu:

  First the planning and testing of new releases are carried out. Then it all is rolled out it into production. Deployment is part of the infrastructure management. The procedure is to implement what is planned, tested and is ready within the systems for Configuration Management. Once everything is planned, tested and configurations are stored, then roll out the solution in production.
- Usually, many service providers and suppliers are involved. This applies both to the procurement of machines, the software used, and the recommended configurations. Good resource planning is crucial to package and distribute a new release in a good way for users. Slipshod in this area can end up with equipment that doesn't work, or are left unused because of deficiencies in the installation.
+ Usually, many serviceproviders and suppliers are involved. This applies both to the procurement of machines, the software used, and the recommended configurations. Good resource planning is crucial to package and distribute a new release in a good way for users. Slipshod in this area can end up with equipment that doesn't work, or are left unused because of deficiencies in the installation.
  Release Management takes a comprehensive approach by the change in a service, and ensure that all parts of a publication is seen in context. This applies to both technical and non-technical factors.
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   * When one is sure that everything works on the technical side, try installing the solution to a school. It is very important to agree about the testing with the schools ICT contact. Users must also get full briefing on the changes because of testing is performed. Retain current adjustments in the setup files, which are made along the way from the operating messages that have arrived.
   * When one is sure everything works, you can roll out the solution to all schools. It is easiest to create a script that simplifies upgrading of software packages, services and configurations.
- === Back up solution ===
+ === Backup-solution ===
  Much can go wrong during a new installation or upgrade. Therefore, one must have ready a fallback solution. It means one quickly can use the system as it was before the upgrade. In technical terms, this is called rollback.
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  ||Configuration database||Be sure to have in place all configuration files. This applies both to those who are in use, and the new ones supplied in systems to be changed or updated.||
  ||Build management||All scripts and systems used to unroll or create disk images must be in place.||
  ||Testing||First, run trials on test equipment. When this works without any problems, it can be tested at a school. The school must be fully informed about, and fully in on trying out new software. When one is sure that everything works, you can upgrade for all.||
- ||Back up solution||Even with extensive testing, new releases may go wrong. Therefore it is essential to have a fallback. The easiest solution is to spare have the old installation with data on a separate server machine. Such a machine can be plugged in if the change or upgrade does not work.||
+ ||Backup-solution||Even with extensive testing, new releases may go wrong. Therefore it is essential to have a fallback. The easiest solution is to spare have the old installation with data on a separate server machine. Such a machine can be plugged in if the change or upgrade does not work.||
  === Tools ===
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   * Debian tools for the definitive software library
   * Database for configurations and hardware (subversion setup files, spreadsheets detailing all hardware with physical location)
   * Build management (the system which builds Debian packages)
-  * Hardware for testing and backup solution
+  * Hardware for testing and backup-solution
  === Relations to other processes ===
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   * Debian tools for the definitive software library
   * Database for configurations and hardware (subversion setup files, spreadsheets detailing all hardware with physical location)
   * Build management (the system which builds Debian packages)
-  * Hardware for testing and backup solution
+  * Hardware for testing and backup-solution
   * Request Tracker
   * System for monitoring (Munin)

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